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LibreOffice's current status and community in South Korea DaeHyun Sung( 성대현 ) sungdh86+git at gmail dot com 2023-09-23 | Saturday, September 23, 2023 | 2023 년 9 월 23 일 일요일 LibreOffice Conference 2023, Bucharest, Romania

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Who am I?  DaeHyun Sung ( 성대현 , 成大鉉 , ソン・デヒョン )  One of Korean Open Source Contributors  GNOME Foundation Member  Founder member of LibreOffice Korean Team(2017-)  Member of The Document Foundation (2019-)

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Who am I?  Free/Libre Open Source Enthusiast in Korea  Activities: Korean Community management & QA, improve some Korean features on LibreOffice  Father of a child & husband of a family  Now, I joined Korea startup company “Lablup”, DevOps Engineer since 2022

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Where am I from? Korea (UTC+9) Romania (UTC+3)

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Where am I from? Now, Live in 안양 ( 安養 ) Anyang Hometown 경상북도 ( 慶尙北道 ) North Gyeongsang Province Studied and lived 서울 Seoul

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North Korea Seoul Suwon Incheon South Korea Kaesŏng/ Gaeseong Anyang

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LibreOffice Conference 2023  This is my first time visiting Europe  My first offline Conference in Europe  As I knew Romania & Romanian Language  Dracula  Meme song, O-Zone’s “Dragostea Din Tei”

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Ageda ODF & LibreOffice status in Korea

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LibreOffice status in Korea ■ In South Korea, LibreOffice users have few ■ I report almost Korean bugs…(Community has not been activated) ■ In the Office market, MS Office 70% : HWP: 30% ■ Hancom( 한글과 컴퓨터 )'s HWP has an exclusive position in the public sector’s office market. ■ The reason is that under Korea law, Public sectors have to purchase only Korean company's software unless there is anything special

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Document Formats in Korea  HWP – Hangul Word Processor (published by Hancom 한글과컴퓨터 , brand name: ᄒᆞᆫ글 )  In South Korea, Both OWPML and ODF are a Document format standard as a public sector.  The Republic of Korea government adopted OpenDocument as a part of Korean Industrial Standards KS X ISO/IEC 26300 in 2007  KS X 6101(OWPML) – ROK government guided xml based document specification → Hancom made hwpml and HWPX formats, based on government proposals  However, Hancom’s Binary File format(HWP) broadly use in Korea

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Document Formats in Korea  KS X ISO/IEC 26300 – set 2007, Global Standard, ODF Korean translation version  ?menuId=919&topMenuId=502&upperMenuId=503&ksNo=KSXISOIEC26300& tmprKsNo=KSXISOIEC26300&reformNo=03&displayBlock=none&displayBloc k2=block  KS X 6101(OWPML) – set 2011 – only Korean Standard  ?menuId=503&topMenuId=502&ksNo=KSX6101&tmprKsNo=KSX6101&refor mNo=01

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Document Formats in Korea

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HWP Issues  Almost of Many of Korea’s public sector use HWP format + added HWPX format

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HWP vs MS Word vs LibreOffice

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HWP 2014 for Mac Version

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HWP 2018 screenshot

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HWP 2022 screenshot

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HWP 2022  Recommend using HWPX format instead of HWP  Hancom notices for recommending the use of hwpx since 2021.04.15

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HWP Formats  HWP formats  HWPML(.hml) ← Hancom’s 1st xml-based document spec, released in 1997  HWP v3.0(.hwp) ← Supported by LibreOffice (Old binary format)  HWP v5.0(.hwp) ← Currently Popular Use in Korea, released in July 2010  OWPML (.owpml) ← based HWPML, government guided xml based document specification, released in 2010 [registered KS X 6101 in 2011]  HWPX(.hwpx) ← re-generated xml-based document spec by Hancom Recommend to use HWP program since 2021.04.15 

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HWP Formats  ClamAV 0.99.1: Hangul Word Processor (HWP) Document Support  cessor-hwp.html

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HWP vs MS Word vs LibreOffice  HWP – Binary contents, Not easy read file format, non- interoperatability, proprietary format  MS Word(docx), LibreOffice(odt), hwpx – text format, Easily Readable format (XML-based)  docx  odt  hwpx

