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Jake Bennett jacobbennett

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Laravel News Podcast North Meets South

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State Machines

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Story Time

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The Problem

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The Pattern

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The Implementation

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The Problem

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The Problem Invoice System

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The Problem Building Block of our Software System Entity

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The Problem Action Something that triggers a speci fi c response

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The Problem class Invoice extends Model Entity

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The Problem Actions Create - User creates an Invoice Edit - Update our Invoice Details Finalize - User fi nalizes Invoice to make it ready for payment Pay - Customer pays the Invoice

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class InvoiceController extends Controller { public function store(CreateInvoiceRequest $request) { Invoice::create($request->validate()); return redirect()->route('invoice.index'); } public function update(UpdateInvoiceRequest $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->update($request->validate()); return redirect()->route('', $invoice); } }

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class InvoiceController extends Controller { public function store(CreateInvoiceRequest $request) { Invoice::create($request->validate()); return redirect()->route('invoice.index'); } public function update(UpdateInvoiceRequest $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->update($request->validate()); return redirect()->route('', $invoice); } }

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class InvoiceController extends Controller { public function store(CreateInvoiceRequest $request) { Invoice::create($request->validate()); return redirect()->route('invoice.index'); } public function update(UpdateInvoiceRequest $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->update($request->validate()); return redirect()->route('', $invoice); } }

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class FinalizeInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->update(['finalized_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($invoice)); return view('', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class PayInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->update(['paid_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoicePaid($invoice)); return view('invoice.thanks', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class FinalizeInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->update(['finalized_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($invoice)); return view('', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class InvoiceController extends Controller { // ... public function update(UpdateInvoiceRequest $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->update($request->validate()); return redirect()->route('', $invoice); } // ... }

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class InvoiceController extends Controller { // ... public function update(UpdateInvoiceRequest $request, Invoice $invoice) { if (filled($invoice->finalized_at) || filled($invoice->paid_at)) { abort(403, 'Invoice cannot be updated’); } $invoice->update($request->validate()); return redirect()->route('', $invoice); } // ... }

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class InvoiceController extends Controller { // ... public function update(UpdateInvoiceRequest $request, Invoice $invoice) { if (filled($invoice->finalized_at) || filled($invoice->paid_at)) { abort(403, 'Invoice cannot be updated’); } $invoice->update($request->validate()); return redirect()->route('', $invoice); } // ... }

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class FinalizeInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->update(['finalized_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($invoice)); return view('', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class FinalizeInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { if (filled($invoice->finalized_at) || filled($invoice->paid_at)) { abort(403, 'Invoice cannot be finalized'); } $invoice->update(['finalized_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($invoice)); return view('', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class FinalizeInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { if (filled($invoice->finalized_at) || filled($invoice->paid_at)) { abort(403, 'Invoice cannot be finalized'); } $invoice->update(['finalized_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($invoice)); return view('', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class PayInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->update(['paid_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoicePaid($invoice)); return view('invoice.thanks', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class PayInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { if (blank($invoice->finalized_at) || filled($invoice->paid_at)) { abort(403, 'Invoice cannot be paid'); } $invoice->update(['paid_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoicePaid($invoice)); return view('invoice.thanks', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class PayInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { if (blank($invoice->finalized_at) || filled($invoice->paid_at)) { abort(403, 'Invoice cannot be paid'); } $invoice->update(['paid_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoicePaid($invoice)); return view('invoice.thanks', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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The Problem

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The Problem • Di ffi cult to determine what rules apply when • Duplication of logic every place we want to update Invoice • Code only ever grows in complexity… for example

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The Problem New Actions Cancel - Invoices that are Uncollectable Void - Invoices sent accidently

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The Problem What Needs to Change 1. Add new Flags for each Action 2. Add conditionals wherever we update Invoice

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class PayInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { if (blank($invoice->finalized_at) || filled($invoice->paid_at)) { abort(403, 'Invoice cannot be paid'); } $invoice->update(['paid_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoicePaid($invoice)); return view('invoice.thanks', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class PayInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { if ( blank($invoice->finalized_at) || filled($invoice->paid_at) || filled($invoice->uncollectable_at) || filled($invoice->void_at) ) { abort(403, 'Invoice cannot be paid'); } $invoice->update(['paid_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoicePaid($invoice));

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The Problem

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The Pattern

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The Pattern What is a State Machine? a State Machine is a way to help us model how a process goes from one state to another state when an event occurs.

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The Pattern What is a State Machine? A state machine is a way to help us to model our application logic.

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The Pattern State Diagram

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The Pattern State Diagram

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The Pattern State Diagram

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The Pattern State Diagram

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The Pattern State Diagram

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The Pattern State Diagram

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The Pattern State Diagram

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The Pattern State Diagram

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The Pattern State Diagram

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The Pattern State Diagram

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The Pattern State Diagram

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The Pattern State Diagram

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The Pattern What is a State? A State, models how a system responds to events for a particular point in time.

