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Plattformen als Verheißung der Digitalen Revolution!? Orientierung im Plattform-Dschungel als Erfolgsgrundlage für die Öffentliche Verwaltung — Dr. Matthias Naab Public Strategy Lab | Berlin 19.05.2022

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© Matti Blume | CC BY-SA 4.0 |

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Der Begriff Plattform ist hoffnungslos überstrapaziert “ ” -

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Slide 8 text Apple Plattform

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Slide 9 text Java Plattform

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Slide 10 text CRM-Plattform Salesforce Customer 360 Platform

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Plattform Industrie 4.0

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Slide 12 text Google Flutter Plattform Facebook React Plattform

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Slide 13 text AWS Plattform

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Slide 14 text Azure Plattform

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Slide 15 text Google Cloud Plattform

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Plattform Lernende Systeme

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Slide 17 text Android Plattform iOS Plattform

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Slide 18 text IoT Plattform

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Slide 19 text Linux Foundation Plattform

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Slide 20 text SAP Business Technology Plattform Cloud Plattform SAP Cloud Plattform Platform as a Service

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Slide 21 text Facebook Plattform

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Slide 22 text Ethereum Plattform

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Metaverse Plattform

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Der Begriff Plattform ist wirklich überstrapaziert “ - ”

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Warum sollte uns das überhaupt interessieren?

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© Fraunhofer IESE 29

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© Fraunhofer IESE 30

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Jeder hat die Chance auf disruptive Neuausrichtung

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Slide 29 text Nicht jedes Unternehmen, das eine Plattform betreibt, bezieht seinen Wert hauptsächlich daraus!

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Dabei sein ist alles reicht nicht! “ ” Zumindest aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht

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Landkarte durch den Plattform-Dschungel

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Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform “Use the platform to build and run software on top” “Use the platform to consume its service and participate in the ecosystem” Windows AWS PaaS, Azure PaaS Salesforce PaaS AirBnB, Ebay Uber Wikipedia AdSense Waze Facebook, WhatsApp Open Source ERP Systems AWS IaaS, Azure IaaS Intel x64 Java, .NET, Cloud Foundry YouTube Examples

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1 Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform “Use the platform to build and run software on top” “Use the platform to consume its service and participate in the ecosystem” Software Ecosystem Platform Technology Platform AWS IaaS, Azure IaaS Intel x64 Windows Java, .NET, Cloud Foundry AWS PaaS, Azure PaaS Salesforce PaaS Open Source ERP Systems Eclipse, Firefox, iOS, Android AirBnB, Ebay Uber YouTube Wikipedia AdSense Waze Facebook, WhatsApp Examples

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“SaaS Software Platform” Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform ~ Innovation Platform ~ Transaction Platform Salesforce Slack Examples

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“SaaS Software Platform” Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform ~ Innovation Platform ~ Transaction Platform Cloud Platform Salesforce Slack AWS Azure GCP Examples

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“SaaS Software Platform” Vendor Platform Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform ~ Innovation Platform ~ Transaction Platform Cloud Platform AWS Azure GCP Apple Platform Examples Salesforce Slack

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“SaaS Software Platform” Vendor Platform Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform ~ Innovation Platform ~ Transaction Platform Domain Platform Cloud Platform AWS Azure GCP Apple Platform Philips HealthSuite Examples Salesforce Slack

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“SaaS Software Platform” Vendor Platform Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform ~ Innovation Platform ~ Transaction Platform Domain Platform Data Platform Cloud Platform AWS Azure GCP Apple Platform Philips HealthSuite Cloudera Examples Salesforce Slack

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“SaaS Software Platform” Vendor Platform Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform ~ Innovation Platform ~ Transaction Platform Domain Platform Data Platform IoT Platform Cloud Platform AWS Azure GCP Apple Platform Philips HealthSuite Cloudera Siemens Mindsphere Examples Salesforce Slack

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“SaaS Software Platform” Vendor Platform Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform ~ Innovation Platform ~ Transaction Platform Domain Platform Data Platform IoT Platform Cloud Platform AWS Azure GCP Metaverse Platform Apple Platform Philips HealthSuite Cloudera Siemens Mindsphere Decentraland Examples Salesforce Slack

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“SaaS Software Platform” Vendor Platform Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform ~ Innovation Platform ~ Transaction Platform Domain Platform Data Platform IoT Platform Cloud Platform “Alliance Platform” Salesforce Slack AWS Azure GCP Plattform Industrie 4.0 Metaverse Platform Plattf. Lernende Systeme Apple Platform Philips HealthSuite Cloudera Siemens Mindsphere Decentraland Examples

