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A bit about myself… HOWDY!

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Typographically, at least… MY BACKSTORY

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body{ font-family:serif,"or-whatever"; }

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@font-face{ font-family:"options!"; }

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As web typography improves, web designers want the same level of control print designers have.

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But what does that mean?

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I want to use these…

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not just these.

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And put all this…

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into this.

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THE BASICS .something{ font-size:1em; line-height:1.5px; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; direction:ltr; font-variant:small-caps; text-indent:0.5em; text-transform:none; text-align:left; letter-spacing:0.1em; word-spacing:0.1em; }

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CSS & web safe fonts What can be achieved with the basics The growing prominence of web fonts seems to have boosted web designers’ interest in typography. Visual interest can be achieved with these CSS properties & core typographic principals.

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CSS & web safe fonts What can be achieved with the basics The growing prominence of web fonts seems to have boosted web designers’ interest in typography. Visual interest can be achieved with these CSS properties & core typographic principals. font-family:georgia, serif;

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CSS & web safe fonts What can be achieved with the basics The growing prominence of web fonts seems to have boosted web designers’ interest in typography. Visual interest can be achieved with these CSS properties & core typographic principals. font-size:60px;

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CSS & WEB SAFE FONTS What can be achieved with the basics The growing prominence of web fonts seems to have boosted web designers’ interest in typography. Visual interest can be achieved with these CSS properties & core typographic principals. text-transform:uppercase;

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CSS & WEB SAFE FONTS What can be achieved with the basics The growing prominence of web fonts seems to have boosted web designers’ interest in typography. Visual interest can be achieved with these CSS properties & core typographic principals. letter-spacing:2px;

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CSS & WEB SAFE FONTS What can be achieved with the basics The growing prominence of web fonts seems to have boosted web designers’ interest in typography. Visual interest can be achieved with these CSS properties & core typographic principals. color:#ee4938;

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CSS & WEB SAFE FONTS What can be achieved with the basics The growing prominence of web fonts seems to have boosted web designers’ interest in typography. Visual interest can be achieved with these CSS properties & core typographic principals. font-style:italic;

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CSS & WEB SAFE FONTS What can be achieved with the basics The growing prominence of web fonts seems to have boosted web designers’ interest in typography. Visual interest can be achieved with these CSS properties & core typographic principals. text-align:center;

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CSS & WEB SAFE FONTS What can be achieved with the basics The growing prominence of web fonts seems to have boosted web designers’ interest in typography. Visual interest can be achieved with these CSS properties & core typographic principals. line-height:1.4; /* wraps up */

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CSS & web safe fonts What can be achieved with the basics The growing prominence of web fonts seems to have boosted web designers’ interest in typography. Visual interest can be achieved with these CSS properties & core typographic principals. Before...

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CSS & WEB SAFE FONTS What can be achieved with the basics The growing prominence of web fonts seems to have boosted web designers’ interest in typography. Visual interest can be achieved with these CSS properties & core typographic principals. After.

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NEWER STUFF Text Shadow(s) HSLA / RGBA Color Transforms Pseudo Class Selectors *Text Stroke *Image Mask *Background Clip

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Using these properties is the easy part. BE THOUGHTFUL

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TEXT SHADOW .something{ text-shadow: x,y,blur,color; }

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TEXT SHADOW .something{ text-shadow: 10px 10px 0 #b03136; }

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TEXT SHADOWS .something{ text-shadow: x,y,blur,color, x,y,blur,color, x,y,blur,color, x,y,blur,color; }

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RGBA & HSLA .something{ color: rgba(241,242,233,0.6); }

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TRANSFORM: ROTATE .something{ transform: rotate(-45deg); }

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TRANSFORM: SKEW .something{ transform: skewY(-12deg); }

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TEXT STROKE .something{ -webkit-text-stroke-width: 1px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #f1f2e9; } * -webkit only

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FAKE TEXT STROKE .something{ text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #b03136, -1px -1px 0 #b03136, -1px 1px 0 #b03136, 1px -1px 0 #b03136; }

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BACKGROUND CLIP .something{ background:url(img.png); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; } * partial -webkit only

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BACKGROUND CLIP .something{ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(transparent, transparent),url(img.png); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; } * partial -webkit only

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MASK IMAGE .something{ -webkit-mask-image:url(img.png); } * partial -webkit only

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Controlling Web Typography TARGETING TYPE

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PSEUDO CLASS SELECTORS :hover :link :visited :active :focus :target :enabled :checked :indeterminate

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PSEUDO CLASS SELECTORS :first-letter :first-line :before :after :first-child :last-child :nth-child :nth-of-type :first-of-type :last-of-type

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:FIRST-LETTER h1:first-letter{ something:anything; }

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:FIRST-LINE h1:first-line{ something:anything; }

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:BEFORE h1:before{ content:‘this text is’; something:anything; }

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:AFTER h1:after{ content:‘this text is’; something:anything; }

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.something:after{ content: ‘CSS Three’; }

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I recommend using a data-attribute on the h1 to keep duplicate content out of the way of screen readers and to keep search engines happy. —Brandon Durham

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.h1{ font-family:'Cyclone Background A'…; } .h1:after{ content: attr(data-highlight); font-family:'Cyclone Inline A'…; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; }

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PSEUDO CLASS SELECTORS ✓:first-letter ✓:first-line ✓:before ✓:after :first-child :last-child :nth-child :nth-of-type :first-of-type :last-of-type

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CSS Tricks for everything I DON’T REMEMBER THIS STUFF

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Pseudo class selectors weren’t enough. WE NEEDED MORE CONTROL

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$(“h1”).lettering(); $(“h1”).lettering(‘words’); $(“h1”).lettering(‘lines’);

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h1 span:nth-child(even){ color:#b03136; }

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O n w a r d &

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El Dorado WORDS

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  • Discover & learn new cultures and vistas
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    Atlantis LINES

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    Hello! Gills or Lungs Come as you are!All welcome

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    People kicked ass with this stuff… IN THE WILD

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    Blogs & Side Projects FURTHER EXPLORATION

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    inking along the ‘touch’ theme you brought up, I’d be really interested to see how this design could be enhanced even further still using the responsive web design approach to building. Elliot Jay Stocks June 22, 2010

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    Even More Control OPENTYPE!

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    COMMON LIGATURES .something{ font-feature-settings:"liga" 1; }

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    @trentwalton THANKS!

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