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 Symfony User Group Berlin

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Rules ▸ 3 Rounds ▸ Qualification Round ▸ Main Round ▸ Final Round ▸ Runtime is PHP 7.0/7.1 ▸ Don’t cheat! (no mobile devices) ▸ Be fair

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Round 1 - Qualification ▸ Take a quiz ▸ Take a pen ▸ Answer the 5 questions (single choice) ▸ Hand the quiz to us ▸ Have a beer & wait for the next round

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QUESTION 1 What is the output of this code snippet? $a = 4; echo $a++ + $a++; 8 A 10 C 11 D 9 B

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QUESTION 1 What is the output of this code snippet? $a = 4; echo $a++ + $a++; 8 A 10 C 11 D 9 B

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QUESTION 2 What is the output of this code snippet? var_dump(true ? 'Foo' : false ? 'Bar' : 'Baz'); string(3) Foo A bool(false) C string(3) Baz D string(3) Bar B

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QUESTION 2 What is the output of this code snippet? var_dump(true ? 'Foo' : false ? 'Bar' : 'Baz'); string(3) Foo A bool(false) C string(3) Baz D string(3) Bar B

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QUESTION 3 What is the output of this code snippet? $x = 0; echo 'Hello ' . $x+42 . ' World'; Fatal Error A Hello 43 C Hello 42 World D 42 World B

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QUESTION 3 What is the output of this code snippet? $x = 0; echo 'Hello ' . $x+42 . ' World'; Fatal Error A Hello 43 C Hello 42 World D 42 World B

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QUESTION 4 What is the output of this code snippet? $versions = ['7.1', '7.2', '7.3']; var_dump(in_array('7.10', $versions)); bool(true) A bool(false) B

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QUESTION 4 What is the output of this code snippet? $versions = ['7.1', '7.2', '7.3']; var_dump(in_array('7.10', $versions)); bool(true) A bool(false) B

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QUESTION 5 Which array key will be overridden? 0234 A '0' B 'test' C 234 D $array = [ 'test' => 'foo', '0' => 'baz', 0234 => 'x', 234 => 'y', '0234' => 'bar', '234' => 'omg', '0.0' => 'yeah' ];

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QUESTION 5 Which array key will be overridden? 0234 A '0' B 'test' C 234 D $array = [ 'test' => 'foo', '0' => 'baz', 0234 => 'x', 234 => 'y', '0234' => 'bar', '234' => 'omg', '0.0' => 'yeah' ];

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QUESTION 6 What is the output of this code snippet? echo(print('hello')); hellohello A hello1 C empty output D hello B

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QUESTION 6 What is the output of this code snippet? echo(print('hello')); hellohello A hello1 C empty output D hello B

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QUESTION 7 What is the output of this code snippet? $max = (int)(float)PHP_INT_MAX; var_dump($max + PHP_INT_MAX); int(-1) A int(-9223372036854775808) C int(0) D double(1.844674407371E+19) B

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QUESTION 7 What is the output of this code snippet? $max = (int)(float)PHP_INT_MAX; var_dump($max + PHP_INT_MAX); int(-1) A int(-9223372036854775808) C int(0) D double(1.844674407371E+19) B

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QUESTION 8 What is the output of this code snippet? list($a, $a) = array(1, 2, 3, 4); var_dump($a); Fatal error A int(1) C int(2) D int(4) B

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QUESTION 8 What is the output of this code snippet? list($a, $a) = array(1, 2, 3, 4); var_dump($a); Fatal error A int(1) C int(2) D int(4) B BTW: BC BREAK OF PHP 7

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QUESTION 9 What is the output of this code snippet? $array = [ 5076964154930102272 => 2, 999999999999999999999999999999 => 4, ]; var_dump(array_sum($array)); int(6) A int(2) C int(-2) D int(4) B

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QUESTION 9 What is the output of this code snippet? $array = [ 5076964154930102272 => 2, 999999999999999999999999999999 => 4, ]; var_dump(array_sum($array)); int(6) A int(2) C int(-2) D int(4) B

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QUESTION 10 What is the output of this code snippet? $array = [1, 2, 3]; foreach ($array as &$v) {} foreach ($array as $v) {} echo implode(',', $array); 1,1,1 A 1,2,2 C 3,3,3 D 1,2,3 B

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QUESTION 10 What is the output of this code snippet? $array = [1, 2, 3]; foreach ($array as &$v) {} foreach ($array as $v) {} echo implode(',', $array); 1,1,1 A 1,2,2 C 3,3,3 D 1,2,3 B

