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Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez [email protected] o ffi ce: 14 -227 CSC 307 Introduction to Software Engineering Lecture 08. Patterns in Action

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GoF Patterns 3

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Observer 4

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Singleton 5

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Composite 6

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Problem 7 https:/ /

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Solution 8

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Astah Quick Start

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File | New Create Diagram | New Class Diagram 10

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Tools | Java | Import Java 11

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Tools | Java | Import Java 12

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Tools | Java | Import Java 13

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Drag your Classes to the Diagram 14

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Drag your Classes to the Diagram 15 Missing Connections Wrong relationships The "X" Missing Library Classes

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Right Click on a Class 16 Missing Connections Wrong relationships The "X" Missing Library Classes

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Show Related Elements 17 Missing Connections Wrong relationships The "X" Missing Library Classes

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Right Click on an Interface (Circles) 18 Missing Connections Wrong relationships The "X" Missing Library Classes

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Show Related Elements 19 Missing Connections Wrong relationships The "X"

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Right Click on the Line (near the X) 20 Missing Connections Wrong relationships The "X"

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Navigation | Unspeci f ied 21 Missing Connections Wrong relationships

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Right Click on the Line 22 Missing Connections Wrong relationships

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Aggregate 23 Missing Connections

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Toolbar 24 Missing Connections

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Add Associations 25

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(Select all shapes) then click on then menu Alignment 26

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Auto Layout 27

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Notes on Decorator | Composite

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Problem 29

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Inheritance Approach 30

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Inheritance Approach 31

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Inheritance Approach 32

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Decorator | Composite 33

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Decorator vs Inheritance • Both a llow you to ch a nge how a n object beh a ves. • The decor a tor p a ttern a llows you to extend (decor a te) the function a lity of a n object a t runtime. • Inherit a nce a dds beh a vior a t compil a tion time. 34

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Connecting the Dots

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Application 36

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Application | GUI 37 Main JFrame ChartPanel JPanel

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Application | Data Gathering 38 Main JFrame ChartPanel Thread Genius JPanel

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Application | Observer 39 Main JFrame ChartPanel Thread <> Board Genius JPanel PropertyChange Listener PropertyChange Support

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MarkerDecoratorShadow MarkerDecoratorDot MarkerSimple Application | Decorator 40 MarkerDecoratorDot MarkerSimple MarkerSimple

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Main 41

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Genius | Runnable 42

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Board | Singleton, Observable 43

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ChartPanel | Observer 44

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Marker | Decorator 45

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MarkerDecorator | Decorator 46

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MarkerDecoratorBar | Decorator 47

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MarkerDecoratorDot | Decorator 48

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MarkerSimple | Decorator 49

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Note 50 UML Class Diagram

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Questions 51

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Lab 08. Decorator

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Homework 1. Let’s add Decorations to our Shapes

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Shape Decorator 54 New 1st-click 2nd-click 3rd-click 4th-click

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Shape Decorator 55 New 1st-click 2nd-click 3rd-click 4th-click

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Shape Decorator 56 New 1st-click 2nd-click 3rd-click

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GUI 57

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One More Thing

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SVG 59 Always the first lines. Numbers are the size of your screen (picture) Always the last line rect The x of the top-left corner The y of the top-left corner The width of the rectangle. The height of the rectangle Color ellipse, The x-axis center of the ellipse The y-axis center of the ellipse The x radius of the ellipse The y radius of the ellipse Color

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SVG | Example 60

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Homework 61 Paint App 3.0 PS. Generating SVG could be great, but just creating text is OK such as:

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GUI 62

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Let’s Work 63 https:/ /

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CSC 307 Introduction to Software Engineering Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ph.D. [email protected] Summer 2024 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC307 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.