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Néstor Salceda, Integrations Engineer Docker Barcelona Meetup Sept 27th 2018 Implementing Active Security with Sysdig Falco

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@nestorsalceda • I work at Sysdig • Security and Monitoring passionate • Open Source enthusiast • Daddy of twins • Kubernetes member: Maintainer of Sysdig and Falco Helm charts • Judo, Aikido and other Gendai Budo martial arts lover

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Active Security and Response Engine CNCF Flavor: NATS & Kubeless approach AWS Flavor: SNS & Lambda approach Layers of Container Security Agenda What is Sysdig Falco?

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• Layers of Container Security

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Networking Cluster Container Runtime Host Infrastructure

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Vulnerability Management: ● Upstream OS ● Application Vulnerabilities Image / Software Provenance: ● Signed Images / Layers ● Artifact Signing Build

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Secure Secrets Anomaly Detection Forensics Service / Container Admittance Runtime

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What is Sysdig Falco?

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• Detects suspicious activity defined by a set of rules • Uses Sysdig’s flexible and powerful filtering expressions Behavioral Activity Monitor • Uses Sysdig’s container and orchestrator support Full Support of Containers Orchestration Flexible Notification Methods Open Source Software • Files • STDOUT • Syslog • Execute other programs • And more ... • Welcome contributions • Transparency

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Filter expressions A shell is run in a container != host and = bash Overwrite system binaries in (/bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin) and write Container namespace change evt.type = setns and not in (docker, sysdig) Non-device files written in /dev (evt.type = create or evt.arg.flags contains O_CREAT) and != blkid and = /dev and != /dev/null Process tries to access camera evt.type = open and = /dev/video0 and not in (skype, webex)

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falco_probe Kernel Module Kernel User Syscalls Sysdig Libraries Events Alerting Falco Rules Suspicious Events File Syslog Stdout Filter Expression Shell

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More rules implemented in draios/falco-extras repository: ● Traefik ● Redis ● Nginx ● PostgreSQL Falco ships with a nice default ruleset for best practices: ● Writing files in bin or etc ● Reading sensitive files ● Terminal spawning in a container Batteries included

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Rules - macro: bin_dir condition: in (/bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin) - list: shell_binaries items: [bash, csh, ksh, sh, tcsh, zsh, dash] - rule: write_binary_dir desc: an attempt to write to any file below a set of binary directories condition: bin_dir and evt.dir = < and open_write and not package_mgmt_procs output: "File below a known binary directory opened for writing ( command=%proc.cmdline" priority: WARNING

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Try it out! $ helm install --name sysdig-falco-1 --set fakeEventGenerator.enabled=true stable/falco

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Active Security and Response Engine

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Breaches may extend for days or weeks before detected Attacks are changing to abuse activities rather than data exfiltration Ephemeral nature of containers may mean you were breached but may never know Many security paradigms are still reactive Current Security Challenges

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CNCF Flavor

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No content

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Don’t let that Kubeless code spreads in your codebase Command Design Pattern Respect PubSub rules TDD with Playbooks What worked well?

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Talk is cheap, show me the code

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AWS Flavor

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Don’t assume anything from your execution environment If you don’ t test your software, your users will do Welcome changes. Even in late phases. Same old story ...

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See it in action!

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Functions looks like a good fit for react to monitoring events Do not rely on your infrastructure, make it swappable Containers adds more infrastructure, layers and risks. But we have seen them before: DDoS, Injections ... Just a quick summary

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Moltes gràcies Questions? [email protected] @nestorsalceda