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HWP Issues for Expat in Korea  KDE aKademy 2018 Keynote: Mapping Crimes Against Humanity in North Korea with FOSS  Youtube:  He describes his North Korea human rights NGO( 전환기 정의 워킹 그룹 /Transitional Justice Working Group) working and using free and open source software and data(FOSSD)  He added that using FOSS in Korea in a challenge for foreigners  Korean Input, fonts, banking & online transactions  In addition, Hangul Word processor / .HWP files

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HWP Issues for Expat in Korea  Search HWP on Google & MS Bing

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South Korea Gov’s OS Adoption  Gooroom OS:  Debian based Linux distribution, led by 국가보안연구소 (NSR, National Security Research Institute) and 한글과컴퓨터 (Hancom)  Gooroom( 구름 ) literally means ‘Cloud’ in Korean  공공기관 60 만대 노트북 전면 교체 ... 구름 OS 탑재 ‘온북’으로  Translation: South Korea government replace 600,000 laptops, named ‘On Book( 온북 )’, with pre-loaded with Gooroom OS

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South Korea Gov’s OS Adoption ● Gooroom Linux screenshot

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South Korea Gov’s OS Adoption  Gooroom OS-based Linux distributions release from various vendors  Hancom: Hancom Gooroom OS   Tmax: TmaxGooroom OS 

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South Korea Gov’s OS Adoption  Hancom’s Gooroom Linux screenshot

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South Korea Gov’s OS Adoption  Critical issue of Hancom’s Gooroom Linux  Only support HWP Office Viewer  It’s not FLOSS software  Typical Proprietary software

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Barriers to ODF Use in Korea Law  Use hwp, gul, doc, xls, etc  However, There is no indication to use ODT file format EA%B7%9C%EC%B9%99/%EC%A0%84%EC%9E %90%EB%AC%B8%EC%84%9C%EC%A0%9C%E C%B6%9C%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC%EC%9D %98%ED%98%95%EC%8B%9D%EB%B0%8F%E C%9E%AC%EC%A0%84%EC%9E%90%ED%99% 94%EC%97%90%EA%B4%80%ED%95%9C%EA% B3%A0%EC%8B%9C/(2022-20,20220901)

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Barriers to ODF Use in Korea Law  South Korea Intellectual Property Office’s notice  However, There is no indication to use ODT file format행정규칙/전자문서 제출파일의형식및재전자화에관한고시/(2020- 7,20200330)/제6조

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Try to adapt ODF formats on Some South Korea public sectors

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Example of MSIT (2021)  과학기술정보통신부 ( 科學技術情報通信部 ,Ministry of Science and ICT in Korea) adopted ODF format(Since 2020)  Media news] ZDNet Korea - 어떤 워드프로세서로든 열리는 'ODT'…" 국민 문서 활용도↑ " (‘ODT’ opened with any word processor, “Document Utilization↑”) 

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Example of MSIT (2021)  과학기술정보통신부 ( 科學技術情報通信部 ,Ministry of Science and ICT in Korea) adopted ODF format(Since 2020) – Press Releases( 보도자료 )

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Example of MSIT (2023)  과학기술정보통신부 ( 科學技術情報 通信部 ,Ministry of Science and ICT in Korea) – Press Releases( 보도자료 ) in 2023  Added hwp, hwpx viewer & viewer link button (made by Synapsoft)

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Example of MSIT (2023)  However, Only can download ODT on “Press Releases” link  If you want to edit and submit documents, you must use a proprietary software “HWP” that allows to open hwp, hwpx formats

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Migration failed history  Gyeonggi-do Province( 경기도 , 京畿道 ) in Korea  Tried to Migration HWP to ODF → failed  2020: 경기도 , 공문서 'HWP' 로 안 쓴다 ..." 웹 표준화 추진 " (official document don’t use hwp, use odt,pdf instead hwp)  2021: 경기도 , 탈 HWP 선언하고 한컴 'HWPX' 쓰기로… " 방역 DB 관리 " (don’t use hwp, use HWPX)

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Hancom’s changed policy  Last year(2022) Hancom site don’t sell “downloaded HWP software”  Need to registraion, forced payments, vendor lock-in  Link: 한컴닷컴 구매 서비스 종료 안내 (2022.09.27) Hancom software purchase service termination 98

