Slide 159
Slide 159 text
1. A Design Methodology for Reliable Soeware Systems, Barbara Liskov
2. Composite/Structured Design, Glenford Myers
3. Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Soeware, Eric Evans
4. Emerging Boundaries, Mathias Veraes
5. Implemen/ng Domain-Driven Design, Vaughn Vernon
6. Enterprise Integra/on Paherns, Gregory Hohpe, at al
7. Long Sad Story of Microservices, Greg Young
8. Managing Data in Microservices, Randy Shoup
9. Microservices, At Last Some Boundaries, Eric Evans
10. On the Criteria to be Used in Decomposing Systems Into Modules, David Parnas
11. Paherns of Enterprise Applica/on Architecture, Mar/n Fowler, at al
12. Principles of Design, Tim Berners-Lee
13. Programming WCF Services, Juval Lowy
14. What Every Programmer Should Know About Object Oriented Design, Melir Page-Jones