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Sungyong An Jetpack Composeী ੓ח Ѫ, হח Ѫ

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Timeline Stable! I/O '19 Early Preview '19 05. 11 Weeks of Android Alpha '20 08. '21 05. I/O '21 '19 10. ADS '19 Beta

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mordern UI toolkit ௏٘ хࣗ ૒ҙ੸ declarative UI ъ۱ೠ ࢿמ ѐߊ ࣘب ೱ࢚ Kotlin APIs

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mordern UI toolkit ௏٘ хࣗ ૒ҙ੸ declarative UI ъ۱ೠ ࢿמ ѐߊ ࣘب ೱ࢚ Kotlin APIs ҕध ѐߊ ޙࢲীࢲח ৈ۞ ੢੼ٜ੉ աৌغয ੓૑݅, ѐߊ੗݃׮ ׮ܲ ࢤпਸ ೞҊ ੓ਸ Ѫ э׮.

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૑Әө૑ ੘ࢿ೧য়؍ XML ߑध੄ UI ҳഅীࢲ 
 Jetpack Compose۽ ߄۽ ੹ജ೧ঠ ೞաਃ? 🤔

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M V P M V VM M V I M V C ӝઓ੄ Jetpack ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ৬ ׮ܰѱ Jetpack Composeח জ .

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೐۽ં౟݃׮ ࢚ട੉ ׮ܰ׮. ੿׹੉ হ׮. 👀

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Compose ੸ਊਸ Ѩష೧ࠅ ࣻ ੓ѱ View ৬ ࠺Ү೧ࠁ੗ ݾ಴

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02 01 03 ৵ Composeܳ ࢎਊ೧ঠ ೡө Composeী হח Ѫ Compose۽੄ ੹ജਸ ળ࠺ೞӝ ݾର

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୶ୌ ৔࢚ (ҕध) Understanding Compose AndroidDevSummit '19 I/O '19 Declarative UI patterns Thinking in Compose 11 Weeks of Android Compose੄ ӝࠄ ѐ֛ী ؀೧ࢲח ׮ܖ૑ ঋणפ׮. ҙ۲೧ࢲח ҕध ৔࢚ द୒ਸ ୶ୌ೤פ׮.

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୶ୌ ৔࢚ (ೠҴয) Jetpack Compose: I/O 2021 Ӓ ੉റ I/O Extended Korea Android 2021 I/O Extended with doubleS Compose द੘ೞӝ ৢ೧ ೠҴয ࣁ࣌ب ੓঻ਵפ, ҙब ੓ਵन ٜ࠙਷ द୒೧ࠁࣁਃ.

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View Compose ⚠ ৽ଃ਷ View, য়ܲଃ਷ Compose ղਊੑפ׮.

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৵ Composeܳ ࢎਊ೧ঠ ೡө? 01

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✅ View ࠁ׮ Compose о ա਷ Ѫ?

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✅ ೒ۖಬ ઙࣘࢿ ୭ࣗച Composeח Jetpack ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ۽ ߓನغয ೒ۖಬী ؏ ઙࣘ੸੉׮. ೒ۖಬ Viewীח APIܳ ࢎਊೡ ࣻ ੓ח ୭ࣗ ߡ੹ ઁড੉ ੓׮. ੉ܳ ೧ࣗೞ۰Ҋ, Compat APIܳ ઁҕೞ૑݅ ೠ҅о ੓׮.

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✅ ࢚ࣘਵ۽ ੋೠ ޙઁ ೧ࣗ public class TextView extends View {} public class Button extends TextView {} @Composable fun Button(onClick: () -> Unit, ...) { ... } @Composable fun Text(text: String, ...) { ... } @Composable fun Sample() { Button(onClick = { ... }) { Text(text = "BUTTON") } } Viewח ߈٘द ࢚ࣘ೧ঠ݅ ೞҊ, Ӓېࢲ ਗ஖ ঋח ࠗݽ੄ ӝמب ыѱ ػ׮. Composeח composable ೣٜࣻ۽ ҳࢿغয, ೙ਃೠ ӝמ݅ ੘ѱ ਬ૑ೡ ࣻ ੓׮.

