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Cloud Foundry Application Runtime and Kubernetes Matthias Haeussler

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#whoami - Matthias Haeussler Novatec Cloud Consultant Stuttgart Cloud Foundry Meetup Organizer @maeddes

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Cloud Native Abstraction Layers Virtual Machines Container Applications Functions - Size/Footprint - Startup time - Coupling - Abstraction - Flexibility - Distribution

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What this talk will not be about ❏ Infrastructure & Infrastructure Automation ❏ Anything beyond OOTB ❏ Vendor-specific implementations ❏ Extensions & ADD-ONS

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Intention of this talk app app deploy recovery (auto) scaling supported runtimes service bindings (aggregated) logging zero-downtime deployment

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Cloud Foundry Basics app buildpack cf push app Applications Services container route

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Kubernetes Basics - Part I - Container Dockerfile runtime app app runtime base container runtime app

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runtime app Kubernetes Basics - Part II - Kubernetes runtime app kubectl run pod replica set runtime app runtime app pod v2 replica set v2 deployment service/ingress endpoint

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Kubernetes ❏ Live Editing of Configuration ❏ Updating Configuration w/o Downtime ❏ Large Function Scope ❏ Very Granular Configuration Options ❏ Very Granular Configuration Options ❏ High Skill Requirement (Docker & K8s) ❏ Handling of Containers ❏ No OOTB (Tailed) Logs over RS/Deployments

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Cloud Foundry ❏ Simplicity ❏ “Containerless” - power of containers without interacting with them ❏ Fast “App to Platform” Path ❏ Buildpacks ❏ Buildpacks ❏ reduced Configuration Scope ❏ “Manual” Blue/Green Deploy ❏ Stateful workloads

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You can do and configure more, but you have to do and know more

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It is very easy to handle, does it give me all I need?

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My wish: Functional Scope of K8s with the simplicity of Cloud Foundry

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Happy to help @maeddes Stuttgart-Cloud-Foundry-Meetup

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