@biilmann netlify.com
– EnableSecurity
“According to statistics From 40,000+
WordPress Websites in Alexa Top 1 Million,
more than 70% of WordPress installations
are vulnerable to hacker attacks.”
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@biilmann netlify.com
– Drupal Core
“Proceed under the assumption that every
Drupal 7 website was compromised unless
updated or patched before Oct 15th, 11pm
UTC, that is 7 hours after the announcement.”
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@biilmann netlify.com
Building secure sites is hard!
Need deep knowledge of both complex browser issues, and
back-end security patterns
@biilmann netlify.com
Build Tool
Git APIs
When a user requests a page
When you push your code
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@biilmann netlify.com
Build Tool
Git APIs
When a user requests a page
When you push your code
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@biilmann netlify.com
Decouple Front-end and Back-end
Backend limited to APIs. Front-end generated with
modern build tools
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@biilmann netlify.com
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@biilmann netlify.com
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@biilmann netlify.com
– Thomas Reynolds, Technical Director, Instrument
“We are down to two back-end developers out of
thirty-something engineers. Clients are paying for
something they can see and back-end is like the
glue that makes it all work.”
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@biilmann netlify.com
Pre-bake the markup and
enhance with JavaScript
Build out all public facing pages. Performance that no other
approach can beat.
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@biilmann netlify.com
JavaScript, APIs
and Markup
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@biilmann netlify.com
So are we back to
“Static Sites”
Is Static the Answer?
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@biilmann netlify.com
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@biilmann netlify.com
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@biilmann netlify.com
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@biilmann netlify.com
Hyper Dynamic
Much more so than the sites we built with the
LAMP stack years ago
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@biilmann netlify.com
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@biilmann netlify.com
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@biilmann netlify.com
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@biilmann netlify.com
15,000+ HTML pages
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@biilmann netlify.com
Active Content Strategy
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@biilmann netlify.com
4 Regions, 3 Locales
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@biilmann netlify.com
Live Search & Filters
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@biilmann netlify.com
Built on 2 APIs
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@biilmann netlify.com
Thousands of lines of Ruby and JS
@biilmann netlify.com
JAM philosophy
• Decouple Building & Hosting
• Decouple Front-end & Back-end
• API’s rather than Databases
• Pre-baked Markup, enhanced with JS
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@biilmann netlify.com
JAM philosophy
• Decouple Building & Hosting
• Decouple Front-end & Back-end
• API’s rather than Databases
• Pre-baked Markup, enhanced with JS
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@biilmann netlify.com
JAM philosophy
• Decouple Building & Hosting
• Decouple Front-end & Back-end
• API’s rather than Databases
• Pre-baked Markup, enhanced with JS
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@biilmann netlify.com
JAM philosophy
• Decouple Building & Hosting
• Decouple Front-end & Back-end
• API’s rather than Databases
• Pre-baked Markup, enhanced with JS
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@biilmann netlify.com
JAM philosophy
• Decouple Building & Hosting
• Decouple Front-end & Back-end
• API’s rather than Databases
• Pre-baked Markup, enhanced with JS
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@biilmann netlify.com
JAM Stack
Build Tools Frameworks