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✅ ઺୏ ۨ੉ইਓ ࢿמ @Composable fun Sample() { Column { Image() Image() Column { Text() Column { Text() Box { TextField() } } Column { Text() Box { TextField() ViewGroupী ٮۄ measureܳ ৈ۞ߣ ࣻ೯ೡ ࣻ ੓যࢲ ୭؀ೠ ۨ੉ইਓ੉ ઺୏غ૑ ঋب۾ न҃ॄঠ ೮׮. Composeח measureܳ ೠߣ݅ ࣻ೯ೞب۾ ъઁغয ઺୏ ۨ੉ইਓীࢲب ࢿמ੉ ௼ѱ ੷ೞغ૑ ঋח׮.

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✅ UI ੤ࢎਊࢿ

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✅ ૑ো ୡӝച // show error View failedStub = findViewById(; failedStub.setOnInflateListener(new ViewStub.OnInflateListener() { @Override public void onInflate(ViewStub stub, final View inflated) { ... } }); failedStub.inflate(); @Composable fun Sample() { if (showError) { Column { Text() Button() } } } 😱 ViewStub਷ ࢎਊೞӝী ݒ਋ ࠛಞೞ׮. Composeח ઑѤޙ ݅ਵ۽ب рױ൤ ҳഅೡ ࣻ ੓׮.

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✅ Single Source Of Truth public class TextView extends View { private @Nullable CharSequence mText; ... } public class EditText extends TextView {} { editText.setText(it) } editText.doOnTextChanged { text, _, _, _ -> viewModel.onNameChanged(text) ) @Composable fun Sample() { val viewModel: SampleViewModel = viewModel() val name by TextField( value = name, onValueChange = { viewModel.onNameChanged(it) } ) } Viewח ۪؊݂ ݾ੸ਵ۽ ؘ੉ఠ৬ ߹ѐ੄ ࢚కܳ ыҊ ੓׮. Composeח ߹ѐ੄ ࢚కܳ ы૑ ঋח׮. class SampleViewModel : ViewModel() { val name: LiveData = ... fun onNameChanged(name: String) { ... } }

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✅ ؘ੉ఠ ߄ੋ٬ @BindingAdapter("onTextChanged") fun EditText.onTextChanged(listener: (String) -> Unit){ doOnTextChanged { text, _, _, _ -> listener(text.toString()) } } @Composable fun Sample() { val viewModel: SampleViewModel = viewModel() val name by TextField( value = name, onValueChange = { viewModel.onNameChanged(it) } ) } Viewীࢲח ؘ੉ఠ ߄ੋ٬ ݾ੸ਵ۽ XMLҗ BindingAdapterܳ ੘ࢿ೧ঠ ೠ׮. Composeח ࢚క݅ ૑੿ೞݶ ੗زਵ۽ ߄ੋ٬ػ׮. ߹ѐ੄ composable ೣࣻ۽ ܻ࠙ೞݶ ػ׮.

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✅ Custom View ҳഅ public class AppCompatImageView extends ImageView { public AppCompatImageView(...) { final int id = a.getResourceId( R.styleable.AppCompatImageView_srcCompat, -1); ... } } @Composable fun Image( painter: Painter, contentDescription: String?, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, ... ) { ... } @Composable fun Sample() { Image(painter = painterResource(R.drawable.image)) } Viewীࢲ Custom Viewܳ ٜ݅ ٸب XML ௏٘ܳ ੘ࢿ೧ঠ ೠ׮. Composeח Kotlin ௏٘݅ ੘ࢿೞݶ ػ׮.

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✅ ݾ۾ഋ UI ҳࢿ recyclerView.layoutManager = ... recyclerView.adapter = ... // RecyclerView.Adapter(...) // RecyclerView.ViewHolder(@layout/item) recyclerView.addItemDecoration( DividerItemDecoration(...)) @Composable fun Sample(dataSet: Array) { LazyColumn { items(dataSet.size) { index -> Text(text = dataSet[index]) Divider() } } } Viewীࢲח ݾ۾ഋ UIܳ ҳࢿೡ ٸ ցޖ ݆਷ ௏٘ܳ ੘ࢿ೧ঠ ೠ׮. Composeח ׮ܲ composable ೣࣻ৬ زੌೠ ߑߨਵ۽ औѱ ҳࢿೡ ࣻ ੓׮.

