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Concepting & Branding an Event Agrita Widiasari, S.Hum (Chairman) Rifat Najmi, S.Sn (Research Manager) Sinergi Muda RM Randi Rahardyan Sandy Asrianto Shena Malsiana Vania Chandra Kirana Indonesian Youth Conference

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Concepting & Branding an Event 1

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executing monitoring and controlling closing initiation Planning and design project management

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... specific rituals, presentations, performances or celebrations that are conciously planned and created to mark special occasions or to achieve particular social, cultural or corporate objectives. Allen et al (2002)

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to plan is to prepare the future

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the future is the objective

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the future is now

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Logical Framework Matrix A table, usually consisting of four rows and four columns, that summarises what the project intends to do and how (necessary inputs, outputs, purpose, objectives), what the key assumptions are, and how outputs and outcomes will be monitored and evaluated. LOGFRAME

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Goal summary MEASURABLE indicators MEANS OF verifications IMPORTANT assumptions results purpose activities

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Responsibility Assignment Matrix A responsibility assignment matrix describes the participation by various roles in completing tasks or deliverables for a project or business process. It is especially useful in clarifying roles and responsibilities in cross-functional/ departmental projects and processes. TRAC

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accountabilty Task accountabilty accountabilty Consulted Responsibility

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Case Studies: Festival IYC 2012

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the plan

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Goal Menjadi wadah bagi anak muda di Indonesia. summary results purpose activities MEASURABLE indicators MEANS OF verifications IMPORTANT assumptions

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Goal Menjadi wadah bagi anak muda di Indonesia. summary results Persiapan (Pembicara, Sponsor, Gedung, Promosi, dll) purpose Menyelenggarakan Festival IYC 2012. activities Pra Persiapan (Konsep, Recruitment, Budgeting, dll.) MEASURABLE indicators MEANS OF verifications IMPORTANT assumptions

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Goal Menjadi wadah bagi anak muda di Indonesia. Adanya harapan agar Festival IYC diadakan kembali. Kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada pengunjung. Festival IYC diadakan di Thamrin Nine pada 7 Juli 2012. Adanya pengunjung, pengisi acara, atribut acara, dsb. Pengunjung mendapatkan maksud penyelenggaraan Festival IYC 2012. Pembuatan strategi promosi yang tepat sasaran. Pemasangan materi promosi yang sesuai dengan media dan kebutuhannya. Target sasaran mengetahui penyelenggaraan IYC. Adanya struktur kepanitiaan dan jobdesc. Terdapat informasi open recruitment di blog IYC. Semua posisi yang dibutuhkan sudah terisi. summary MEASURABLE indicators MEANS OF verifications IMPORTANT assumptions results Persiapan (Pembicara, Sponsor, Gedung, Promosi, dll) purpose Menyelenggarakan Festival IYC 2012. activities Pra Persiapan (Konsep, Recruitment, Budgeting, dll.)

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the process

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Task: Recruitment Responsibility Accountability Consulted Name Deadline Publish info perekrutan di socmed IYC 1 Oktober Kabid. Komunikasi Koor. Publikasi Ketua Seleksi panitia tahap 1 15 Oktober Sekretaris Executive Team Ketua Pengumuman seleksi tahap 1 22 Oktober Kabid. Komunikasi Koor. Publikasi Ketua Seleksi panitia tahap 2 (wawancara) 22-29 Oktober Sekretaris Executive Team Steering Committee Pengumuman seleksi tahap 2 30 Oktober Kabid. Komunikasi Koor. Publikasi Ketua Rapat perdana 7 November Ketua Sekretaris Seluruh Panitia Pelatihan panitia 14 November Ketua Executive Team Bendahara

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Thomas Alva Edison

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do it,

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fix it as you go Arden (2007)

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the end?

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Evaluation offers a way to determine whether an initiative has been worthwhile in terms of delivering what was intended and expected. ICAP

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internal committee pre-event event participant sponsor media external

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open space