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The Subtle Art of Naming ___ Julien Janvier @jujanvier

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class PeasCounter { public function count(Bucket $bucket) { $peasCount = 0; foreach ($bucket->getPeaShells() as $peaShell) { $openedPeaShell = $this->peaShellOpener->open($peaShell); foreach ($openedPeaShell->getPeas() as $pea) { $peasCount++; } } return $peasCount; } } 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

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class PeasCounter { public function count(Bucket $bucket) { $peasCount = 0; foreach ($bucket->getPeaShells() as $peaShell) { $openedPeaShell = $this->peaShellOpener->open($peaShell); foreach ($openedPeaShell->getPeas() as $pea) { $peasCount++; } } return $peasCount; } } 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

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class PeasCounter { public function count(Bucket $bucket) { $peasCount = 0; foreach ($bucket->getPeaShells() as $peaShell) { $openedPeaShell = $this->peaShellOpener->open($peaShell); foreach ($openedPeaShell->getPeas() as $pea) { $peasCount++; } } return $peasCount; } } 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

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class PeasCounter { public function count(Bucket $bucket) { $peasCount = 0; foreach ($bucket->getPeaShells() as $peaShell) { $openedPeaShell = $this->peaShellOpener->open($peaShell); foreach ($openedPeaShell->getPeas() as $pea) { $peasCount++; } } return $peasCount; } } 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

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class PeasCounter { public function count(Bucket $bucket) { $peasCount = 0; foreach ($bucket->getPeaShells() as $peaShell) { $openedPeaShell = $this->peaShellOpener->open($peaShell); foreach ($openedPeaShell->getPeas() as $pea) { $peasCount++; } } return $peasCount; } } 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

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class PeasCounter { public function count(Bucket $bucket) { $peasCount = 0; foreach ($bucket->getPeaShells() as $peaShell) { $openedPeaShell = $this->peaShellOpener->open($peaShell); foreach ($openedPeaShell->getPeas() as $pea) { $peasCount++; } } return $peasCount; } } 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

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class PeasCounter { public function count(Bucket $bucket) { $peasCount = 0; foreach ($bucket->getPeaShells() as $peaShell) { $openedPeaShell = $this->peaShellOpener->open($peaShell); foreach ($openedPeaShell->getPeas() as $pea) { $peasCount++; } } return $peasCount; } } 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 $peasCounter = new PeasCounter(...); $peasCount = $peasCounter->count($bucket);

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anemic models rich models

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foreach ($bucket->getPeaShells() as $peaShell) { $openedPeaShell = $this->peaShellOpener->open($peaShell);

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foreach ($bucket->getPeaShells() as $peaShell) { $openedPeaShell = $this->peaShellOpener->open($peaShell); $openedPeaShell = $peaShell->open();

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imperative declarative

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$counter = new PeasCounter(); $peasCount = $counter->count($bucket);

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$counter = new PeasCounter(); $peasCount = $counter->count($bucket); class PeasCounter { public function count(Bucket $bucket): int { } }

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$peasCount = CountPeas($bucket); // ideally

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$peasCount = (new CountPeas)($bucket);

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$peasCount = (new CountPeas)($bucket); class CountPeas { public function __invoke(Bucket $bucket): int { } }

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developer jargon natural language

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interface CountPeasInterface { //... }

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interface CountPeasInterface { //... } class CountPeas implements CountPeasInterface { //... }

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interface SomeRandomBehaviorInterface class AnImplementationThatFollowsThisPattern class SomethingBadHappenedException extends \Exception

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interface CountPeas { //... }

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interface CountPeas { //... } class PenAndPaper implements CountPeas { //… }

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interface CountPeas { //... } class PenAndPaper implements CountPeas { //… } class InMemory implements CountPeas { //… }

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interface CountPeas { public function countPeas(Bucket $bucket): int; } class PenAndPaper implements CountPeas { //… } class InMemory implements CountPeas { //… }

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look for perfection tell the (hard) truth

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interface EntityWithFamilyInterface {}

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interface EntityWithFamilyInterface {} interface ReserveSeats {} function doesNotExceedOverallTrainCapacityLimit($seatsRequestedCount)

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class PenAndPaper implements CountPeas { public function countPeas(Bucket $bucket): int { foreach ($bucket->peaShells() as $peaShell) { foreach ($peaShell->open()->peas() as $pea) { $this->drawOneStick(); } } return $this->countSticks(); } } 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

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class PenAndPaper implements CountPeas { public function countPeas(Bucket $bucket): int { foreach ($bucket->peaShells() as $peaShell) { foreach ($peaShell->open()->peas() as $pea) { $this->drawOneStick(); } } return $this->countSticks(); } } 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

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class PenAndPaper implements CountPeas { public function countPeas(Bucket $bucket): int { foreach ($bucket->peaShells() as $peaShell) { foreach ($peaShell->open()->peas() as $pea) { $this->drawOneStick(); } } return $this->countSticks(); } } 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

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class PenAndPaper implements CountPeas { public function countPeas(Bucket $bucket): int { foreach ($bucket->peaShells() as $peaShell) { foreach ($peaShell->open()->peas() as $pea) { $this->drawOneStick(); } } return $this->countSticks(); } } 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

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class PenAndPaper implements CountPeas { public function countPeas(Bucket $bucket): int { foreach ($bucket->peaShells() as $peaShell) { foreach ($peaShell->open()->peas() as $pea) { $this->drawOneStick(); } } return $this->countSticks(); } } 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

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class PenAndPaper implements CountPeas { public function countPeas(Bucket $bucket): int { foreach ($bucket->peaShells() as $peaShell) { foreach ($peaShell->open()->peas() as $pea) { $this->drawOneStick(); } } return $this->countSticks(); } } 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 $penAndPaper = new PenAndPaper(); $countPeas = $penAndPaper->countPeas($bucket);

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The Subtle Art of Naming ___ Julien Janvier @jujanvier

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Don’t name, Describe ___ Julien Janvier @jujanvier