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• Viewܳ ݽف ઁѢೞҊ Compose݅ ࢎਊೞݶ, APK ௼ӝ৬ ࠽٘ दр੉ хࣗೠ׮. • Compose৬ Viewܳ ೣԋ ॳݶ, APK ௼ӝ৬ ࠽٘ दр੉ ডр ૐоೠ׮. • Composeীࢲب Viewܳ ࢎਊೡ ࣻ ੓׮. (AndroidView) • Java৬ XML۽ ੘ࢿػ ۨ੉ইਓ ௏٘ܳ Kotlinਵ۽ ੹ജೞח ࠺ਊ • View ਬ૑ࠁࣻ ࠺ਊ vs Compose ೟ण ࠺ਊ • View৬ ࠺तೞѱ AOT ஹ౵ੌਸ ૑ਗೠ׮. (ProfileInstaller) ⚠ ࠺Үೞӝী ઑӘ গݒೠ ٜࠗ࠙

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• min sdk ઁডࢎ೦੉ ੓׮. (API 21+) • (Java/Kotlinҗ ׳ܻ) View৬ Composeח ࢲ۽ ߸ജغ૑ ঋח׮. • Material Theme݅ ӝࠄਵ۽ ૑ਗೠ׮. • ۨ੉ইਓ XML ؀࠺ Preview ࢿמ੉ ڄযઉࢲ ࢤ࢑ࢿ੉ ڄয૓׮. • ۨ੉ইਓ XMLਸ ࢎਊೡ ٸࠁ׮ ܻ࠭ೡ ௏٘о טযդ׮. • ૑ਗೞח 3rd party ۄ੉࠳۞ܻо ੸׮. ❌ Viewࠁ׮ Composeীࢲ ইए਍ Ѫ?

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Composeী হח Ѫ 02 (ҳ࠙: ✅ ੓਺, ⚠ ੌࠗ হ਺, ❌ হ਺)

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⚠ Theme <item name="colorPrimary">@color/red</item> Theme.AppCompat android:Theme.DeviceDefault SampleTheme { … } @Composable fun SampleTheme(content: @Composable() () -> Unit) { MaterialTheme( colors = lightColors(primary = Red, ...), typography = Typography, shapes = Shapes, content = content ) } // X // X ӒܻҊ ӝઓ ೐۽ં౟ী Composeܳ ੸ਊೞݶ Themeо ف ߥ੉ ػ׮. (XML, Kotlin)

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✅ Theme: MDC-Android Compose Theme Adapter Link: @Composable fun SampleTheme(content: @Composable() () -> Unit) { MdcTheme(content = content) } LocalContext.current੄ themeܳ ӝ߈ਵ۽ MaterialTheme composable੄ ࣘࢿਸ ҳࢿ೧ળ׮.

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Theme.AppCompat android:Theme.DeviceDefault ૑Ә MDC Themeܳ ࢎਊೞҊ ੓૑ ঋ׮ݶ? 🤔

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⚠ Theme: AppCompat Compose Theme Adapter Link: AppCompat Themeܳ ࢎਊೞҊ ੓ਸ ٸ, ࢎਊೡ ࣻ ੓ח ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ. (Accompanist) MaterialTheme composable੄ ࣘࢿਸ ҳࢿ೧ળ׮. ೞ૑݅ MDC Themeо ؊ ݆਷ ࣘࢿ ыҊ ੓׮. @Composable fun SampleTheme(content: @Composable() () -> Unit) { AppCompatTheme(content = content) }

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Link: ૑Ә੄ ٣੗ੋ दझమ੉ MDC Theme۽ ҳഅ оמೞ׮ݶ ੹ജਸ Ҋ۰೧ࠁח Ѫ੉ જਸ ٠.

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Custom Theme Link: ӝࠄ Themeী ৈ۞о૑ ࣘࢿਸ ୶оೞח ١ ߹ب੄ ٣੗ੋ दझమਸ ҳ୷ೞҊ ੓׮ݶ, Custom Themeܳ ૒੽ ҳഅೞח Ѫب Ҋ۰೧ࠅ ࣻ ੓׮. ׮݅ compose-materialী ੓ח ݆ࣻ਷ ஹನք౟ٜਸ Ӓ؀۽ ࢎਊೞӝ য۰ਕ૕ ࣻ ੓׮. पઁ ҳഅೞח ߑߨ਷ উ٘۽੉٘ ҕध ࢠ೒ ೐۽ં౟ Jetsnackਸ ଵҊ೧ࠁ੗.