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“SaaS Software Platform” Vendor Platform Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform ~ Innovation Platform ~ Transaction Platform Domain Platform Data Platform IoT Platform Cloud Platform “Alliance Platform” Salesforce Slack AWS Azure GCP Plattform Industrie 4.0 Metaverse Platform Plattf. Lernende Systeme Apple Platform Philips HealthSuite Cloudera Siemens Mindsphere Decentraland Examples Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform Windows AWS PaaS, Azure PaaS Salesforce PaaS AirBnB, Ebay Uber Wikipedia AdSense Waze Facebook, WhatsApp Open Source ERP Systems AWS IaaS, Azure IaaS Intel x64 Java, .NET, Cloud Foundry YouTube

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“SaaS Software Platform” Vendor Platform Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform ~ Innovation Platform ~ Transaction Platform Domain Platform Data Platform IoT Platform Cloud Platform “Alliance Platform” Salesforce Slack AWS Azure GCP Plattform Industrie 4.0 Metaverse Platform Plattf. Lernende Systeme Apple Platform Philips HealthSuite Cloudera Siemens Mindsphere Decentraland Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform Windows AWS PaaS, Azure PaaS Salesforce PaaS AirBnB, Ebay Uber Wikipedia AdSense Waze Facebook, WhatsApp Open Source ERP Systems AWS IaaS, Azure IaaS Intel x64 Java, .NET, Cloud Foundry YouTube Technology Platforms Digital Ecosystem Platforms “Just Borrowed the Name” Platforms “SaaS Software Platforms” “Blend of … Platforms”

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Chancen und Erfolgsfaktoren von Plattformen

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“SaaS Software Platform” Technology Platform Digital Ecosystem Platform ▪ Schwerpunkt auf technologischen Aspekten ▪ Ermöglicht die Wiederverwendung / gemeinsame Nutzung durch viele Systeme ▪ Der Nutzer der Plattform kann sich auf sein Kerngeschäft konzentrieren ▪ Neue, digitale, datengetriebene Geschäftsmodelle ▪ Möglichkeit zur disruptiven Neupositionierung ▪ Hohe Skalierbarkeit und Wachstum ▪ Netzwerkeffekte ▪ Effiziente Märkte ▪ Hoher Grad an Harmonisierung ▪ Großartige UX, Einfachheit ▪ Offenheit, niedrige Eintrittsbarrieren ▪ Neue, digitale, datengetriebene Geschäftsmodelle ▪ Neue Erlösmodelle ▪ Möglichkeit zur disruptiven Neupositionierung ▪ Schnelle Updates ▪ Neue Kundensegmente ▪ Hohe Skalierbarkeit, weltweit ▪ Großartige UX, Einfachheit ▪ Offenheit, niedrige Eintrittsbarrieren ▪ Fokussierung auf einen begrenzten Scope, der wirklich gut gelöst wird ▪ Engagiertes und verantwortungsbewusstes Team, das die Plattform als langfristiges Produkt betrachtet ▪ Starke finanzielle Unterstützung für die anfängliche Wachstumsphase ▪ Ausprobieren, kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung und schnelle Reaktion auf die Bedürfnisse des Marktes

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Plattform-Herausforderungen für die öffentliche Verwaltung

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Ziele Scope Verantwortung Entwickeln Betreiben Evolution Komplexität reduzieren! Gesamtkomplexität beherrschen Nicht x-fach das Gleiche bauen Klare Produkt- verantwortung Interne Experten in Verantwortung Service-Gedanke Anreize zu Erfolg Ausschreibungen Keine „Risiko- Vermeidung über alles“ Keine zu feinteilige Aufgabenteilung Öffentliche Hand als attraktiver Arbeitgeber für Top-Leute Nicht nur Projekt, sondern Produkt auf Dauer Nicht alles zu Dienstleistern schieben Klare SLAs für Nutzer Klare Plattform-Ziele, kein Selbstzweck Erfolgsmessung Strategisch und groß denken Begriffe verstehen und klar verwenden „Geschäftsmodell“ Innovativ bleiben Auf Feedback reagieren „Es ist nie fertig“

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Zentrale Punkte über Plattformen zum Merken!

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▪ Der Begriff "Plattform" ist stark überstrapaziert ▪ Wir brauchen eine klare Übersicht über die Plattformbegriffe ▪ Klare Ziele von Plattformen schärfen für öffentliche Verwaltung ▪ Nicht mit der Technologie beginnen ▪ Wir dürfen nicht alle hinderlichen Rahmenbedingen akzeptieren ▪ Motivation und Expertise müssen vereint werden ▪ Focus auf dauerhafte Innovation: die kann man nicht „beauftragen“!

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Plattformen als Verheißung der Digitalen Revolution!? Orientierung im Plattform-Dschungel als Erfolgsgrundlage für die Öffentliche Verwaltung — Dr. Matthias Naab Public Strategy Lab | Berlin 19.05.2022

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Digitale Ökosysteme: Welche Herausforderungen stellt der Aufbau und wie gelingt er? Digitale Ökosysteme und Plattformökonomie: Was ist das und was sind die Chancen? Dr. Marcus Trapp Dr. Matthias Naab Dr. Dominik Rost Claudia Nass Matthias Koch Bernd Rauch

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