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The Pattern What is a State?

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The Pattern What is a State? A State, models how a system responds to events for a particular point in time.

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The Pattern

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The Pattern Apply to our Invoices

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Diagram Invoice fl ow using a State Diagram The Pattern Apply to our Invoices

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Events States The Pattern Apply to our Invoices

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The Pattern Apply to our Invoices States Events • Finalize • Pay • Cancel • Void • Draft • Open • Paid • Void • Uncollectable

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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State Diagram The Pattern

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The Pattern

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The Implementation

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The Implementation

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Tracking State The Implementation

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The Implementation class Invoice

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The Implementation class Invoice extends Model { protected $attributes = [ 'status' => 'draft', ]; }

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State Diagram The Implementation

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State = Class The Implementation

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State = Class The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation interface InvoiceStateContract { function finalize(); function pay(); function void(); function cancel(); }

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Event = Method The Implementation class DraftInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() {} function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() {} }

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation class DraftInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() {} function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() {} }

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Event = Method The Implementation class DraftInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => ‘open']); } function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() {} }

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Event = Method The Implementation class DraftInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => ‘open']); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($invoice)); } function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() {} }

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation class DraftInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => ‘open']); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($this->invoice)); } function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() {} }

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Event = Method The Implementation class DraftInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => ‘open']); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($this->invoice)); } function pay() { throw new Exception(); } function void() { throw new Exception(); } function cancel() { throw new Exception(); } }

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation class OpenInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() {} function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() {} }

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation class OpenInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() {} function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() {} }

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Event = Method The Implementation class OpenInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { throw new Exception(); } function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() {} }

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation class OpenInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { throw new Exception(); } function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() {} }

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class OpenInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { throw new Exception(); } function pay() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => 'paid']); } function void() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => 'void']); } Event = Method The Implementation

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{ function finalize() { throw new Exception(); } function pay() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => ‘paid']); Mail::send(new InvoicePaid($this->invoice)); } function void() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => 'void']); } function cancel() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => 'uncollectable']); } Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation class UncollectableInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() {} function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() {} }

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Event = Method The Implementation class UncollectableInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { throw new Exception(); } function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() { throw new Exception(); } }

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation class UncollectableInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { throw new Exception(); } function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() { throw new Exception(); } }

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Event = Method The Implementation class UncollectableInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { throw new Exception(); } function pay() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => 'paid']); } function void() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => 'void']); }

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Event = Method The Implementation class UncollectableInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { throw new Exception(); } function pay() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => ‘paid']); Mail::send(new CancelledInvoicePaid($this->invoice)); } function void() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => 'void']); }

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation

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Event = Method The Implementation class PaidInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() {} function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() {} } class VoidInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() {} function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() {} }

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Event = Method The Implementation class PaidInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { throw new Exception(); } function pay() { throw new Exception(); } function void() { throw new Exception(); } function cancel() { throw new Exception(); } } class VoidInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { throw new Exception(); } function pay() { throw new Exception(); } function void() { throw new Exception(); } function cancel() { throw new Exception(); } }

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The Implementation

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The Implementation Cleaning up

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Cleaning Up The Implementation class BaseInvoiceState { }

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Cleaning Up The Implementation class BaseInvoiceState { function __construct(public Invoice $invoice) {} }

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Cleaning Up The Implementation class BaseInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function __construct(public Invoice $invoice) {} }

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Cleaning Up The Implementation class BaseInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function __construct(public Invoice $invoice) {} function finalize() {} function pay() {} function void() {} function cancel() {} }

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Cleaning Up The Implementation class BaseInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function __construct(public Invoice $invoice) {} function finalize() { throw new Exception(); } function pay() { throw new Exception(); } function void() { throw new Exception(); } function cancel() { throw new Exception(); } }

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Cleaning Up The Implementation class DraftInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => 'open']); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($this->invoice)); } function pay() { throw new Exception(); } function void() { throw new Exception(); } function cancel() { throw new Exception(); } }

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Cleaning Up The Implementation class DraftInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function finalize() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => 'open']); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($this->invoice)); } function pay() { throw new Exception(); } function void() { throw new Exception(); } function cancel() { throw new Exception(); } }

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Cleaning Up The Implementation class DraftInvoiceState extends BaseInvoiceState { function finalize() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => 'open']); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($this->invoice)); } function pay() { throw new Exception(); } function void() { throw new Exception(); } function cancel() { throw new Exception(); } }

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Cleaning Up The Implementation class DraftInvoiceState extends BaseInvoiceState { function finalize() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => 'open']); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($this->invoice)); } function pay() { throw new Exception(); } function void() { throw new Exception(); } function cancel() { throw new Exception(); } }

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Cleaning Up The Implementation class DraftInvoiceState extends BaseInvoiceState { function finalize() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => 'open']); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($this->invoice)); } }

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The Implementation Cleaning up

