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1 2 0 1 9 / 0 7 / 1 1 G e e k t a s t i c C o n n e c t D ü s s e l d o r f JavaScript? Gerne, aber bitte in Maßen Architekturoptionen für moderne Web-Frontends

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2 Lucas Dohmen Senior Consultant INNOQ

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3 State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic Look & Presentation Logic Server Client HTML

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4 State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic Look & Presentation Logic Server Client JSON

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Components 5 @Component({ selector: 'my-user‘, template: '
' }) export class MyUserComponent { // View data for data binding type = 'default‘; tags: Array; } Harry Horse

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React 6 Templating & data binding done differently Core concept: "Virtual DOM" Basic Example

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7 State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic Look & Presentation Logic Server Client JSON

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8 State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic Look & Presentation Logic Server Client JSON JSON API JSON Client

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Simple Backend communication 9 fetch('‘) .then(function(response) { return response.json(); })

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Service Definition 10 @Injectable() export class MyCustomerService { constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) {} customers: Array; getCustomers() { httpClient.get('/customers').subscribe(result => this.customers =; } };

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11 State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic Look & Presentation Logic Server Client JSON JSON API JSON Client

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12 State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic Look & Presentation Logic Server Client JSON JSON API JSON Client

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Single Page Apps – Why Routing? 13 Bookmarks? Deep links? Reload? Solution: Store some app state in the URI

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Routing 14 RouterModule.forRoot([ { path: 'customers', component: CustomersComponent }, { path: 'customers/:id', component: CustomerComponent }, { path: '', redirectTo: '/customers' } ])

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Prerendering 15

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16 State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic Look & Presentation Logic Server Client JSON JSON API JSON Client

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17 State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic Look & Presentation Logic Server Client JSON JSON API JSON Client (Pre-)Rendering Logic Routing HTML

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Hydration 18 How to simulate readiness? What about Events (Clicks etc)? How to match server-side HTML to client-side DOM?

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19 State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic Look & Presentation Logic Server Client JSON JSON API JSON Client (Pre-)Rendering Logic Routing HTML Hydration

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Features of an SPA Framework 20 Data binding Templating Components Dependency Injection Routing Talking to backend services Prerendering Hydration

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21 State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic Look & Presentation Logic Server Client JSON JSON API JSON Client Rendering Logic Routing HTML Hydration

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22 State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic Look & Presentation Logic Server Client JSON JSON API JSON Client Rendering Logic Routing HTML Hydration State Business Logic

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Why is more JS a problem? 23 On a server, we can write logs and catch and collect exceptions. This is also possible on the client, but is much more complex and error-prone. JavaScript processing is slow. JavaScript is mostly executed in a single thread. If we execute a lot of business logic, we block the thread. Everyone has JS, right? JS is less resilient than HTML & CSS, while the browser is a pretty hostile environment.

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Resilience of JavaScript 24 Modern API in JavaScript customElements.define( "my-element", MyElement ); Chrome 69 Firefox 63 Microsoft Edge 18 Modern API in CSS .item { display: contents; } Chrome 69 Firefox 63 Microsoft Edge 18

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State Routing Rendering Logic Look & Presentation Logic Server Client JSON JSON Client Rendering Logic Routing HTML Hydration 25 Business Logic JSON API Same functionality, different Languages! Business Logic State

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26 Client Side Logic is generic Presentation logic only. It enhances HTML HTML CSS Content Layout JavaScript Presentation logic

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28 Server-side HTML without JavaScript Self Contained Components Single Page Apps Server Client

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Frameworks 29 Useable to build self-contained components Svelte Stencil Polymer Lit-Element Vue.js React? / Preact? Angular Elements Vanilla JS (no Framework) ... Playground with different Frameworks

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Thanks for listening 30 Lucas Dohmen (@moonbeamlabs)