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@david_boni!a Frameworks, apps and utilities for your daily work The Startup Toolbox ) (

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You don’t need to copy by hand any link or name. Slides are available at: Disclaimer

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Speaker David Boni!a

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Contents Know-How Management Data Analysis Project/Company Tracking

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Project/Company Tracking

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Project/Company Tracking The Cha!enge What should We track?

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Project/Company Tracking DOGMATIC AGILE

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Project/Company Tracking X X X X X DOGMATIC AGILE

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I’ll get *HA* I0 I do *HIS I’ll get *HA* I0 I do *HIS OTOGAMI FRAMEWORK (WIP) HYPOTHESIS BACKLOG I’ll get *HA* I0 I do *HIS COST VALUE PRIORIZATION STORIES KPIs DEFINITION KANBAN ALLA OTOGAMI   20% *ime dedicated to %omm Ops   I0 we need more t2an 20%, pro,a,ly we s2ould c2ange t2e prioritazed 2ypot2esis MENDOZA LINE BURGER METHOD Project/Company Tracking

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Project/Company Tracking jira Swiss Knife / Complex

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Project/Company Tracking tre!o Simple / Basic

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Project/Company Tracking paper/post-it Less Friction / Adaptable

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Project/Company Tracking other contenders Open Source, BTF, Local…,,,

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Project/Company Tracking The Goals • Control your Team • Track your progress • Improve Communication • Boost Productivity EPIC FAIL

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Power Pi! Adapt your tool to your team's singularity not your team to the features of any tool “ Project/Company Tracking

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Know-How Management

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Know-How Management The Cha!enge customers code/core users Retain different know-how

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Know-How Management Sales Lifecycle

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Pipedrive Simple / Hosted / Mobile Know-How Management

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Slide 21 text User Oriented Know-How Management

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Slide 22 text Confluence Collaboration Tool (well… just a Wiki) Know-How Management

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HipChat Corporate Messaging Know-How Management

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Slide 24 text Customer Support Know-How Management

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UserVoice Community Support Know-How Management

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• Control your IP • Sell better (not more) • Improve Relationships • Be Consistent EPIC FAIL The Goals Know-How Management

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Power Pi! Internet is not a business but a channel to reach your customers. “ Know-How Management

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Data Analysis

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Data Analysis The Cha!enge Balance quality/cost

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Google Analytics Standard. Complex. Rigid. Data Analysis

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Piwik Open Source Data Analysis

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Sprout Social Media Data Analysis

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Flurry Mobile Oriented Data Analysis

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Moz SEO Data Analysis

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Segment Metrics Agregation Data Analysis

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Ducksboard Dashboards Data Analysis

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• Know the Truth • Get some kind of Guidance • Test Hypothesis (barely) • Don’t sacrify productivity EPIC FAIL The Goals Data Analysis

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Power Pi! If you can´t design a framework to measure if your business model is working, probably you should change your business model. “ Data Analysis

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Extra Ball!

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A PRO always uses THE BEST TOOLS

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WE USE THE TOOLS they don’t use us

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Tools are just weapons the most difficult thing is… CHOOSE YOUR FIGHT

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@david_bonilla [email protected] Slides are (still) available at: Thanks!