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Using PostgreSQL's Background Worker Processes For Fun and Pro fi t Alexey Palazhchenko, FerretDB Inc. Armenia PostgreSQL User Group meetup February 22, 2025

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About me

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About me • Developer since early childhood

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About me • Developer since early childhood • Go developer since r60 (2011)

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About me • Developer since early childhood • Go developer since r60 (2011) • PostgreSQL contributor since 2024 (by accident)

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About me • Developer since early childhood • Go developer since r60 (2011) • PostgreSQL contributor since 2024 (by accident) • Qik->Skype->Microsoft, […], Percona, Sidero Labs

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About me • Developer since early childhood • Go developer since r60 (2011) • PostgreSQL contributor since 2024 (by accident) • Qik->Skype->Microsoft, […], Percona, Sidero Labs • FerretDB Inc. co-founder (with other ex-Perconians) and CTO

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FerretDB overview Any application Any MongoDB driver MongoDB protocol

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FerretDB overview FerretDB Any application Any MongoDB driver MongoDB protocol

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FerretDB overview PostgreSQL + DocumentDB extension FerretDB Any application Any MongoDB driver MongoDB protocol
 BSON PostgreSQL protocol

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Why PostgreSQL?

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Why PostgreSQL? • Very mature and reliable

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Why PostgreSQL? • Very mature and reliable • Many companies run it (sometimes side-by-side with MongoDB)

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Why PostgreSQL? • Very mature and reliable • Many companies run it (sometimes side-by-side with MongoDB) • Open-source, huge community

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Why PostgreSQL? • Very mature and reliable • Many companies run it (sometimes side-by-side with MongoDB) • Open-source, huge community • Extensible

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Why not extension?

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Why not extension? • Di ff erent processes scale di ff erently

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Why not extension? • Di ff erent processes scale di ff erently • Stateless

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Why not extension? • Di ff erent processes scale di ff erently • Stateless • Better at handling MongoDB client connections
 (there are many of them!)

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Why not extension? • Di ff erent processes scale di ff erently • Stateless • Better at handling MongoDB client connections
 (there are many of them!) • Some potential features would require GPUs

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— Database administrator in a big company «It would be easier to sneak a PostgreSQL extension to production»

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FerretDB extension PostgreSQL + DocumentDB extension FerretDB Any application Any MongoDB driver MongoDB protocol
 BSON PostgreSQL protocol

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The idea

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The idea • Go (garbage-collected language with runtime, di ff erent ABI, etc)

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The idea • Go (garbage-collected language with runtime, di ff erent ABI, etc) • cgo

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The idea • Go (garbage-collected language with runtime, di ff erent ABI, etc) • cgo • FerretDB Go module

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Go + cgo + duct tape in C

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Background workers

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Background workers • PostgreSQL can be extended to run user-supplied code in separate processes. Such processes are started, stopped and monitored by postgres, which permits them to have a lifetime closely linked to the server's status.

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Background workers • PostgreSQL can be extended to run user-supplied code in separate processes. Such processes are started, stopped and monitored by postgres, which permits them to have a lifetime closely linked to the server's status. • These processes are attached to PostgreSQL's shared memory area and have the option to connect to databases internally; they can also run multiple transactions serially, just like a regular client-connected server process.

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Background workers • PostgreSQL can be extended to run user-supplied code in separate processes. Such processes are started, stopped and monitored by postgres, which permits them to have a lifetime closely linked to the server's status. • These processes are attached to PostgreSQL's shared memory area and have the option to connect to databases internally; they can also run multiple transactions serially, just like a regular client-connected server process. • Also, by linking to libpq they can connect to the server and behave like a regular client application.

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Not extension

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Not extension • No control fi les, no CREATE EXTENSION, no upgrades, etc

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Not extension • No control fi les, no CREATE EXTENSION, no upgrades, etc • Just add .so fi le to shared_preload_libraries

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Not extension • No control fi les, no CREATE EXTENSION, no upgrades, etc • Just add .so fi le to shared_preload_libraries • postmaster preloads it

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Not extension • No control fi les, no CREATE EXTENSION, no upgrades, etc • Just add .so fi le to shared_preload_libraries • postmaster preloads it • registers background worker

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Not extension • No control fi les, no CREATE EXTENSION, no upgrades, etc • Just add .so fi le to shared_preload_libraries • postmaster preloads it • registers background worker • then forks a background worker process

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Duct tape

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Duct tape • _PG_init: calls RegisterBackgroundWorker for a C function

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Duct tape • _PG_init: calls RegisterBackgroundWorker for a C function • C: sets up signal handlers, calls Go/cgo function

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Duct tape • _PG_init: calls RegisterBackgroundWorker for a C function • C: sets up signal handlers, calls Go/cgo function • Go: starts FerretDB Go module

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_PG_init void _PG_init(void) { BackgroundWorker worker; MemSet(&worker, 0, sizeof(BackgroundWorker)); snprintf(worker.bgw_name, BGW_MAXLEN, "FerretDB"); worker.bgw_flags = BGWORKER_SHMEM_ACCESS; worker.bgw_start_time = BgWorkerStart_RecoveryFinished; worker.bgw_restart_time = BGW_NEVER_RESTART; snprintf(worker.bgw_library_name, BGW_MAXLEN, "ferretdb"); snprintf(worker.bgw_function_name, BGW_MAXLEN, "background_main"); RegisterBackgroundWorker(&worker); }

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background_main #include "postgres.h" #include "postmaster/bgworker.h" #include "storage/ipc.h" #include "storage/proc.h" #include "_cgo_export.h" PG_MODULE_MAGIC; void background_main(Datum main_arg) { BackgroundWorkerUnblockSignals(); BackgroundWorkerMain(); proc_exit(0); }

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Go package main / * extern void BackgroundWorkerMain(); * / import "C" func main() { panic("not reached") } / / export BackgroundWorkerMain func BackgroundWorkerMain() { // starts FerretDB Go module }

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Make fi le build: env CGO_CFLAGS="-I $(shell pg_config -- includedir-server)" \ CGO_LDFLAGS="-shared" \ go build -v -buildmode=c-shared -o cp $(shell pg_config - - pkglibdir)

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Go + cgo + duct tape in C

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Go + cgo + duct tape in C Drama

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It doesn’t work

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Not fun, no pro fi t :(

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Not fun, no pro fi t :( • Di ff erent Go version?

