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Collaboration! Reducing embodied carbon together James Elks, Katie Eyles and Nova Franklin

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Greenhouse gas emissions from buildings Everything else 62% Buildings 38%

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What is embodied carbon? Building materials Transport and construction Maintenance End of life

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So what’s the problem? No globally agreed, standard method for measurement No way to fairly compare buildings to know what is good and bad Huge range of stakeholders with interests to protect We need to act right now

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Today How we engaged with 200+ individuals 150+ organisations to create sector-wide buy-in to reduce embodied emissions in Australian buildings.

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What’s notable about what we did

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Timeline Interviews with innovators Workshops with industry Design the right thing (discovery) Set NABERS objectives Design NABERS tool with industry Public consultation Design the thing right (test & iterate) Brief technical team on needs & challenges 9 proposals + A roadmap

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Now… Engage industry for technical specs Understand rating workflow details Build it! Build the digital platform

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We started by talking to innovators

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Then we engaged broadly

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We helped to fill knowledge gaps

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We engaged, group by group

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We listened, and then tested We co-created 10 proposals describing the tool

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Just the build The build and use (e.g. keeping the lights on) Build + use + end of life ✓ Simple and impactful ? Future use is an estimated prediction X Not urgent, incentivises things that’ll happen in 50+ years How far into the future should we go?

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We listened, and then tested

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“Having a consistent, transparent, robust approach is integral to starting that momentum.”

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North star objectives Solve biggest problems now Support behaviour change to urgently reduce emissions

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How to get people to agree A complex layering of techniques

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Start with rules of engagement How do you get people to agree? Always be kind Disagree but respectfully Make space for others Respect silent time

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Give everyone affected a voice How do you get people to agree?

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Make ideas easy to digest - Stripped back language - Stripped back ideas - Context - Rationale How do you get people to agree?

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Identify common needs/aspirations Impactful Consistent Collaborative Streamlined Trusted Meaningful How do you get people to agree?

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Evaluate options against common needs/aspirations Needs/Principles Just the build The build and use (e.g. keeping the lights on) Build + use + end of life Impactful Consistent Collaborative Streamlined Trusted Meaningful Decision - e.g. Which emissions should we measure? How do you get people to agree?

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Listen & evolve - Ask people what they think - Adjust - Repeat “Thank you for adjusting this based on our concerns. It’s not perfect but I can live with it.”

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Make a start, build from there Proposal 10 Roadmap Proposals 1 - 9 Minimum viable product + How do you get people to agree? “A review of the proposals in this consultation paper will be carried out at approximately 18-24 months following launch”

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Your questions…

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How do you scope a piece of work like this? Question 2

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Consider How to scope work like this? What’s in, adjacent and out of scope Time, budget and team capability/ capacity SCALE

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Consider How to scope work like this? Existing knowledge (inc SMEs) Who + how for discovery & testing Time for sensemaking and artefact production Playbacks APPROACH

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Scoping projects is a tricky dance How to scope work like this? Don’t dance alone! And start small!

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Thank you! James Elks & Katie Eyles NABERS Nova Franklin Meld Studios