We are all evangelists of Agile, right?
~ An Agile Journey of LINE Corp. ~
2019-05-16 Agile Summit 2019 - Minoru Yokomichi
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Minoru Yokomichi (@ykmc09)
• An Agile Coach at LINE Corpora4on.
(joined at Feb. 2018)
• Team Manager of Lean & Agile Team
• Career
• Engineer / System Architect
• Engineering Manager / Scrum
Master / Product Owner
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• Cer%fied Scrum Professional SM / PO
• Management 3.0 Licensed Facilitator
Conference/Communi,es Organizer:
• Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyo
• Agile Leadership Summit 2019
• Product Manager Conference
• Scrum Masters Night!
• omoiyari.fm (Japanese)
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Lean & Agile Team at LINE Corpora5on.
• Launched in Jul. 2018
• Has 4 members (May. 2019)
• as Agile Coach, Agile Consultant, Scrum Master, Team Mentor.
• Works under CTO (Target: Whole company)
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Today you are here, which means
you are a kind of evangelist of Agile, right?
Doesn't ma+er official or unofficial in your company
Photo by Tom Roeleveld h/ps:/
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Today's Topic
• Why and how we promote Agile in LINE Crop.
• The things we keep in mind as Agile Leadership team.
• I would be happy if you get any inspira=ons to become more
Agile for your company
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Why does my company have this team?
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Only for implemen-ng Agile methodology
to the company?
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The Job Descrip.on
of our team
• "Support to Promote Collabora,on
among various roles in product
development organiza6on, ..."
• "Not s,cking to a par,cular
methodology, ..."
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Keywords of our team
Collabora'on & Autonomy
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Collabora'on & Autonomy
• Our team is sure that these lead our business and our
employees to success.
• And also the Lean & Agile values and principle is the one of the
most suitable for these.
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We've saw a lot of link
between the standard for the
company values (called LINE
Style 2.01 ) and the Agile
How about your company's values?
1 You can see "LINE Style 2.0" in the LINE Corp's website.
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Why does my company need this team now?
• Our company has originally and already had good culture:
Collabora8on, Autonomy, Failing fast, Quick decision and so on.
• We are now in a rapid scaling up phase. Our team is the one of
team which have a responsibility to keep the good culture.
• (Most of teams are not necessarily using specific Agile process
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Our team's work
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We have 3 types of work.
Team Support
Growing In-house Community
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Meaning of each types of work
1. Training (of Lean & Agile)
2. Team Support (based on Lean & Agile values, principles,
3. Growing In-house Community (of PracHce/
Interest of Lean & Agile)
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• Make a curriculum of Lean & Agile and execute them.
• e.g. Basic knowledge of Lean / Agile / Scrum / Kanban,
Guidance of RetrospecDve, etc.
• Also make & execute Non Lean & Agile themed sessions.
• e.g. MeeDng FacilitaDon Technique, Leadership Technique, etc.
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Training is provided for team including various roles for mutal
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Team Support
• Work together as a Scrum Master, an Agile Coach
• Support managers and leaders as an Agile Consultant. (Team
launch support, Issue resolving support, etc.)
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Growing In-house Community
• Discussion channel in Slack, Lunch Events, Workshops of Agile
Game, Community for reading books, In-house Kanban Tour, etc.
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What is our team's hope through the work?
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We want the people to say
"Lean & Agile is one of my favorites!"
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How about your colleagues, your boss,
execu2ves? Do they think so?
Our team have made our own funnel for
promo/ng Lean & Agile.
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Our team try to shi. people to the stage
"Spreading" to make them to spread Lean
& Agile values, principles, examples by
their own.
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One of the our team's long-term goal is
"Mel%ng into the organiza%onal culture."
photo: Boxun Zhang (h/ps:/
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Metrics of our team
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• The first important point is here (arrow
from "Awareness").
• We should take special care not to
make them feel "I don't like it...!" at
their first touch point (in our team's
case, usually at a first training session)
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When do we feel
"I don't like what you are saying...!" ?
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"You denied our past and current effort...!"
"You forced us how to work...!"
"You decided it behind our back...!"
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Bad behavior when introducing Agile
• Not respect for their past and present
• Say "What you are doing is not Agile."
• Give logical advices without empathy.
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Agile is not a binary thing, right?
Photo by Sam Simpson h/ps:/
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• In our first training session, our team says "Agile is not a binary
thing. I am sure that you are already Agile in some or most part.
But you can become Agile more and more."
Photo by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center h8ps:/
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Bad behavior when introducing Agile
• Talk as if Agile were only the best prac/ce.
• Teach as if Agile were only a methodology. Teach only
methodologies of Agile.
• Aim to do Agile methodologies. Force them to use Agile
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"Don’t just do Agile, Be Agile", right??
Photo by flickker photos h0ps:/
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Get them to sympathize with the values and the principles
• It is important before introducing any methodologies.
• In our first 3-hour training session, we don't teach any specific
prac>ce (e.g. Scrum, Kanban).
• Instead of that, we do below using enough >me.
• Read the Agile Manifesto deeply again
• Do a game for realizing Agile principles
• Introduce real-life examples of Agile-Minded teams in the
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• We never say "You should prac1ce Agile".
• Not even "You'd be
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People don’t want to change??
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”People don’t resist change.
They resist being changed.“
Peter Senge
Photo by kboldi h,ps:/
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• How we measure "Posi/ve Impression"?
• We Take NPS (Net Promoter Score) 2
from a8endees a:er first training
session without too much effort.
• Current Avg. Score: +60 (Detractor
rate: 4%. but score of all detractors
are 6-point.)
2 "How likely is it that you would recommend this training to a
colleague?" (0 - 10)
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• The next important point is here.
• We should take special care not to
make them feel "We regret to
prac+ce..." a9er prac:cing
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(Small) Successful Experience
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But how?
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Don't change things;
run experiments.
Management 3.0
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• We feel "A)er changing, I can't go back...". Everyone afraid of
making decision of "Change"
• We can prompt to Run a small experiment in a certain Ame and
Reflect it.
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Commit to Success
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Commit to Success
• Of course "To Learn from failure" is important thing.
• But at the early stage, one successful experience is more
important (as if it is small one.)
• The first (small) one success encourages people to take a next
posi2ve step.
• Agile leadership role should do everything to help the first
experiment and celebrate it a5er success.
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Commit to Success
• For example, we highly recommend teams to make only one
ac)on item at first retrospec)ves to raise the chance of
success .
• In some case, we even say "It is fine even if you don't made
any ac@on item today. It was great opportunity to dialogue
among us!"
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Dialogue *me
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Dialogue *me
• What can you do next week for making your colleague "A fan of
• Think yourself (2min)
• Share with the person next to you (4min)
• Do not forget to introduce yourselves
• Post it to LINE Timeline or TwiIer or FB or your ToDo list!
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By the way...
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This is one of my bibles.
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A"er finishing to write this slide
and reading this book again...
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I realized almost all I wanted to talk are
wri$en in this book...!
Emo$onal Connect, Trial Run, Step by Step, Small Successes and so on.
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Let's enjoy our endless and fun
Agile journey
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Thank you for listening!
We are hiring! (in both Taiwan & Japan)