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⚠ Resources context.getString(R.string.message) context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.size) ContextCompat.getColor(context, ContextCompat.getColorStateList(context, ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, ...) R.drawable.bitmap R.drawable.vector R.drawable.shape // R.drawable.selector // R.drawable.asld // R.drawable.nine_patch // 9-patch context.resources.getInteger(R.integer.value) context.resources.getBoolean(R.bool.value) stringResource(R.string.message) dimensionResource(R.dimen.size) colorResource( // X painterResource(R.drawable.bitmap) painterResource(R.drawable.vector) // X // X // X, b/168848337 // X, b/193907127 integerResource(R.integer.value) booleanResource(R.bool.value)

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ImageView TextView Button ImageButton RecyclerView EditText ProgressBar SeekBar Space CheckBox WebView LinearLayout FrameLayout RelativeLayout CardView ConstraintLayout ScrollView ListView GridView TableLayout View

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View ImageView TextView Button ImageButton RecyclerView EditText ProgressBar SeekBar Space CheckBox WebView LinearLayout FrameLayout RelativeLayout CardView ConstraintLayout ScrollView ListView GridView TableLayout Widget

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View Compose Image Button + Text Button ImageView Slider CheckBox CircularProgressIndicator Text TextView ❌ ProgressBar SeekBar Spacer Space ❌ TextureView ❌ SurfaceView WebView IconButton + Image ImageButton EditText TextField View Compose CheckedTextView Checkbox + Text IconToggleButton - LinearProgressIndicator - ❌ Switch Switch + Text RadioButton RadioButton + Text ❌ ViewStub

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⚠ View Box(Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .height(50.dp) // X, paddingਵ۽ ؀୓ .padding(8.dp) .background(Color.Red) // X, Box۽ ؀୓ .clipToBounds() .graphicsLayer(shadowElevation = with(LocalDensity.current) { 5.dp.toPx() }) .semantics { contentDescription = "view" } // X, b/158837937 )

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✅ View: Listener view.setOnClickListener { ... } view.setOnLongClickListener { ... } view.setOnDragListener { view, dragEvent -> ... } view.setOnTouchListener { view, motionEvent -> ... } view.setOnKeyListener { view, i, keyEvent -> ... } Box(Modifier.clickable { ... }) Box(Modifier.combinedClickable( // experimental onClick = { ... }, onLongClick = { ... }) ) Box(Modifier.pointerInput(key) { detectDragGestures { change, dragAmount -> ... }} ) Box(Modifier.pointerInteropFilter( // experimental onTouchEvent = { motionEvent -> ... } )) Box(Modifier.onKeyEvent( onKeyEvent = { keyEvent -> ... } ))

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⚠ TextView Text( text = "text", color = Color.Red, fontSize = 12.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, fontFamily = FontFamily.SansSerif, maxLines = 1, overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis, // X // X, b/171394808 // X, b/176949051, Unofficial Blog ଵҊ ) Row { Icon(painterResource(id = R.drawable.icon)) Text("text") } SelectionContainer { Text("text") } // X, b/139326806

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✅ EditText editText.doOnTextChanged { text, start, count, after -> … } editText.setOnEditorActionListener { textView, i, keyEvent -> … } TextField( value = text, onValueChange = { text -> ... }, placeholder = { Text("hint") }, keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions( keyboardType = KeyboardType.Number, imeAction = ImeAction.Done ), keyboardActions = KeyboardActions(onDone = { ... }), )

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✅ Button @style/Widget.MaterialComponents.Button" @style/Widget.MaterialComponents.Button.UnelevatedButton" @style/Widget.MaterialComponents.Button.OutlinedButton" @style/Widget.MaterialComponents.Button.TextButton" Button(onClick = { ... }) { Text("text") } Button {} Button(elevation = null) {} OutlinedButton {} TextButton {}

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⚠ ImageView Image( painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.icon), colorFilter = ColorFilter.tint(Color.Red), contentScale = ContentScale.Inside, // X, b/196358649 )

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✅ ImageButton val source = remember { MutableInteractionSource() } val pressed by source.collectIsPressedAsState() val iconResId = if (pressed) { R.drawable.pressed } else { R.drawable.normal } IconButton( onClick = { ... }, interactionSource = source ) { Icon(painterResource(id = iconResId)) }

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✅ CheckBox checkBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener { compoundButton, checked -> ... } Checkbox( checked = true, colors = CheckboxDefaults.colors( checkedColor = Color.Red ), onCheckedChange = { checked -> ... }, )

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⚠ ProgressBar android:min="0" android:max="100" android:progress="1" android:secondaryProgress="10" /> CircularProgressIndicator() LinearProgressIndicator() LinearProgressIndicator( // min: 0f // max: 1f progress = 0.01f, // X )

