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Opening Remarks Open Data Day Arusha March 4th 2017 - Mobisol Akadamie #ODDA17 1

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#ODDA17 on Twitter 2

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#ODDA17 Partners Arusha Coders Mobisol Tanzania Habari Node JR Institute of Information Technology Farm Radio's The Hangar AISE - Twende 3

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What is Open Data Day? "Open Data Day is an annual celebration of open data all over the world." – 4

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#ODDA17 Format Discuss issues & solutions Vote on top issues & solutions Learn about available data resources Breakout into teams to refine the ideas Present fleshed out solutions Discuss continued involvement and next year's event 6

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Questions?? Reuben Cummings @reubano #ODDA17 7

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Intro to open data resources Open Data Day Arusha March 4th 2017 - Mobisol Akadamie by Reuben Cummings @reubano #ODDA17 1

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National Budget Volume II 9

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National Budget Example 26% 5% 69% 2016/2017 Teachers Service Commission Estimates (TZS) by Subvote Admin Recruitment Service Commission 10

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National Budget Example 0B 2.5B 5.0B 7 .5B 10.0B Admin Recruitment Service Commission 2016/2017 Teachers Service Commission Estimates (TZS) by Subvote Personnel Allowances Salaries Travel Other 11

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Exercise: Download and Visualize some Data 12

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Questions?? Reuben Cummings @reubano #ODDA17 13

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CLOSING REMARKS Open Data Day Arusha March 4th 2017 - Mobisol Akadamie #ODDA17 1

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STAY INVOLVED BEYOND TODAY Arusha Coders ( Open Data Arusha (! forum/opendata-arusha) Arusha Data Club (TDB) Data Summit: March 23 in Scotland ( 2

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STAY INVOLVED BEYOND TODAY Africa Open Data Conference: July 17 - 21in Accra, Ghana ( Data Science Africa: July 17 - 21in Arusha, Tanzania ( International Open Data Conf: Oct 16 in TBD ( 3

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QUESTIONS?? Reuben Cummings @reubano #ODDA17 4