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Slide 1 text The Developer Journey Jorge Castillo Pablo Guardiola

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1 Before the Code

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Efficiency ● Prepare the meeting ● Action points ● Number of people involved

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Product definition

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Feedback ● MVP & Iterations ● Product transparency

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“ Work with a user to think like a user

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PM education ● Estimations will be required ● User Story definition

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Estimation ● Avoid hot estimations ● It’s your responsibility to work on them ● Estimations are not deadlines

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Define contracts ● Discuss with involved people ● Coordination importance

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2 During the Code

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Communication ● Efficient on dailies ● Centralize and persist information ● Be polite

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Don’t fear change ● Boy scouting ● Proactiveness

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Balance ● Perfect software doesn’t exist ● Working software is not enough

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Ownership ● Learn to criticize and to be criticized ● Collective mindset

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Tooling ● Master (IDE, Shell, shortcuts…) ● Create (libraries, scripts…) ● Automatize

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● Be clever ● Design testable code ● Test state instead of behavior

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Feel safe ● Find bugs once ● Test harness for refactoring ● Immediate feedback

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“ Test your software or your users will

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3 After the Code

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● Invest in your knowledge ● Who owns your career? ● Choose who you want to work with

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● Honesty ● Be humble ● Professionalism ● Empathy ● Collective ownership ● Don’t stop learning ● Be an example ● ...

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Bibliography ● Pragmatic programer ● The Software Craftsmanship ● Clean code ● Working Effectively with Unit Tests ● Refactoring: Improving the design of existing code ● Debugging Teams ● Presentation template by SlidesCarnival

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