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Hancom’s EULA  Hancom release Office program & hwp viewer  Hancom Office: proprietary license, buy it  Hancom hwp viewer: proprietary license  Personal use is free, corporate use is violated  If enterprise want to use viewer, it must be contracted  Not released Linux viewer version

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Hancom’s iOS viewer  Hancom’s Hancom Office iOS viewer app includes advertisements

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Hancom’s Android viewer  Hancom’s Hancom Office Android viewer app includes advertisements

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South Korea’s HWP alternative  South Korea government knows the problem of monopolizing hwp proprietary software for public sectors  Alternative to people who don’t buy or use hwp software  Hancom released “ 공공한글”  Site:  It can view and edit hwp file  However, as the software EULA, it can only personal purposed  It’s only working windows OS (only runs x86_64, not working arm64)

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South Korea’s HWP alternative  Example of Hancom’s public hwp( 공공한글 ) screenshot

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South Korea’s HWP alternative  South Korea government knows the problem of monopolizing hwp proprietary software for public sectors  Alternative to people who don’t buy or use hwp software  Synapsoft’s office viewer   Public sector adopted office viewer solution for web service  It is only viewer, don’t edit document files  Also, It is not FLOSS software

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South Korea’s HWP alternative  HWP alternative office software  Synapsoft’s Synap Office  Web-based office(for enterprise), proprietary software  Polaris Office  Web-based office(subscription or for enterprise), Windows, Mac, iOS app  Many South Korea companies can read & write hwp file format  However, These only release it as proprietary software  In my opinion, open source ecosystem has not activated yet in Korea

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PyCon KR 2023  Day2 Sponsor program  Subject: Taming Llama  Main panel: Lablup’s CEO Jeongkyu Shin( 신정규 ) and staff, Upstage CEO & HKUST Prof. Sung Hun Kim( 김성훈 )  LLM(Large Language Model) and collecting Korean data  One person said to “How to analysis hwp format file data? In Korea, Many C-level use and write hwp format”  Checked the dement for hwp, hwpx file format analysis

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PyCon KR 2023  Day 2 Session: make hwp pypi package  To generate HWP documents for office automation, you need to use the win32com API  It requires proprietary software both Windows and Hancom’s HWP  However, Hancom plans to discontinue OCX control maintanence after December 31, 2023  OCX 컨트롤 지원 종료 고지 (23/12/31~) | OCX Control Support End Notice

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More Interoperability in Korea  Need to generate more Interoperable documents for Mac, Linux users & foreigners in Korea  Reference: Italo vignoli

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Section Conclusion  South Korea public sectors need to use ODF as a document standard, they want to replace the HWP format to ODF format (maybe cost-efficient and interoperability)  Some local companies can make views and editors that support doc, docx, hwp, hwpx, ODF formats, they only sell software as proprietary software and don’t contribute to open source project  Because, open-source ecosystem is rarely activated in Korea

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Section Conclusion  Also, public sectors oppose migrating hwp to other software & formats  As a result, Korea government requested a machine-readable file format instead of hwp format(binary based format), Hancom adapted hwpx file fomat(xml+zip based format) to current hwp software (Since 2021)

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My goal on LibreOffice  Make FLOSS ecosystem & culture in Korea  More Korean document translations, bug fixes needed  Need to work on increasing open source developers who can handle ODF  My life goal is Implement hwp viewing & editing and task automation function in LibreOffice

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Community working

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Workings  Attended Conference  Ubucon Asia 2022 – promote LibreOffice  LibreOffice Kaigi 2023 Keynote speaker  UbuCon Korea 2023 – promote LibreOffice  Long Term Plan  Meetups  Fix bugs and Improve Korean features on LibreOffice

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Ubucon Asia 2022  Site:  Date: November 26th ~ 27th, 2022  The first offline conference for LibreOffice Korean Team since the COVID-19 pandemic  I joined with Ubucon 2022 support   Participates as a session speaker

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Ubucon Asia 2022 

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LibreOffice Kaigi 2023  LibreOffice Japanese Team’s annual meetup  I became a Keynote speaker  Link:  Japanese link:  Title: My FLOSS contribution activities in Korean and CJK areas 韓国語とCJK分野での私のFLOSS貢献活動 한국어와 CJK 분야에서 저의 FLOSS 기여활동

