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Thomas Vitale Devoxx Belgium Oct 6th, 2023 Securing the Supply Chain For Your Java Applications @vitalethomas

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Systematic • Software Engineer and Cloud Architect. • Author of “Cloud Native Spring in Action” (Manning). • OSS contributor (Java, Spring, Cloud Native Technologies) Thomas Vitale @vitalethomas

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Software Supply Chain @vitalethomas

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Software Supply Chain The set of everything needed to deliver software to production, including code, dependencies, tools, practices, and people. @vitalethomas

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@vitalethomas fl aw-exposed-secrets-for-thousands-of-open-source-projects/

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Software Supply Chain Every step has multiple security risks and impacts CNCF Software Supply Chain Security Paper Source Code Build Dependencies Artifacts Deployment @vitalethomas

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Supply Chain Security Tools are not enough PEOPLE PRACTICES TOOLS @vitalethomas

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Where to begin? @vitalethomas

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1. Securing the Source Code @vitalethomas

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Git Source control Audit trail of every change Can we trust it? Who did this change? @vitalethomas

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Require signed commits Make the audit trail trustworthy Traditional Git signing with keys (GPG, SSH…) Reject unveri fi ed commits Keyless Git signing with Gitsign @vitalethomas $ git commit -S -m “My changes”

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Require signed commits Git signing with GPG keys # Sign all commits git config --local commit.gpgsign true # Sign all tags git config --local tag.gpgsign true # Set the GPG signing key ID git config --local user.signingkey @vitalethomas

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Require signed commits Keyless Git signing with Sigstore Sigstore Gitsign # Sign all commits git config --local commit.gpgsign true # Sign all tags git config --local tag.gpgsign true # Use Gitsign for signing git config --local gpg.x509.program gitsign # Gitsign expects x509 args git config --local gpg.format x509 @vitalethomas

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Sigstore Gitsign @vitalethomas

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Provenance Proved and validated history of a software component across its supply chain. @vitalethomas

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2. Securing the Dependencies @vitalethomas

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Dependency Management Java @vitalethomas

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Dependency Management Java Where are we fetching the dependencies from? How are dependency con fl icts solved? Which dependencies are we fetching? @vitalethomas

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Locking Dependency Versions Generating a lock fi le with Gradle @vitalethomas $ gradle dependencies —write-locks dependencyLocking { lockAllConfigurations() } build.gradle

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Locking Dependency Versions Generating a lock fi le with a Maven plugin @vitalethomas $ mvn se.vandmo:dependency-lock-maven-plugin:lock se.vandmo dependency-lock-maven-plugin 1.0 check validate check pom.xml

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SBOM “A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a nested inventory for software, a list of ingredients that make up software components.” NTIA @vitalethomas

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SBOMs Data Exchange Formats @vitalethomas

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SBOMs What can we use them for? Inventory of all software components Validate the licenses for each component Check for security vulnerabilities @vitalethomas Find outdated components Verify integrity for each component

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When? @vitalethomas

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SBOM from an artifact Using Syft Syft syft band-service.jar • Generate a SBOM from a JAR syft • Generate a SBOM from an OCI image @vitalethomas

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SBOM from the source code Using the CycloneDX Generator cdxgen cdxgen -o bom.json • Generate a SBOM from the source code @vitalethomas

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SBOM as part of the build lifecycle Using the CycloneDX Gradle plugin CycloneDX Gradle Plugin @vitalethomas $ gradle build plugins { id '' version '1.7.4' } 'cyclonedxBom' build.gradle

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SBOM as part of the build lifecycle Using the CycloneDX Maven plugin @vitalethomas $ mvn package org.cyclonedx cyclonedx-maven-plugin package makeAggregateBom pom.xml CycloneDX Maven Plugin

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Now what? @vitalethomas

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Vulnerability scanning Scan for security vulnerabilities with Trivy Trivy @vitalethomas $ trivy sbom bom.json