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⚠ SeekBar seekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener( object : SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener { override fun onProgressChanged( seekBar: SeekBar, progress: Int, fromUser: Boolean ) { ... } }) Slider( valueRange = 0f..100f, steps = 1, value = 1f, // X // X, b/195042785 onValueChange = { offset -> ... }, )

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⚠ Custom View: Canvas class CanvasView(...) : View(...) { override fun draw(canvas: Canvas) { super.draw(canvas) canvas.withTranslation(x = width / 5f) { withRotation(degrees = 45F) { drawRect(...) } } drawable.draw(canvas) } } Canvas(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) { val canvasSize = size val canvasWidth = size.width val canvasHeight = size.height withTransform({ translate(left = canvasWidth / 5F) rotate(degrees = 45F) }) { drawRect(...) } drawIntoCanvas { it -> drawable.draw(it.nativeCanvas) } }

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View ImageView TextView Button ImageButton RecyclerView EditText ProgressBar SeekBar Space CheckBox WebView LinearLayout FrameLayout RelativeLayout CardView ConstraintLayout ScrollView ListView GridView TableLayout ViewGroup

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Column LazyColumn RecyclerView LinearLayout ModalDrawer ViewPager Modifier.scrollable() ScrollView ConstraintLayout BottomNavigationView ❌ RelativeLayout LazyRow Toolbar Box FrameLayout DrawerLayout ❌ AppBar TopAppBar Row ConstraintLayout View Compose View Compose ❌ - - BottomNavigation (BottomSheet) Scaffold CoordinatorLayout SwipeRefreshLayout ❌ b/194911951 ❌

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✅ FrameLayout Box { Image() Text(text = "text", modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center)) } Box(contentAlignment = Alignment.Center) { ... }

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✅ LinearLayout Column( horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally, verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center ) { Image(modifier = Modifier.weight(1f)) Text() } Row( verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically, horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center ) { Image() Text() }

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✅ ScrollView Column( Modifier.verticalScroll(rememberScrollState()) ) { ... } Row( Modifier.horizontalScroll(rememberScrollState()) ) { ... }

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⚠ RecyclerView val adapter = CustomAdapter(...) recyclerView.adapter = adapter adapter.submitList(dataSet) recyclerView.addItemDecoration( DividerItemDecoration(...)) recyclerView.itemAnimator = ... app:fastScrollEnabled="true" @Composable fun Sample(dataSet: Array) { LazyColumn { items(dataSet.size) { index -> Text(text = dataSet[index]) Divider() } } } // X, b/188855907, Divider۽ ؀୓ оמ // X, b/150812265 // X, b/182393097

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⚠ RecyclerView: LayoutManager android:orientation="horizontal" app:layoutManager="...LinearLayoutManager" /> android:orientation="vertical" app:layoutManager="...GridLayoutManager" app:spanCount="3" /> android:orientation="horizontal" app:layoutManager="...GridLayoutManager" /> android:orientation="vertical" app:layoutManager="...StaggeredGridLayoutManager" /> LazyColumn( reverseLayout = false ) { ... } LazyRow { ... } LazyVerticalGrid( // experimental cells = GridCells.Fixed(3) ) { ... } // X, b/191238807 // X, b/190787900

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✅ Card ... Card( shape = RoundedCornerShape(4.dp), backgroundColor = Color.White, elevation = 8.dp ) { ... }

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✅ CoordinatorLayout Scaffold( topBar = { TopAppBar { ... } }, content = { }, bottomBar = { BottomNavigation(...) }, floatingActionButton = { FloatingActionButton { ... } } ) // X, b/194911953 Tooltip

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⚠ Toast, Snackbar, Dialog, Fragment

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❌ Toast Toast.makeText( context, "message", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show() // X, ইې୊ۢ ࢎਊ оמ Toast.makeText( LocalContext.current, "message", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show()

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✅ Snackbar Snackbar .make( view, "Snackbar Message", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT ) .setAction("Action") { /* onActionPerformed */ } .addCallback(object : Snackbar.Callback() { override fun onDismissed( transientBottomBar: Snackbar, event: Int ) { ... } }) .show() val scaffoldState = rememberScaffoldState() val scope = rememberCoroutineScope() Scaffold(scaffoldState = scaffoldState) { Button(onClick = { scope.launch { val result = scaffoldState.snackbarHostState .showSnackbar( message = "Snackbar Message", actionLabel = "Action" ) when (result) { SnackbarResult.ActionPerformed -> { ... } SnackbarResult.Dismissed -> { ... } } } }) { ... } }

