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About Me Akinori Izumi JOIN I joined Yahoo! JAPAN as a new graduate COMPANY HISTORY 2012 - Web frontend FOHJOFFS 2014 - Backend FOHJOFFS 2016 - System operator & Manager 2019 - App engineer & Manager 2019 - System general load manager CURRENT Head of development responsible for the native application LIKE Camp / Basketball

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Introduction Super sales place a high load on the system. In this session, we will introduce the load measures and efforts related to loads on Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App.

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Agenda - About “Super PayPay Festival” - Comparison with server-side applications - Load balancing for Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App - Prepare for the unexpected - Conclusion

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Agenda - About “Super PayPay Festival” - Comparison with server-side applications - Load balancing for Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App - Prepare for the unexpected - Conclusion

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Super PayPay Festival? - What is Super PayPay Festival ? Large-scale campaign measures to be held simultaneously offline and online You can also save at Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping - Preparedness for system load Increased load on the system Countermeasures in cooperation with a team of load specialists Native apps are also covered

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Currently being held in November 2022

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Impact of Super Sale in App

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Impact of Super Sale in App In the past, load has affected app functionality. Stopped major functions Major functions of the application were suspended with the start of the promotional event. Stopped top page Top page module could not be displayed due to high load. Stopped native app functions Native cart and order history could not be displayed due to high load

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Agenda - About “Super PayPay Festival” - Comparison with server-side applications - Load balancing for Yahoo Shopping App - Prepare for the unexpected - Conclusion

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Troubleshooting in server side application Image: Aflo

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Frontend Server API Server Data Base Troubleshooting in server side application Access Request Request

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.BTTBDDFTT Troubleshooting in server side application Frontend Server API Server Data Base

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Troubleshooting in server side application Completed only on the server side Frontend Server API Server Data Base .BTTBDDFTT

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Troubleshooting in client application Image: Aflo

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API 4FSWFS Data Base Troubleshooting in client application /BUJWF"QQ Request Request

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API 4FSWFS Data Base Troubleshooting in client application /BUJWF"QQ .BTTBDDFTT Request

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API 4FSWFS Data Base /BUJWF"QQ × Troubleshooting in client application .BTTBDDFTT Request

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API 4FSWFS Data Base /BUJWF"QQ Update required Submit Troubleshooting in client application .BTTBDDFTT Request

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Troubleshooting in Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App Failure notification Hiding modules Emergency release Access control by app × × ただいま障害が発生しています クーポン機能に障害が発生しています

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Issues For Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App - Update required Emergency release is not available Bugs will remain - App engineers will be on the sidelines Fewer means of app Request a server-side engineer

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Agenda - About “Super PayPay Festival” - Comparison with server-side applications - Load balancing for Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App - Prepare for the unexpected - Conclusion

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API 4FSWFS Data Base Load balancing for Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App "DDFTT"1*$BMM /BUJWF"QQ Focus on API communication load

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API 4FSWFS Data Base Load balancing for Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App /BUJWF"QQ External file API on-off .BTTBDDFTT

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API 4FSWFS Data Base Load balancing for Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App /BUJWF"QQ ᶃ3FBEJOHTFUUJOHWBMVF External file API on-off .BTTBDDFTT

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API 4FSWFS Data Base Load balancing for Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App /BUJWF"QQ ᶄ"1*DPNNVOJDBUJPOKVEHNFOU ᶃ3FBEJOHTFUUJOHWBMVF External file API on-off

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API 4FSWFS Data Base Load balancing for Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App ᶅ"DDFTT$POUSPM /BUJWF"QQ ᶄ"1*DPNNVOJDBUJPOKVEHNFOU ᶃ3FBEJOHTFUUJOHWBMVF External file API on-off Access control enabled on app

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API 4FSWFS Data Base Load balancing for Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App ᶅ"DDFTT$POUSPM /BUJWF"QQ ᶄ"1*DPNNVOJDBUJPOKVEHNFOU ᶃ3FBEJOHTFUUJOHWBMVF External file Request Frequency Access control enabled on app

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API 4FSWFS Data Base Load balancing for Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App ᶅ"DDFTT$POUSPM /BUJWF"QQ ᶄ"1*DPNNVOJDBUJPOKVEHNFOU ᶃ3FBEJOHTFUUJOHWBMVF External file API on-off Request Frequency App Developer

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External File { "host": "", "children": [ { "path": "/api/path/hoge", "limit": 600, "emg": false }, { "path": "/api/path/fuga", "limit": 0, "emg": true } ] }, { "host": "", - Simple json array • host • path • limit • For frequency caps • emg • For API switch - Multiple input

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External File { "host": "", "children": [ { "path": "/api/path/hoge", "limit": 600, "emg": false }, { "path": "/api/path/fuga", "limit": 0, "emg": true } ] }, { "host": "", - Simple json array • host • path • limit • For frequency caps • emg • For API switch - Multiple input

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External File { "host": "", "children": [ { "path": "/api/path/hoge", "limit": 600, "emg": false }, { "path": "/api/path/fuga", "limit": 0, "emg": true } ] }, { "host": "", - Simple json array • host • path • limit • For frequency caps • emg • For API switch - Multiple input

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External File { "host": "", "children": [ { "path": "/api/path/hoge", "limit": 600, "emg": false }, { "path": "/api/path/fuga", "limit": 0, "emg": true } ] }, { "host": "", - Simple json array • host • path • limit • For frequency caps • emg • For API switch - Multiple input

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What we have achieved Switching APIs Remotely Introduction of Circuit Breaker Benefit to Server Side Engineers

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Agenda - About “Super PayPay Festival” - Comparison with server-side applications - Load balancing for Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App - Prepare for the unexpected - Conclusion

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Unexpected load Critical Bugs Prepare for the unexpected Still, trouble will occur

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Display in webview Still, trouble will occur For top page Has the ability to open pages in webview

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Still, trouble will occur For item detail page Automatically opens a webview normal abnormality

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Modules Durability Countermeasure Campaign High No problem Ranking High /PQSPCMFN CVUVTFDBDIF Order History Low Simplified view View History Low Switch to another module Coupon Low Change to static module Still, trouble will occur Always take load measures

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Agenda - About “Super PayPay Festival” - Comparison with server-side applications - Load balancing for Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping App - Prepare for the unexpected - Conclusion

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The mind of a Native App Engineers - App engineers also have to deal with load Apps are the first system users touch Consider the app means Image: Aflo

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Image: Aflo - Remember to be aware of high loads Assume a high load Workaround Preparation The mind of a Native App Engineers

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Image: Aflo - Need to understand Backend system It's not just about Apps knowledge Considering the optimal solution The mind of a Native App Engineers

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Conclusion The mind of a native app engineers - App engineers also have to deal with load - Remember to be aware of high loads - Need to understand the Backend system We reduced the request over 10000 req/sec Image: Aflo

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Thank you for listening