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Micro A microservice toolkit

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Bio Asim Aslam Mostly build platforms Micro Enjoy all things scale Hailo Write lots of cruft Google @chuhnk

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What is Micro?

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Micro is too many things... Framework… toolkit… library… community… company… It’s a toolkit! It’s an ecosystem! It’s an overloaded term...sorry! Let’s just talk about the toolkit

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A microservice toolkit A set of building blocks {discovery, communication, etc} Simplifying distributed systems Pluggable framework Sane defaults Low barrier to entry Avoids magic

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Microservices “Loosely coupled service oriented architecture with a bounded context” @adrianco

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“Turning a big ball of cruft into smaller balls of cruft which communicate over a network” @chuhnk

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Monolith Microservices

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OK... but why?

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So many reasons 1. The monolith becomes brittle as it grows 2. Most large scale systems are naturally distributed 3. Teams are easier to scale with microservices 4. Faster development cycles 5. Independently managed services 6. More enjoyable to write 7. So many more reasons 8. Do you really like monoliths? 9. Insert more reasons here

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But to be clear There are tradeoffs.

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Why a toolkit?

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Building distributed systems is still hard.

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Distributed Systems Fallacies 1. The network is reliable 2. Latency is zero 3. Bandwidth is infinite 4. The network is secure 5. Topology doesn’t change 6. There is one administrator 7. Transport code is zero 8. The network is homogeneous

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The cloud will not save us...

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Containers will not save us...

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How do I actually write distributed systems?

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The Origin Story

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The Motivation 2014 Nothing really out there Enjoyed the Hailo way of building services We had no plans to open source at the time Everyone was building the same thing over and over Wanted to rally around one OSS effort

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Humble Beginnings Started with go-micro A pluggable RPC framework Service discovery, encoding, synch/asynch communication Leveraged youtube/vitess/rpcplus Open sourced January 2015

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Evolved into a toolkit Lots of plugins for go-micro Multiple companies in production Sponsored by Sixt Working full time on Micro Present Day

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The Go Landscape

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The Past 2014 net/http net/rpc gorilla/rpc kite custom in-house framework ???

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The Present 2016 gizmo net/http go-kit net/rpc gRPC gorilla/rpc micro in-house frameworks Plus many more!

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Beyond Go Netflix OSS Java Seneca Node.JS Nameko Python Finagle JVM Linkerd Agnostic

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The Micro Toolkit

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The Toolkit Fundamental Building blocks Go-micro (RPC Framework) Sidecar (HTTP Proxy) API (HTTP => RPC) Web (UI + Proxy) CLI (Terminal) Bot (Hubot)

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go-micro Pluggable RPC framework Strongly defined interfaces Addresses core requirements for microservices Sane defaults; consul, http, {json, proto}-rpc Extensible via wrappers/middleware

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go-micro features Service discovery Message encoding RPC client/server Request-Response Publish-Subscribe Client side load balancing Service Client Server Transport Selector Registry Codec Broker

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Interfaces A way to specify the behavior of an object If something can do this then it can be used here

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Registry Service Discovery type Registry interface { Register(*Service, ...RegisterOption) error Deregister(*Service) error GetService(string) ([]*Service, error) ListServices() ([]*Service, error) Watch() (Watcher, error) String() string }

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Consul Implement the interface type consulRegistry struct {} func (c *consulRegistry) Register(*Service, ...RegisterOption) error {…} func (c *consulRegistry) Deregister(*Service) error {…} func (c *consulRegistry) GetService(string) ([]*Service, error) {…} func (c *consulRegistry) ListServices() ([]*Service, error) {…} func (c *consulRegistry) Watch() (Watcher, error) {…} func (c *consulRegistry) String() string { return "consul" } func NewRegistry(...Option) Registry { return &consulRegistry{} }

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Transport Request-Response type Transport interface { Dial(addr string, opts ...DialOption) (Client, error) Listen(addr string, opts ...ListenOption) (Listener, error) String() string } type Listener interface { Addr() string Close() error Accept(func(Socket)) error }

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Mock Testing type mockTransport struct {} func (m *mockTransport) Dial(string, ...DialOption) (Client, error) {…} func (m *mockTransport) Listen(string, ...ListenOption) (Listener, error) {…} func (m *mockTransport) String() string { return "mock" } func NewTransport(opts ...Option) Transport { return &mockTransport{} }

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Writing a service

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go-micro define API syntax = "proto3"; service Greeter { rpc Hello(Request) returns (Response) {} } message Request { string name = 1; } message Response { string greeting = 1; }

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go-micro define handler import "" type Greeter struct{} func (g *Greeter) Hello( ctx context.Context, request *proto.Request, response *proto.Response, ) error { response.Greeting = "Hello " + request.Name return nil }

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go-micro create service service := micro.NewService( micro.Name("com.example.srv.greeter"), micro.Version("1.0.0"), ) service.Init() proto.RegisterGreeterHandler(service.Server(), new(Greeter)) if err := service.Run(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }

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go-micro call service greeter := proto.NewGreeterClient("com.example.srv.greeter", service.Client()) response, err := greeter.Hello(context.TODO(), &proto.Request{ Name: "John" }) if err != nil { // Blurgh?!? } fmt.Println(response.Greeting)

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Beneath the covers

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go-micro service.Run Generate service definition Register with service discovery Listen and accept requests Decode and handle requests Optionally heartbeat with discovery

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go-micro client.Call(“service”) Request encoding Service lookup Node selection Connection pooling Retries, timeouts, backoff Oh and making the request

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What about rate limiting, circuit breaking, authentication, etc

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Decorator Pattern A design pattern that allows behavior to be added to an individual object, without affecting the behavior of other objects

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Client or Handler Authentication Circuit breaking Rate limiting Logging Event notifications Instrumentation Context injection

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go-micro wrappers client type Wrapper func(Client) Client server type HandlerWrapper func(HandlerFunc) HandlerFunc … service := micro.NewService( micro.Name("com.example.srv.foobar"), micro.WrapClient(breakerClientWrapper), micro.WrapHandler(rateLimiterHandlerWrapper), )

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How do I access these things externally?

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Entry Points

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Sidecar > micro sidecar Replicates the features of go-micro as a HTTP interface Can be used as a proxy for the CLI with --proxy_address

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API > micro api External gateway API service layer HTTP => RPC or Reverse Proxy Path based resolution /[service]/[method] Zero config

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API > micro api

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Web > micro web Dashboard Proxy Web apps as microservices First class citizens

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CLI > micro get service $ micro get service go.micro.srv.greeter service go.micro.srv.greeter version 1.0.0 Id Address Port Metadata go.micro.srv.greeter-e081eb6a-325f-11e6-8303-68a86d0d36b6 62628 server=rpc,registry=consul,transport=http,broker=http Endpoint: Say.Hello Metadata: stream=false Request: { name string } Response: { msg string }

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Bot > micro bot CLI features via messaging Supports slack and hipchat Pluggable Inputs and Commands Messaging is an entry point like the API, CLI, etc

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What’s next?

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Platform “A microservice platform” Higher level requirements Authentication Dynamic configuration Distributed tracing Metrics Monitoring Structured logging Synchronisation

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Plugins “Implement the interface” Swap out backends broker/kafka registry/etcd transport/nats Plus many more! Contributions welcome!

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Community “Share the journey” All things microservices Discuss micro Discuss microservices Discuss production use Discuss the tradeoffs

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Multi Language {go, js, java, rs}-micro Multi language support Full implementation? Lightweight client? Use the Sidecar? Help wanted!

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Thanks! Questions? @microhq