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⿊黑吃⿊黑的藝術 機器學習惡惡意程式偵測之對抗樣本 報告⼈人:林林殿智 指導老師:Birdman、PK、Benson、⼤大Alan

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Whoami • 林林殿智 / Tien-Chih Lin • 成功⼤大學電通所碩⼆二(已畢業) • Research • Car Security • AI-based Malware Detection

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「⿊黑盒 v.s. ⿊黑盒。」

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Machine Learning in Cyber Security

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Adversarial Example in Image + 0.007 x = “panda” 57.7% confidence “nematode” 8.2% confidence “gibbon” 99.3% confidence Goodfellow, Ian J., Jonathon Shlens, and Christian Szegedy. "Explaining and harnessing adversarial examples." arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.6572 (2014).

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Adversarial Example in Malware Detection + Malicious Benign

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Problem of Perturbation + = Image + = Broken PE Random Modify

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Attack Strategy • Modify feature vector • Modify raw PE • Specially crafted by experts • Gradient-based attack • Reinforcement learning

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Feature Vector Perturbation Hu, Weiwei, and Ying Tan. "Generating adversarial malware examples for black-box attacks based on GAN." arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.05983 (2017).

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Specially Crafted by Experts

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• AnalyzeFile hashed C: \Users\Administrator\Desktop\mimikatz_with_slight_modification.exe 143020851E35E3234DBCC879759322E8AD4D6D3E89EAE1F662BF8EA9B9898 D05 • LocalAnalyzeItem LocalInfinity.ComputeScore begin • LocalAnalyzeItem, C: \Users\Administrator\Desktop\mimikatz_with_slight_modification.exe score -852 detector execution_control • Detected as 'Unsafe'! path:'C: \Users\Administrator\Desktop\mimikatz_with_slight_modification.exe' hash: 143020851E35E3234DBCC879759322E8AD4D6D3E89EAE1F662BF8EA9B9898 D05

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Gradient-based Attack Demetrio, Luca, et al. "Explaining Vulnerabilities of Deep Learning to Adversarial Malware Binaries." arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.03583 (2019).

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Reinforcement Learning

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Reinforcement Learning Agent Environment Action Reward State Rt Rt+1 St+1 At St

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Agent Environment Action At Reward State Rt Rt+1 St+1 St

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Action • adding a function to the import address table that is never used • manipulating existing section names • creating new (unused) sections • appending bytes to extra space at the end of sections • creating a new entry point which immediately jumps to the original entry point • removing signer information • manipulating debug info • packing or unpacking the file • modifying (breaking) header checksum • appending bytes to the overlay(end of PE file)

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LIEF for Modify PE

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State • Static Windows PE file features compressed to 2350 dimensions • General file information (size) • Header info • Section characteristics • Imported/exported functions • Strings • File byte and entropy histograms

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Agent Environment Action At Reward State Rt Rt+1 St+1 St

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Attack Target in Original Work • Static PE malware classifier • gradient boosted decision tree • trained on 100,000 malicious and benign samples • ROC-AUC score is 0.993

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Attack Windows Defender

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Why Attack Win Defender? • Windows’ built-in antivirus • 18% of Windows 7 and Windows 8 are running Windows Defender • more than 50% of Windows 10 are running Windows Defender • Get the full score in AV-Test.

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WannaCry -> upx

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Porting Win Defender to Linux

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Start Training Agent

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Evade Rate • After training 8 hr • < 40 actions • Evade rate : 81.2%

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Before Modification

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After Modification

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Conclusion • There are blind spots / hallucinate in classifier. • Avoid setting detect engine at local. • Restrict the access frequency. • Do not show the full information (score) in the log.

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