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⚠ Dialog AlertDialog.Builder(context) .setTitle("title") .setMessage("message") .setPositiveButton("") { ... } .setNegativeButton("") { ... } .show() // Additional Functions var isDialogShown by remember { mutableStateOf(true) } if (isDialogShown) { AlertDialog( title = { Text("title") }, text = { Text("message") }, confirmButton = { TextButton(onClick = {}) { ... }}, dismissButton = { TextButton(onClick = {}) { ... }}, onDismissRequest = { isDialogShown = false }, ) } // X, b/194911954

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❌ Fragment override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) outState.putString(KEY, value) } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) value = savedInstanceState?.getString(KEY) ?: viewModel.generateValue() } // Multiple back stacks fragmentManager.saveBackStack("notifications") fragmentManager.restoreBackStack("profile") val value = rememberSaveable { // Null X, b/196995035 mutableStateOf(viewModel.generateValue()) } val current = ... // "notifications" -> "profile" val saveableStateHolder = rememberSaveableStateHolder() saveableStateHolder.SaveableStateProvider(current.route) { when (current) { Profile -> Profile() Notifications -> Notifications() } }

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⚠ Interpolator, Animation, Transition

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⚠ Interpolator interface TimeInterpolator FastOutSlowInInterpolator() FastOutLinearInInterpolator() LinearOutSlowInInterpolator() LinearInterpolator() PathInterpolator(0.33f, 0f) // Quad PathInterpolator(0.33f, 0f, 1f, 1f) // Cubic PathInterpolator((Path().apply {...}) // Path AccelerateInterpolator() OvershootInterpolator() ... interface Easing FastOutSlowInEasing FastOutLinearInEasing LinearOutSlowInEasing LinearEasing // X, b/168854254 CubicBezierEasing(0.33f, 0f, 1f, 1f) // X, b/168854254 // X // X // ...

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✅ ViewPropertyAnimator val fraction: Float = if (enabled) 1f else 0f view.animate().cancel() view.animate() .setStartDelay(300L) // ms .setDuration(1000L) // ms .setInterpolator(FastOutSlowInInterpolator()) .translationX(lerp(0f, 100f, fraction)) .translationY(lerp(0f, 50f, fraction)) .rotationX(lerp(0f, 90f, fraction)) .rotationY(lerp(0f, 90f, fraction)) .scaleX(lerp(1f, 1.5f, fraction)) .scaleY(lerp(1f, 0.5f, fraction)) .alpha(lerp(1f, 0f, fraction)) .withLayer() val fraction: Float by animateFloatAsState( targetValue = if (enabled) 1f else 0f, animationSpec = tween( delayMillis = 300, durationMillis = 1000, easing = FastOutSlowInEasing)) Box(modifier = Modifier.graphicsLayer { translationX = lerp(0f, 100f, fraction) translationY = lerp(0f, 50f, fraction) rotationX = lerp(0f, 90f, fraction) rotationY = lerp(0f, 90f, fraction) scaleX = lerp(1f, 1.5f, fraction) scaleY = lerp(1f, 0.5f, fraction) alpha = lerp(1f, 0f, fraction) // ೞ٘ਝয оࣘ੉ ӝࠄ, b/193123882 })

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✅ DynamicAnimation val spring = SpringAnimation( view, DynamicAnimation.TRANSLATION_X ).withSpringForceProperties { dampingRatio = SpringForce.DAMPING_RATIO_LOW_BOUNCY stiffness = SpringForce.STIFFNESS_LOW } val targetValue = if (enabled) 100f else 0f spring.animateToFinalPosition(targetValue) val fraction: Float by animateFloatAsState( targetValue = if (enabled) 1f else 0f, animationSpec = spring( dampingRatio = Spring.DampingRatioLowBouncy, stiffness = Spring.StiffnessLow ) ) Box(modifier = Modifier.graphicsLayer { translationX = lerp(0f, 100f, fraction) })

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✅ ValueAnimator: Infinite Animation ValueAnimator.ofArgb( Color.RED, Color.GREEN ).apply { repeatCount = ValueAnimator.INFINITE repeatMode = ValueAnimator.REVERSE duration = 1_000L interpolator = LinearInterpolator() addUpdateListener { val color = it.animatedValue as Int view.setBackgroundColor(color) } }.start() val infiniteTransition = rememberInfiniteTransition() val color by infiniteTransition.animateColor( initialValue = Color.Red, targetValue = Color.Green, animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable( repeatMode = RepeatMode.Reverse animation = tween( durationMillis = 1000, easing = LinearEasing), ) ) Box(Modifier.background(color))

