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Five NEINs of Availability Tomer Gabel Cloud Nein, June 2020

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Same Old Song and Dance Image by Sarah Giboni on Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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Who am I?

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MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO BREAK 1. Don’t… Image by Bert Heymans on Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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• Human error is inevitable • More process won’t solve the problem • More process will screw you over • Avoid the process entirely, or provide means of circumventing it

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PUT ARTIFICIAL BARRIERS IN PLACE 2. Don’t… Image by Jessica BKK on Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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• Regulation – Apply only where required, and/or – Allow access with proper logging/auditing. It’ll end up cheaper • Lack of trust – You trust them to build it, but not to operate it? – Won’t help you anyway Barriers

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THINK OF FAILURES AS EXCEPTIONAL 3. Don’t… Image by Piratenmensch on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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Source: AWS case study by Slack

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MAKE PROBLEMS GO AWAY 4. Don’t… Top image by chaouki on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0), bottom image by Caffeinatrix on Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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Source: Imgflip

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Panic Reboot Nasty side effects Obvious: • Data loss • Data corruption • Interrupted users Subtle: • Partial transactions • Data inconsistency • Abnormal load (e.g. cache warmup)

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Panic Reboot Nasty side effects Lost opportunity It’s a unique state • Unexpected • Pathological • Visible Collect data! • Thread dumps • Heap dumps • Metrics, logs Act on it!

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Panic Reboot Nasty side effects Lost opportunity Bryan Cantrill Debugging Microservices in Production, QCon SF 2015

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HARASS YOUR DEBUGGERS 5. Don’t… Image by mariana neri on Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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There’s an issue! Fix it! WHY ISN’T IT FIXED YET? Is it fixed yet? Can you send a status update? Don’t forget to save the screenshots!

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In conclusion Don't… 1. Make it impossible to break 2. Put artificial barriers in place 3. Think of failures as exceptional 4. Make problems go away 5. Harass your debuggers

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In conclusion Don't… 1. Make it impossible to break 2. Put artificial barriers in place 3. Think of failures as exceptional 4. Make problems go away 5. Harass your debuggers Do… • Trust your engineers • Assume and plan for failure • Gather evidence before acting • Invest in incident management

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QUESTIONS? Thank you for listening @tomerg On GitHub: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.