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Parlez-vous JavaScript? @angustweets

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I work at Twitter. We work with JavaScript. Not against it.

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“The grain tells you which way the wood wants to be cut” Charles Miller

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Episode 1 The Accidental Tourist

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The Problem

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(weird shit) JAVA!! But Easier!! (Deceptively Familiar Syntax) (weird shit) WTF?

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JavaScript Ruby Python Java Shell PHP C C++ 21% 13% 8% 8% 8% 7% 6% 4%

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If languages were vacation destinations, JavaScript would be Paris

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How not to pack for JavaScript

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C++ RUBY JavaScript To:

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JavaScript To: strong typing static ‘this’ second class functions OOP

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Episode 2 Do as the Locals Do...

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The Five Hills of JavaScript...

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closures first-class functions dynamic ‘this’ prototypes call/apply

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Episode 3 OOP not spoken here

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OK, I lied Constructor-Prototype chaining* is OOP *having one custom prototype extend another

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But it’s awkward and unnatural...

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var Animal = function(gender, says) { this.gender = gender; this.says = says; }; var WalkingAnimal = function(gender, says) {, gender, says); } WalkingAnimal.prototype = new Animal();

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Object.create liberates prototype chaining from constructors.

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var animalProto = { speak: function() { console.log(this.says); } } var walkingAnimalProto = Object.create( animalProto, { walk: { value: function() { console.log('walking'); } } //... } );

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ES 6 is giving us class. Some libraries have there own versions.

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//Prototype.js var SwimmingAnimal = Class.create(Animal, { type: 'SwimmingAnimal', speak: function($super) { return $super() + ", glug"; } }); //Dustin Diaz's "klass" var Alien = SuperHuman.extend({ beam: function() { this.supr(); // beam into space } });

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Do you even want classes?

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Animal Walking Animal Swimming Animal Flying Animal Cat Elephant Crocodile Whale Eagle Bat Egg-laying Animal Migrating Animal

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Animal Walking Animal Swimming Animal Flying Animal Cat Elephant Crocodile Whale Eagle Bat Egg-laying Animal Migrating Animal WTF? I walk too!!

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Migrating Animal Egg-laying Animal Flying Animal Swimming Animal Walking Animal Duck? Animal Cat Elephant Crocodile Whale Eagle Bat

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This hierarchy monster is not fussy es6 class Object.create class framework new Constructor

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The sad thing is that anyone even cares about inheritance hierarchies... Because in JavaScript they’re quite unnecessary...

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Episode 4 JavaScript Mixins

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Property Copy Mixins...

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var withWalking = { walk: function() { console.log('walking'); }, turn: function(direction) { console.log('turning', direction); }, stopWalking: function() { console.log('stopped walking'); } };

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var extend = function(destination, source) { for (var k in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(k)) { destination[k] = source[k]; } } return destination; }; extend(Crocodile.prototype, withWalking); extend(Crocodile.prototype, withSwimming);

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Functional Mixins...

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var withWalking = function() { this.walk = function() { console.log('walking'); }; this.turn = function(direction) { console.log('turning', direction); }; this.stopWalking = function() { console.log('stopped walking'); }; };

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function Crocodile(name, gender) { = name; this.gender = gender; }; Crocodile.prototype.stalkTourists = function() { //.. };;;

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Episode 5 Monkey Patching: The Good Parts

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Q. How do you patch a 3rd party library without touching it?

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A. Wrap it.

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// Using underscore _.each = _.wrap(_.each, function(each, collection, fn, context) { each(collection, fn, context); return collection; } ); _.each([1,2,3], alert); //[1,2,3]

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Also, why are you still using underscore when there’s...

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Episode 6 Functional

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High Order Functions

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var fruit = ["grape ", "pear ", "apple"]; var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < fruit.length; i++) { result.push(fruit[i].trim()); } result; //["grape", "pear", "apple"]

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function globalize(methodName) { return function(obj) { return obj[methodName](); } }

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Currying* (partial application) *yes I know it’s not technically currying

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add curry 7 .curry(7) var add7= add7(5); //12 add(x,y) 5 7

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Function.prototype.curry = function() { if (arguments.length < 1) { //nothing to curry with - return function return this; } var method = this; var args = []; return function() { return method.apply( this, args.concat([]; } }

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Function Composition

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Math.pow alert

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alert( ) Math.pow Math.pow var alertPower = alert.compose(Math.pow);

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Function.prototype.compose = function(argFunction) { var invokingFunction = this; return function() { return this,argFunction.apply(this,arguments)); } }

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Currying + Composition =

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var sliceToRegEx = ''.slice.curry(0).compose(''.search); var parseAlpha = sliceToRegEx.curry(/[^ a-zA-Z]/); parseAlpha("[email protected]") //"fredfrith"

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Episode 7 Beware of imitations...

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San Francisco is great etc. But...

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San Francisco is great etc. But... its fire hydrants are non-standard

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EveryOther Fire Dept. wtf.sf?! SFFD X

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jQuery is great etc. But...

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jQuery is great etc. But... it’s objects are non-standard

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//jQuery selectors return jQuery objects var anchors = $('a'); Array.isArray(anchors); //false

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//jQuery selectors return jQuery objects var anchors = $('a'); Array.isArray(anchors); //false anchors.push; //function push() { [native code] } anchors.forEach; //undefined

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//jQuery selectors return jQuery objects var anchors = $('a'); Array.isArray(anchors); //false anchors.push; //function push() { [native code] } anchors.forEach; //undefined //which means we are stuck in jquery land var hrefs = function(i, elem) {return elem.href} ); !!

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//jQuery selectors return jQuery objects var anchors = $('a'); Array.isArray(anchors); //false anchors.push; //function push() { [native code] } anchors.forEach; //undefined //which means we are stuck in jquery land var hrefs = function(i, elem) {return elem.href} ); //perpetually Array.isArray(hrefs); //false ;-( !!

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Unless you do this...

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var anchors = $('a'); Array.isArray(anchors); //false hrefs = [], function(elem) {return elem.href} ); Array.isArray(hrefs); //true :)

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or this...

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var anchors = $('a'); Array.isArray(anchors); //false var anchors = []; Array.isArray(anchors); //true

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Episode 8 Everyday JavaScript

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you could do this...

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function getEventTarget(evt) { if (!evt) { evt = window.event; } if (!evt) { return; } var target; if ( { target =; } else { target = evt.srcElement; } return target; }

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or you could do this...

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function getEventTarget(evt) { evt = evt || window.event; return evt && ( || evt.srcElement); }

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Episode 9 Too long; fell asleep?

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“Every language has its own way. Follow its form. Don’t try to program as if you were using another language.” Marijn Haverbeke Eloquent JavaScript

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Questions? @angustweets