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QUESTION 11 What is the output of this code snippet? function compare($a, $b, $c) { echo (int)($a < $b); echo (int)($b < $c); echo (int)($c < $a); } compare('066', '07x', '28'); 010 A 111 C 001 D 110 B

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QUESTION 11 What is the output of this code snippet? function compare($a, $b, $c) { echo (int)($a < $b); echo (int)($b < $c); echo (int)($c < $a); } compare('066', '07x', '28'); 010 A 111 C 001 D 110 B

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QUESTION 12 What is the output of this code snippet? namespace Foo { class Bar { } } namespace { echo(Bar::class); } Bar A Fatal Error C empty output D Foo\Bar B

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QUESTION 12 What is the output of this code snippet? namespace Foo { class Bar { } } namespace { echo(Bar::class); } Bar A Fatal Error C empty output D Foo\Bar B

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QUESTION 13 What is the output of this code snippet? function foo() { try { return 1337; } finally { return 42; } } var_dump(foo()); int(1337) A string(6) 133742 C int(42) D Fatal Error B

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QUESTION 13 What is the output of this code snippet? function foo() { try { return 1337; } finally { return 42; } } var_dump(foo()); int(1337) A string(6) 133742 C int(42) D Fatal Error B

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QUESTION 14 What is the output of this code snippet? $nan = NAN; var_dump(0 < NAN); var_dump(0 < $nan); bool(true) bool(true) A bool(true) bool(false) C bool(false) bool(false) D bool(false) bool(true) B

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QUESTION 14 What is the output of this code snippet? $nan = NAN; var_dump(0 < NAN); var_dump(0 < $nan); bool(true) bool(true) A bool(true) bool(false) C bool(false) bool(false) D bool(false) bool(true) B IT’S A BUG - FIXED WITH 7.2

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QUESTION 15 What is the output of this code snippet? $objects = [new \stdClass()]; var_dump(in_array((object)[], $objects)); bool(true) A bool(false) B

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QUESTION 15 What is the output of this code snippet? $objects = [new \stdClass()]; var_dump(in_array((object)[], $objects)); bool(true) A bool(false) B

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QUESTION 16 What is the output of this code snippet? echo(printf('hello'));

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QUESTION 16 What is the output of this code snippet? echo(printf('hello')); hello5

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QUESTION 17 What is the output of this code snippet? $date1 = new DateTimeImmutable( '2017-10-29', new DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin') ); $date2 = $date1->modify('+2 hours'); echo $date1->diff($date2)->format('%h');

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QUESTION 17 What is the output of this code snippet? $date1 = new DateTimeImmutable( '2017-10-29', new DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin') ); $date2 = $date1->modify('+2 hours'); echo $date1->diff($date2)->format('%h'); 3

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QUESTION 18 Which number is displayed? use const true as false; if (false) { echo 1; } if (true) { echo 2; } if (true === false) { echo 3; } if (\false) { echo 4; } if (\true) { echo 5; } if (2 > 1) { echo 6; }

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QUESTION 18 Which number is displayed? use const true as false; if (false) { echo 1; } if (true) { echo 2; } if (true === false) { echo 3; } if (\false) { echo 4; } if (\true) { echo 5; } if (2 > 1) { echo 6; } 12356

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QUESTION 19 Which string is displayed? class Foo { public $bar = 'baz'; static function create() { $foo = new self(); $foo->bar .= 'baz'; $foo->foo(); return $foo; } private function foo() { $this->bar .= 'bar'; } } $foo = Foo::create(); echo $foo->bar;

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QUESTION 19 Which string is displayed? bazbarbazbar class Foo { public $bar = 'baz'; static function create() { $foo = new self(); $foo->bar .= 'baz'; $foo->foo(); return $foo; } private function foo() { $this->bar .= 'bar'; } } $foo = Foo::create(); echo $foo->bar;

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QUESTION 20 What is the output of file2.php? // file1.php $a = 1; $b = 1; var_dump($a + $b); // file2.php $b = new class { function __destruct(){ $GLOBALS['b'] = 2; } }; require 'file1.php'; Credits: Nikita Popov - Static Optimization of PHP Bytecode

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QUESTION 20 What is the output of file2.php? // file1.php $a = 1; $b = 1; var_dump($a + $b); // file2.php $b = new class { function __destruct(){ $GLOBALS['b'] = 2; } }; require 'file1.php'; int(3) Credits: Nikita Popov - Static Optimization of PHP Bytecode

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