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Getting started with ML using Tensorflow’s high-level APIs Akash Tandon Data Engineering @ SocialCops

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XKCD comics

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Moving beyond the buzzwords

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Machine learning in a nutshell - What is ML? - What exactly is a model again? - Types of ML algorithms - When to use it?

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Machine learning in a nutshell "A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.” - Tom Mitchell

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ML programming model Source

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ML in the wild - Health industry - Agriculture - E-commerce - .. and the list goes on!

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7 steps of ML - Gathering data - Data preparation - Choosing a model - Training - Evaluation - Parameter tuning - Prediction We’ll better understand these steps through a code example further ahead.

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Why Tensorflow? - History - Concept of graphs - Support of end-to-end workflow including deployment - Vibrant community and diverse ecosystem including support for multiple languages including Python, JS, and R

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What’s with the name? - Tensor + Flow - Tensors - Graphs and dataflow

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Tensors ~ data representation source

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Dataflow graphs source

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Hello world of ML - Image classification using MNIST dataset - We’ll use Google’s CoLab for this.

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Time to code!

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I built my model, but what now?

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Enter Tensorflow serving - Flexible, high-performance serving system for machine learning models, designed for production environments. - Export your pre-trained model and serve them to consumers/customers.

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Diverse ecosystem - Move across languages and re-use your models - Train your model in R or Python - Serve them in production using Javascript using tensorflow.js - Visualize processes using Tensorboard - Serve models using tf-serving - Make music and art using Tensorflow Magenta - … and a lot more!

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ML resources - - ourse/ - -

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Email: [email protected] Twitter: @AkashTandon Github: @analyticalmonk Feel free to reach out

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That’s all, folks!