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The Implementation Model State Machine

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class Invoice extends Model The Implementation Model State Machine

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Model State Machine The Implementation class Invoice extends Model { protected $attributes = [ 'status' => 'draft', ]; }

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Model State Machine The Implementation class Invoice extends Model { protected $attributes = [ 'status' => 'draft', ]; public function state(): InvoiceStateContract { } }

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Model State Machine The Implementation public function state(): InvoiceStateContract { }

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Model State Machine The Implementation public function state(): InvoiceStateContract { } return match ($this->status) { 'draft' => new DraftInvoiceState($this), 'open' => new OpenInvoiceState($this), 'paid' => new PaidInvoiceState($this), 'void' => new VoidInvoiceState($this), 'uncollectable' => new UncollectableInvoiceState($this), default => throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid status'), };

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The Implementation Model State Machine $invoice->state()

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The Implementation Model State Machine

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The Implementation Usage

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Usage The Implementation

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class FinalizeInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { if (filled($invoice->finalized_at) || filled($invoice->paid_at) || filled($invoice->void_at) || filled($invoice->cancelled_at) ) { abort(403, 'Invoice cannot be finalized'); } $invoice->update(['finalized_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($invoice)); return view('', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class FinalizeInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { if (filled($invoice->finalized_at) || filled($invoice->paid_at) || filled($invoice->void_at) || filled($invoice->cancelled_at) ) { abort(403, 'Invoice cannot be finalized'); } $invoice->update(['finalized_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($invoice)); return view('', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class FinalizeInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { if (filled($invoice->finalized_at) || filled($invoice->paid_at) || filled($invoice->void_at) || filled($invoice->cancelled_at) ) { abort(403, 'Invoice cannot be finalized'); } $invoice->update(['finalized_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($invoice)); return view('', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class FinalizeInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { if (filled($invoice->finalized_at) || filled($invoice->paid_at) || filled($invoice->void_at) || filled($invoice->cancelled_at) ) { abort(403, 'Invoice cannot be finalized'); } $invoice->update(['finalized_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoiceDue($invoice)); return view('', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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Usage The Implementation class FinalizeInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->state()->finalize(); return view('', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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Usage The Implementation class FinalizeInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->state()->finalize(); return view('', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class PayInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { if ( blank($invoice->finalized_at) || filled($invoice->paid_at) || filled($invoice->uncollectable_at) || filled($invoice->void_at) ) { abort(403, 'Invoice cannot be paid'); } $invoice->update(['paid_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoicePaid($invoice)); return view('invoice.thanks', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class PayInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { if ( blank($invoice->finalized_at) || filled($invoice->paid_at) || filled($invoice->uncollectable_at) || filled($invoice->void_at) ) { abort(403, 'Invoice cannot be paid'); } $invoice->update(['paid_at' => now()]); Mail::send(new InvoicePaid($invoice)); return view('invoice.thanks', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class PayInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->state()->pay(); return view('invoice.thanks', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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Event = Method The Implementation

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class PayInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->state()->pay(); return view('invoice.thanks', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class OpenInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function pay() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => ‘paid']); Mail::send(new InvoicePaid($this->invoice)); } }

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class OpenInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function pay() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => ‘paid']); Mail::send(new InvoicePaid($this->invoice)); } }

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class OpenInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function pay() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => ‘paid']); Mail::send(new InvoicePaid($this->invoice)); } }

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class UncollectableInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function pay() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => ‘paid']); Mail::send(new CancelledInvoicePaid($this->invoice)); } } class OpenInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function pay() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => ‘paid']); Mail::send(new InvoicePaid($this->invoice)); } }

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class UncollectableInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function pay() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => ‘paid']); Mail::send(new CancelledInvoicePaid($this->invoice)); } } class OpenInvoiceState implements InvoiceStateContract { function pay() { $this->invoice->update(['status' => ‘paid']); Mail::send(new InvoicePaid($this->invoice)); } }

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class PayInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->state()->pay(); return view('invoice.thanks', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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class PayInvoiceController extends Controller { public function __invoke(Request $request, Invoice $invoice) { $invoice->state()->pay(); return view('invoice.thanks', ['invoice' => $invoice]); } }

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The Implementation Event-Action

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The Implementation Event-State-Action

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Benefits The Implementation

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• Di ffi cult to determine what rules apply when • Duplication of logic every place we want to update Invoice • Code only ever grows in complexity The Implementation Benefits

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• Di ffi cult to determine what rules apply when • Duplication of logic every place we want to update Invoice • Code only ever grows in complexity The Implementation Benefits

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• Di ffi cult to determine what rules apply when • Duplication of logic every place we want to update Invoice • Code only ever grows in complexity The Implementation Benefits

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• Di ffi cult to determine what rules apply when • Duplication of logic every place we want to update Invoice • Code only ever grows in complexity The Implementation Benefits

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State Machines

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Jake Bennett jacobbennett