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⚠ Transition // FragmentA.kt override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) exitTransition = MaterialFadeThrough() } // FragmentB.kt override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) enterTransition = MaterialFadeThrough() } supportFragmentManager .beginTransaction() .replace(, FragmentB()) .commit() val screen = mutableStateOf("A") AnimatedContent( targetState = screen, transitionSpec = { fadeIn() + scaleIn() with // 1.1ࠗఠ, b/191325593 fadeOut() } ) { currentScreen -> when (currentScreen) { "A" -> ScreenA() "B" -> ScreenB() } } screen.value = "B"

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⚠ Transition // ViewGroup੄ Child View ݽفী ੸ਊػ׮ TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition( viewGroup, AutoTransition()) child.isVisible = show AutoTransition = Box { // пп ѐ߹੸ਵ۽ ੸ਊ೧ঠ ೠ׮ AnimatedVisibility( visible = show, enter = fadeIn() + expandIn(), // EnterTransition exit = shrinkOut() + fadeOut() // ExitTransition ) { Text(text = "child") } } // X, b/142451118

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❌ View Animation fragmentManager.beginTransaction() .setCustomAnimations( R.anim.slide_in_right, // enterAnim R.anim.slide_out_left, // exitAnim ) .replace(...) .commit() // X // X // X // X // X

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❌ Shared Elements fragmentManager.beginTransaction() .addSharedElement(view, "transitionName") .replace(...) .setReorderingAllowed(true) .commit() view.transitionName = "transition_name" class FragmentB : Fragment() { override fun onCreate(...) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) sharedElementEnterTransition = ... sharedElementReturnTransition = ... } } // X

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Compose۽੄ ੹ജਸ ળ࠺ೞӝ 03

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Jetpack ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ ✅ ❌ Activity ViewPager ViewPager2 Preference Navigation Hilt ViewModel Paging Emoji ConstraintLayout Wear Link:

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Jetpack ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ: ConstraintLayout ConstraintLayout { val (button, text) = createRefs() Button( onClick = {}, modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(button) { top.linkTo(, margin = 16.dp) } ) { Text("Button") } Text("Text", Modifier.constrainAs(text) { top.linkTo(button.bottom, margin = 16.dp) }) } Link: ConstraintLayout਷ ۨ੉ইਓ ઺୏ਵ۽ ੋೠ ࢿמ ੷ೞܳ ѐࢶೞ۰ח ݾ੸ਵ۽ ୶оغয, ۨ੉ইਓਸ ҳࢿೡ ٸ ࢎਊਸ ӂ੢ೞҊ ੓঻׮. Jetpack Composeীࢲח ۨ੉ইਓ੉ ઺୏غ؊ۄب ࢿמী ௼ѱ ৔ೱਸ ઱૑ ঋਵ޲۽, ConstraintLayout ؀न ઺୏ػ ۨ੉ইਓਵ۽ ҳࢿೞח Ѫ੉ ѐߊ ࢤ࢑ࢿҗ ࢿמ ݶীࢲ ؊ աਸ ࣻب ੓׮. MotionLayout਷ ই૒ ૑ਗೞ૑ ঋח׮.

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৻ࠗ ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ ✅ ❌ PhotoView Coil Glide Lottie Picasso ExoPlayer Accompanist FlexboxLayout

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Coil val painter = rememberImagePainter( data = "", builder = { crossfade(true) } ) Image( painter = painter, contentDescription = null, modifier = Modifier.size(128.dp) ) when (painter.state) { is ImagePainter.State.Loading -> { ... } is ImagePainter.State.Success -> { ... } is ImagePainter.State.Error -> { ... } } Link: Kotlin Coroutines ӝ߈੄ Android ੉޷૑ ۽٬ ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ. ׮ܲ ੉޷૑ ۽٬ ۄ੉࠳۞ܻח Jetpack Compose ૑ਗ ҅ദ੉ হ׮. ౠ൤ Picasso(#2203)ח ؊੉࢚ ӝמਸ ୶оೞ૑ ঋਸ Ѫਵ۽ ࠁੋ׮. Glide(#4459), Fresco ۄ੉࠳۞ܻܳ ࢎਊೞח ೐۽ં౟ীࢲח Coil۽ migrationೞѢա (Migration о੉٘ ޙࢲ) Landscapist ۄ੉࠳۞ܻܳ ؀উਵ۽ Ѩష೧ࠅ ࣻب ੓ਸ Ѫ э׮.

