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Those who care, teach!

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Hello! I am Kenneth Love You can find me on almost any service as @kennethlove

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CAVEAT 100% self-taught at teaching ? ? ?

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Reaching a wide audience Help people listen 1.

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Reassurances ▪ Learning is hard ▪ It’s OK to have to practice ▪ I had to learn this stuff, too

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Encourage breaks ▪ No one works well on an empty stomach ▪ Blood flow helps the brain work ▪ A change of scenery for problem-solving

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Inclusion ▪ Include ambiguous names and non-gendered pronouns ▪ Use names from other cultures and languages ▪ Don’t rely on idioms ▪ Slow down

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No content

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▪ Folks ▪ Everyone ▪ Friends & Enemies ▪ Youse Embrace the y’all

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Moms get things done

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Avoid four letter words !#?

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No techshaming

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Jargon TLA ▪ Computer Science-related terms ▪ Work projects and code names

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Make misteakes ▪ Error handling ▪ Log and stacktrace parsing ▪ Typos ▪ Refactoring

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MISTAKE ? ! ! !

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Reinforcement Help people remember 2.

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Coding challenges ▪ Keep instructions minimal and clear ▪ Approach from different angles ▪ Repeat whole previous challenges as single steps

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Better than before ▪ Percentiles and grades can be depressing ▪ Care more about output than process, especially in the beginning

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Repos and issues ▪ Provide code students can check out ▪ Have issues for them to solve

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Story problems ▪ Provide touch points from industries and hobbies that aren’t programming ▪ Two benefits: representation and better connections between programming and life

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Motion and design ▪ Abstraction ▪ Overcome societal norms/idioms ▪ Representation

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Notes and documentation ▪ Take-home guides ▪ Jupyter Notebooks ▪ Project files

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Bye! I’m friendly and love to chat! You can find me at the conference or online @kennethlove If you’d like to teach: ● Meetups and bootcamps ● Treehouse, Udacity, Codecademy, Code School, Pluralsite, etc ● Django Girls ● Corporate training

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Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: ▪ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival ▪ Photograph by Treehouse