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LibreOffice Kaigi 2023

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UbuCon Korea 2023  Promote LibreOffice on Ubucon Korea 2023 at Microsoft Korea head office in Seoul, Korea  Photo link: 1

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Try to contribute Korean and CJK Issues on LibreOffice

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Fix default Korean font size  Change default Korean font size: 10.5pt to 10pt   9cfc1e37%5E%21  In Korean law, It shows “The font size is 10pt, with the exception “( )” should be 9pt, with the following exception”

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Fix default Korean font size  Example of Korean law, the enforcement rules of "Regulations on Administrative Efficiency and Collaboration Promotion" [Korean name: " 행정 효율과 협업 촉진에 관한 규정 시행규칙 ") since 2011  %84%9C%EC%8B%9D/(%ED%96%89%EC%A0%95%20%ED%9A%A8%EC% 9C%A8%EA%B3%BC%20%ED%98%91%EC%97%85%20%EC%B4%89%EC %A7%84%EC%97%90%20%EA%B4%80%ED%95%9C%20%EA%B7%9C%EC %A0%95%20%EC%8B%9C%ED%96%89%EA%B7%9C%EC%B9%99,202109 07,%EB%B3%84%ED%91%9C4)

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Fix default Korean font size

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Fix default Korean font size  Why does Japan use default font size as 10.5pt?  pTEX and Japanese Typesetting - Haruhiko Okumura 奥村 晴彦  For Japanese and Latin characters to mingle coordinately, the height plus depth of the Latin font (i.e., 1 em) should be somewhat larger than that of the Japanese font (1 zw). The 10-point js document classes use 10 pt (about 3.5146 mm; 1 pt = 1/72.27 in for TEX and pTEX) Latin font with 13 Q (13 quarter-millimeter = 3.25 mm) Japanese font. The choice is partly derived from the fact that many Japanese books are typeset with 13 Q fonts. The original choice by the pTEX developers was 9.62216 pt (about 3.3818 mm) Japanese for 10 pt Latin. As a comparison, the default font size of Microsoft Word in the Japanese environment is 10.5 pt (1 pt = 1/72 in) for both Japanese and Latin characters.

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Improve Unicode IVS code  I found that Unicode IVS code block only use CJK Unified Ideographs and its Extension Block A, B.  Submit bug and source code  Bugzilla: isCJKIVSCharacter needs to support CJK Unified Ideographs Extension Block C to H for Unicode15  Code:  Reviewer found that the code block is redundancy code and refectored it  Code:

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CJK Issues  Characters in CJK Chinese Japanese Korean phonetic characters hiragana ひらがな katakana カタカナ Hangul jamo(consonants & vowels) 한글자모 Hangul syllable 한글음절 ideogram characters hànzì 漢字 (Traditional) 字 汉 (Simplified) kanji 漢字 かんじ Hanja 한자 漢字

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CJK Issues  Korean & Japanese adapted, use Chinese characters[Ideographs]  However, Both Korean & Japanese grammar structures are different from Chinese that  Chinese : S + V + O (subject-verb-object word order)  Korean & Japanese: S + O + V (subject-object-verb word order)  Korean & Japanese use postposition particle(a word that is attached to the back of another word to indicate the word’s grammatical role or to add special meaning)  Korean: josa 조사 ( 助詞 ), Japanese: joshi 助詞

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CJK Issues  English: I ate a meal – I (Subject) ate(Verb) a meal(Object)  Chinese: 我吃了飯/ 我吃了饭 wǒ chīle fàn  我 (I – Subject ) 吃了 (ate – Verb ) 飯/ 饭 (meal - Object)  Korean: 나는 밥을 먹었어 na-neun bab-eul meog-eoss-eo  나 (I) 는 (postposition particle) 밥 (meal - Object) 을 (postposition particle) 먹었어 (ate - Verb)  Japanese: 私はご飯を食べた watashiwa gohan o tabeta  私(I)は(postposition particle)ご飯(meal - Object)を(postposition particle)食べた(ate - Verb)

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CJK Issues  Subject, Verb, Object, Postposition particle  English: I love you.  German: Ich liebe dich.  Chinese: 我愛你.(traditional) 我爱你 .(simplified)  Korean: 나는 너를 사랑한다 .  Japanese: 私はあなたを愛してる。  Mongolian: Би чамд хайртай | bi chamd khairtai S + O + V S + V + O

