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Abe Stanway @jonlives BRING THE NOISE! MAKING SENSE OF A HAILSTORM OF METRICS Jon Cowie @abestanway

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Ninety minutes is a long time. - motivations - skyline - oculus - demo! - questions This talk: ~10 ~25 ~30 ~10 ~15

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Ninety minutes is a long time. - motivations - skyline - oculus - demo! - questions This talk: ~10 ~25 ~30 ~10 ~15 But we have some sweet stuff to show you.

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Background and Motivations

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1.5 billion page views $117 million of goods sold 950 thousand users

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1.5 billion page views $117 million of goods sold 950 thousand users (in december ‘12)

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We practice continuous deployment.

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de • ploy /diˈploi/ Verb To release your code for the world to see, hopefully without breaking the Internet

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Everyone deploys. 250+ committers.

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Day one: DEPLOY

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30+ DEPLOYS A DAY (~8 commits per deploy!)

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“30 deploys a day? Is that safe?”

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We optimize for quick recovery by anticipating problems...

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...instead of fearing human error.

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Can’t fix what you don’t measure! - W. Edwards Deming

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StatsD graphite Skyline Oculus Supergrep homemade! not homemade Nagios Ganglia

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Text Real time error logging

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“Not all things that break throw errors.” - Oscar Wilde

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If it moves, graph it!

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If it moves, graph it! we would graph them ➞

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If it doesn’t move, graph it anyway (it might make a run for it)

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[1358731200, 20] [1358731200, 20] [1358731200, 20] [1358731200, 20] [1358731200, 20] [1358731200, 20] [1358731200, 20] [1358731200, 20] [1358731200, 60] [1358731200, 20] [1358731200, 20]

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DASHBOARDS! x 250,000

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lol nagios

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“...but there are also unknown unknowns - there are things we do not know we don’t know.”

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Unknown anomalies

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Unknown correlations

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Kale: - leaves - green stuff

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Kale: - leaves - green stuffOCULUS SKYLINE

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Q). How do you analyze a timeseries for anomalies in real time?

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A). Lots of HTTP requests to Graphite’s API!

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Q). How do you analyze a quarter million timeseries for anomalies in real time?

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A real time anomaly detection system

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Real time?

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StatsD Ten second resolution

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Ganglia One minute resolution

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~ 10s ( ~ 1min Best case:

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( Takes about 90 seconds with our throughput.

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( Still faster than you would have discovered it otherwise.

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Memory > Disk

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Q). How do you get a quarter million timeseries into Redis on time?

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Graphite’s relay agent original graphite backup graphite

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Graphite’s relay agent original graphite backup graphite [statsd.numStats, [1365603422, 82345]] pickles [statsd.numStats, [1365603432, 80611]] [statsd.numStats, [1365603412, 73421]]

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Graphite’s relay agent original graphite skyline [statsd.numStats, [1365603422, 82345]] pickles [statsd.numStats, [1365603432, 80611]] [statsd.numStats, [1365603412, 73421]]

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We import from Ganglia too.

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Storing timeseries

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Minimize I/O Minimize memory

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redis.append() - Strings - Constant time - One operation per update

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“[1358711400, 51],” => get statsD.numStats ----------------------------

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“[1358711400, 51], => get statsD.numStats ---------------------------- [1358711410, 23],”

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“[1358711400, 51], => get statsD.numStats ---------------------------- [1358711410, 23], [1358711420, 45],”

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OVER HALF CPU time spent decoding JSON

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[ 1 , 2 ] Stuff we care about Extra junk

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MESSAGEPACK A binary-based serialization protocol

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\x93\x01\x02 Array size (16 or 32 bit big endian integer) Things we care about

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\x93\x01\x02 Array size (16 or 32 bit big endian integer) Things we care about \x93\x02\x03

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CUT IN HALF Run Time + Memory Used

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“ wrote this in Python?”

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Great statistics libraries Not fun for parallelism

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Assign Redis keys to each process Process decodes and analyzes The Analyzer

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Anomalous metrics written as JSON setInterval() retrieves from front end The Analyzer

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What does it mean to be anomalous?

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Consensus model

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Implement everything you can get your hands on

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Basic algorithm: “A metric is anomalous if its latest datapoint is over three standard deviations above its moving average.”

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Grubb’s test, ordinary least squares

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Histogram binning

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Four horsemen of the modelpocalypse

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1. Seasonality 2. Spike influence 3. Normality 4. Parameters

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Text Spikes artificially raise the moving average Anomaly detected (yay!) Anomaly missed :( Bigger moving average

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Real world data doesn’t necessarily follow a perfect normal distribution.

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Too many metrics to fit parameters for them all!

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A robust set of algorithms is the current focus of this project.

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Q). How do you analyze a quarter million timeseries for correlations?

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Image comparison is expensive and slow

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“[[975, 1365528530], [643, 1365528540], [750, 1365528550], [992, 1365528560], [580, 1365528570], [586, 1365528580], [649, 1365528590], [548, 1365528600], [901, 1365528610], [633, 1365528620]]” Use raw timeseries instead of raw graphs

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Naming Things Cache Invalidation Numerical Comparison? HARD PROBLEMS

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Naming Things Cache Invalidation Numerical Comparison? HARD PROBLEMS

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Euclidian Distance

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Dynamic Time Warping (helps with phase shifts)

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We’ve solved it!

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O(N2) x 250k

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Too slow!

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No need to run DTW on all 250k.

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Discard obviously dissimilar metrics.

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“975 643 643 750 992 992 992 580” “sharpdecrement flat increment sharpincrement flat flat shapdecrement” Shape Description Alphabet

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“975 643 643 750 992 992 992 580” “sharpdecrement flat increment sharpincrement flat flat shapdecrement” Shape Description Alphabet “24 4 4 11 25 25 25 0 1” (normalization step)

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Search for shape description fingerprint in Elasticsearch

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Run DTW on results as final polish

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O(N2) on ~10k metrics

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Still too slow.

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Fast DTW - O(N) coarsen project refine

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Elasticsearch Details Phrase search for first pass scores across shape description fingerprints

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Elasticsearch Details Phrase search for first pass scores across shape description fingerprints Custom FastDTW and euclidian distance plugins to score across the remaining filtered timeseries

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Elasticsearch Structure { :id => “statsd.numStats”, :fingerprint => “sdec inc sinc sdec”, :values => "10 1 2 15 4" }

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Mappings Specify tokenizers “Untouched” fields

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First pass query :match => { :fingerprint => { :query => “sdec inc sinc sdec inc”, :type => "phrase", :slop => 20 } } shape description fingerprint

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Refinement query {:custom_score => { :query => <first_pass_query>, :script => "oculus_dtw", :params => { :query_value => “10 20 20 10 30”, :query_field => "values.untouched", }, } raw timeseries

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Skyline Elasticsearch Resque Sinatra Ganglia Graphite StatsD KALE Flask

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Populating Elasticsearch

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ES Index resque workers

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Too slow to update and search

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New Index Last Index Webapp

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Sinatra frontend Queries ES Renders results

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devops <3

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Special thanks to: Dr. Neil Gunther, PerfDynamics Dr. Brian Whitman, Echonest Burc Arpat, Facebook Seth Walker, Etsy Rafe Colburn, Etsy Mike Rembetsy, Etsy John Allspaw, Etsy

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@abestanway @jonlives Thanks!