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Managing Supply Chain Risks OWASP Dependency Track Dependency Track @vitalethomas

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VEX “Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX) is a vulnerability document designed to complement a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) that informs users of a software product about the applicability of one or more vulnerability findings.” OpenVEX @vitalethomas

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3. Securing the Build @vitalethomas

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Packaging Spring Boot JAR & Container Image JAR OCI Image Gradle bootJar Maven package Gradle bootBuildImage Maven spring-boot:build-image @vitalethomas Native Gradle nativeCompile Maven -Pnative native:compile

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“Friends don’t let friends write Dockerfiles!” - Josh Long @vitalethomas

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Dockerfiles “Dockerfiles are easy to write, but the current development guidelines do not produce containers that are repeatable and hardened.” CNCF Software Supply Chain Security Paper @vitalethomas

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Image pack build Cloud Native Buildpacks From source code to container image @vitalethomas Cloud Native Buildpacks

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Image pack build gradle bootBuildImage Cloud Native Buildpacks From source code to container image @vitalethomas Cloud Native Buildpacks

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Eliminate sources of non-determinism Reproducible builds with Cloud Native Buildpacks Cloud Native Buildpacks Image pack build Image pack build Time = = @vitalethomas

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4. Securing the Artifacts @vitalethomas

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Sign every step in the build process Signing artifacts with Sigstore Cosign Sigstore Cosign @vitalethomas Sign binaries (JAR, native executable) Sign SBOM Sign OCI image

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Sign every step in the build process Signing artifacts with Sigstore Cosign cosign sign band-service • Sign container image cosign attach sbom --sbom bom.json band-service • Attach SBOM to container image Sigstore Cosign @vitalethomas cosign sign band-service:.sbom • Sign SBOM

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SLSA @vitalethomas

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SLSA @vitalethomas

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SLSA @vitalethomas

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Provenance Proved and validated history of a software component across its supply chain. @vitalethomas

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SLSA Build Supply chain security levels for the build provenance Level 1 The artifact has provenance showing how it was built. Level 2 The build runs on a hosted build platform that generates and signs the provenance itself. SLSA Level 3 The build runs on a hardened build platform that offers strong tamper protection (non-falsi fi able provenance). @vitalethomas

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SLSA GitHub Provenance Generator SLSA Build Level 3 @vitalethomas name: Build on: [push] jobs: build: ... provenance: needs: [build] permissions: actions: read id-token: write packages: write uses: slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/[email protected] with: image: ${{ image-name }} digest: ${{ image-digest }} registry-username: ${{ registry-username }} secrets: registry-password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLSA GitHub Generator

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in-toto @vitalethomas

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5. Securing the Deployment @vitalethomas

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Validating artifacts metadata Secure deployments @vitalethomas Verify signatures Verify vulnerability report Verify SLSA provenance

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Validating artifacts metadata Verify signatures with Sigstore Cosign Sigstore Cosign @vitalethomas $ cosign verify \ --certificate-identity-regexp \ \ --certificate-oidc-issuer \ \ | jq

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Validating artifacts metadata Verify provenance with SLSA Veri fi er SLSA Veri fi er fi er $ slsa-verifier verify-image \ \ —source-uri

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Perform verification of artifacts Verifying signatures and provenance with Kyverno • Keyless veri fi cation of image signature • If missing compliance, the deployment is blocked • Keyless veri fi cation of the SLSA provenance metadata • If missing compliance, the deployment is blocked. Kyverno @vitalethomas

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Resources @vitalethomas

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Resources Software supply chain security • Presentation source code • How to create SBOMs in Java with Maven and Gradle • SnakeYaml 2.0: Solving the unsafe deserialization vulnerability • What Are Cloud Native Buildpacks and How Do They Work? • OWASP Dependency Track and CycloneDX SBOM Standard • Chainguard Academy @vitalethomas

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Thomas Vitale Devoxx Belgium Oct 6th, 2023 Securing the Supply Chain For Your Java Applications @vitalethomas