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Not fun, no pro fi t :( • Di ff erent Go version? • Di ff erent PostgreSQL version?

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Not fun, no pro fi t :( • Di ff erent Go version? • Di ff erent PostgreSQL version? • Compiler/linker fl ags?

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Not fun, no pro fi t :( • Di ff erent Go version? • Di ff erent PostgreSQL version? • Compiler/linker fl ags? • Signals handling?

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Not fun, no pro fi t :( • Di ff erent Go version? • Di ff erent PostgreSQL version? • Compiler/linker fl ags? • Signals handling? • PID 1 problem?

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Not fun, no pro fi t :( • Di ff erent Go version? • Di ff erent PostgreSQL version? • Compiler/linker fl ags? • Signals handling? • PID 1 problem? • PostgreSQL preloads .so

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Not fun, no pro fi t :( • Di ff erent Go version? • Di ff erent PostgreSQL version? • Compiler/linker fl ags? • Signals handling? • PID 1 problem? • PostgreSQL preloads .so • .so starts the Go runtime thread

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Not fun, no pro fi t :( • Di ff erent Go version? • Di ff erent PostgreSQL version? • Compiler/linker fl ags? • Signals handling? • PID 1 problem? • PostgreSQL preloads .so • .so starts the Go runtime thread • PostgreSQL forks the process with threads

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Not fun, no pro fi t :( • Di ff erent Go version? • Di ff erent PostgreSQL version? • Compiler/linker fl ags? • Signals handling? • PID 1 problem? • PostgreSQL preloads .so • .so starts the Go runtime thread • PostgreSQL forks the process with threads • 💣

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— Ian Lance Taylor «A multi-threaded program can not safely call fork; this is a general rule, not speci fi c to Go. A single-threaded program that dlopen's a Go shared library becomes a multi-threaded program. At that point, it can not call fork.»

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What can we do?

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What can we do? • Wait for multi-threaded PostgreSQL:

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What can we do? • Wait for multi-threaded PostgreSQL: • Make the PostgreSQL fork process fi rst, then load a shared library

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What can we do? • Wait for multi-threaded PostgreSQL: • Make the PostgreSQL fork process fi rst, then load a shared library • No other way

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Preloading and loading

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Preloading and loading • PostgreSQL:

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Preloading and loading • PostgreSQL: • preloads shared library

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Preloading and loading • PostgreSQL: • preloads shared library
 (dlopen) • registers background worker
 (dlsym _PG_init, function call)

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Preloading and loading • PostgreSQL: • preloads shared library
 (dlopen) • registers background worker
 (dlsym _PG_init, function call) • starts background worker process (fork, function call)

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Preloading and loading • PostgreSQL: • preloads shared library
 (dlopen) • registers background worker
 (dlsym _PG_init, function call) • starts background worker process (fork, function call) • FerretDBLoader:

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Preloading and loading • PostgreSQL: • preloads shared library
 (dlopen) • registers background worker
 (dlsym _PG_init, function call) • starts background worker process (fork, function call) • FerretDBLoader: • loads FerretDB shared library

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Preloading and loading • PostgreSQL: • preloads shared library
 (dlopen) • registers background worker
 (dlsym _PG_init, function call) • starts background worker process (fork, function call) • FerretDBLoader: • loads FerretDB shared library
 (dlopen) • fi nds entry point
 (dlsym BackgroundWorkerMain)

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Preloading and loading • PostgreSQL: • preloads shared library
 (dlopen) • registers background worker
 (dlsym _PG_init, function call) • starts background worker process (fork, function call) • FerretDBLoader: • loads FerretDB shared library
 (dlopen) • fi nds entry point
 (dlsym BackgroundWorkerMain) • calls entry point
 (function call)

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Old background_main void background_main(Datum main_arg) { BackgroundWorkerMain(); proc_exit(0); }

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New background_main void background_main(Datum main_arg) { h = dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); f = (bgworker_main_type)dlsym(h, "BackgroundWorkerMain"); f(main_arg); dlclose(h); proc_exit(0); }

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🎉 DEBUG: starting background worker process "FerretDBLoader"
 LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
 DEBUG: ferretdb_loader: loading go shared lib "/usr/lib/postgresql/16/lib/"
 2025/02/22 09:31:22 FerretDB is starting
 2025/02/22 09:31:22 FerretDB is running at mongodb://

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Pro fi t

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Pro fi t • PostgreSQL background worker processes infrastructure is useful

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Pro fi t • PostgreSQL background worker processes infrastructure is useful • It can be used to run any code

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Pro fi t • PostgreSQL background worker processes infrastructure is useful • It can be used to run any code • Some duct tape might be required

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The fun continues

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The fun continues • 🌟

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The fun continues • 🌟 •

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The fun continues • 🌟 •

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The fun continues • 🌟 • • Questions?

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