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CJK Issues  京 (meaning: Capital) Chinese Korean Japanese Sound 音 Meaning 뜻 / 훈 ( 訓 ) Sound 소리 / 음 ( 音 ) Meaning 訓 み 読 Sound 音 み 読 jīng 서울 Seoul 경 gyeong みやこ miyako 音 呉 : キョウ (kyou) 漢音 : ケイ (kei) 唐音 : キン (kin) Ref. South Korea Ref. North Korea chinese_ideograph.pdf

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CJK Issues  京 (meaning: Capital)  Korean: Almost use reading “sound part”  Except. Korean-made Hanja 乭 돌 (meaning: stone), number 五 (meaing 5, 다섯 ‘ da-seot’, sound: 오 ‘ o’ )  Alphago against go-player name Lee se-dol 이세돌 ( 李世乭 )  Japanese: sometimes reading “meaning parts” or “Sound parts”

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Korean Numbering Texts Number Korean Counting Korean Legal Korean Digital Korea Digital2 1 일 하나 일 一 2 이 둘 이 二 3 삼 셋 삼 三 4 사 넷 사 四 5 오 다섯 오 五 6 육 여섯 육 六 7 칠 일곱 칠 七 8 팔 여덟 팔 八 9 구 아홉 구 九 10 십 열 일영 一零 11 십일 열하나 일일 一一 20 이십 스물 이영 二零 30 삼십 서른 삼영 三零 99 구십구 아흔아홉 구구 九九

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Google IO Keynote 2023  Why Google’s Bard choose both Korean and Japanese as it Priority Service Language?  Both languages have similar grammatical structures: S + O + V  Complexed & Unique character systems  Korean: Hangul syllable 한글 음절 , Hangul jamo 한글 자모 , Hanja 漢字  Japanese: Hiragana ひらがな , Katakana カタカナ , Kanji 漢字  Google is not exclusive to both countries in the search engine market  Korea: Naver, Japan: Yahoo Japan

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Google IO Keynote ● n0f&t=1658

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Long term Plans – Meetups  Plan to make LibreOffice Korean Team Meetups

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Long term Plans – etc  Fix LibreOffice Korean bugs  Vertical writing  Make some features  Korean Hanja dictionary, Korean Hanja dictionary for Buddhism, etc  Document Templates for Korean  ‘hwpx’ file format support

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Vertical Writing  In East Asian regions(CJK), Many East Asian(CJK) scripts can be written in the horizontal or vertical manner  Example of CJK Vertical Writing 1. From top to bottom 2. Ordered from right to left ① ②

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Vertical Writing  Example of Vertical Writing in Korean

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Vertical Writing  Example of HWP’s Vertical Writing template

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Vertical Writing  국립국어원 ( 國立國語院 National Institute of the Korean Language)’s Korean vertical writing manual _no=6&ntfc_hist_no=1001  W3C Requirements for Hangul Text Layout and Typography : 한국어 텍스트 레이아웃 및 타이포그래피를 위한 요구사항  W3C Styling vertical Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Mongolian text  Unicode - Vertical Text Layout

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Vertical Writing  Bug 132926 - Change Punctuations(comma & period) for Korean vertical writting text layout 

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Korean Dictionaries  HWP 2022’s dictionaries  Korean Hanja Dictionary  Korean-English, English-Korean Dictionary, etc

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Korean Dictionaries  Korean Hanja dictionary for Buddhism  Example1) 金剛般若波羅蜜經  Korean Hanja Sound: 금강반약파라밀경 (geum gang ban yak pa ra mil gyeong)  Korean Buddhism Sound: 금강반야바라밀경 (geum gang ban ya ba ra mil gyoeng)  Example2) 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提  Korean Hanja Sound: 아누다라삼막삼보제 (a nu da ra sam mak sam bo je)  Korean Buddhism Sound: 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리 (a nyok da ra sam myak sam bo ri)

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Korean Dictionaries  Currently Korean Hanja dictionary

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Document Templates in Korea  Example of Document Templates for Korea

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Long term Plans  HWP’s Document Templates List  Plan: Add Korean Document Templates as LibreOffice Extension or …

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