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Accompanist ѐߊೡ ٸ ੌ߈੸ਵ۽ ೙ਃೞ૑݅ Jetpack Composeীࢲח ই૒ ࢎਊೡ ࣻ হח ӝמٜਸ ઁҕೞח ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ. ୶റ Composeীࢲ ӝמਸ ҕध੸ਵ۽ ૑ਗೞѢա, ৻ࠗ ۄ੉࠳۞ܻীࢲ ؀਽ೞח ҃਋ীח ۄ੉࠳۞ܻо ઁѢؼ ࣻ ੓׮. (ex. ୭Ӕ ੉޷૑ ۽٬ ۄ੉࠳۞ܻо ઁѢغ঻׮.) Link: • Coil • Glide • Insets • Permissions • Navigation Animation • Navigation Material • AppCompat Theme • Drawable Painter • System UI Controller • Swipe Refresh • Pager layouts • Flow layouts • Placeholder

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@Composable fun DrawDrawable() { val context = LocalContext.current val drawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable( LocalContext.current, R.drawable.shape // ) Image( painter = rememberDrawablePainter(drawable), contentDescription = null ) } Accompanist: Drawable Painter painterResource() ח BitmapDrawable ژח VectorDrawable݅ ૑ਗೠ׮. ӝઓী ࢎਊೞ؍ ৬ э਷ Drawableਸ ࢎਊೡ ࣻ ੓ѱ ೧઱ח ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ. ׮݅ , ୊ۢ ࢚కী ٮۄ ੉޷૑о ׳ۄ૑ח Drawable਷ ૑ਗغ૑ ঋח׮.

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Accompanist: Swipe Refresh val viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel() val isRefreshing by viewModel.isRefreshing.collectAsState() SwipeRefresh( state = rememberSwipeRefreshState(isRefreshing), onRefresh = { viewModel.refresh() }, ) { // list } SwipeRefreshLayoutਸ ؀୓ೞח ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ.

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Accompanist: Pager layouts // Display 10 items val pagerState = rememberPagerState(pageCount = 10) HorizontalPager(state = pagerState) { page -> Text(text = "Page: $page") } VerticalPager(state = pagerState) { page -> Text(text = "Page: $page") } ViewPagerܳ ؀୓ೞח ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ.

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Accompanist: Placeholder Text( text = "Content to display after content has loaded", modifier = Modifier .placeholder( visible = true, highlight = PlaceholderHighlight.fade(), ) ) Placeholder ӝמਸ ઁҕೞח ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ.

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੼૓੸ਵ۽ ੸ਊೞӝ • ӝઓ জী ੼૓੸ਵ۽ Compose ੸ਊೞӝ 
 • Architecture 
 • Accessibility 
 • Testing 
 • List of modifiers

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Issue Tracker: ੉ग ١۾ೞӝ / Star ־ܰӝ Link: componentid: 856989 → foundation 742043 → material 610764 → compiler / runtime 610478 → ui / animation

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Issue Tracker: ੉ग ١۾ೞӝ / Star ־ܰӝ 👆

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Summary • ✅ ؊ ੸Ҋ ૒ҙ੸ੋ ௏٘۽ UIܳ ѐߊೡ ࣻ ੓׮. 
 • 📚 ׮নೠ ҕध ޙࢲ৬ ௏٘ەਸ ా೧ ઑӘঀ ೟ण೧ࠁ੗. 
 • ⚠ ੗઱ ࢎਊೞҊ ੓ח View API৬ زੌೠ APIо ઁҕغח૑ ԙ ഛੋ೧ࠁ੗. 
 • 🚀 APIо হਵݶ Jetpack Compose Roadmapী ӝੑغয ੓ח૑ ଵҊ೧ࠁ੗. 
 • 👾 ӝמ/ࢸ҅ য়ܨܳ ߊѼೞݶ, IssueTrackerী ੉गܳ թѹࠁ੗. (زੌೠ ੉गо ੓ਵݶ ⭐ ܳ ־ܰ੗.) 
 • 💬 п੗ Compose ੸ਊೞӝ ੸׼ೠ द੼ਸ Ҋ޹೧ࠁ੗.

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Sungyong An Android Developer @fornewid Thank you! Slide: