About me
• @Quramy (Yosuke Kurami)
• Frontend Web Developer at WACUL INC.
• develop SPA with Angular(1 and 2)
• Maintaining a Vim plugin for TypeScript
• http://vimawesome.com/plugin/tsuquyomi
• I don’t use nor know Wordpress.
AngularJS is not fast
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“Compilation” in Angular
• Angular has “template compiler”:
• creates functions optimized for
manipulating DOM, to defeat VDOM.
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Compilation is too heavy
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No content
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No content
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JiT v.s. AoT
• JiT(Just in Time) Compilation [Default]:
• Linking functions generated at run-time.
• AoT(Ahead of Time) Compilation:
• Linking functions generated at your build.
• You can use compiler-cli(ngc)
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Demonstration of AoT
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Beyond the AoT
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bundle.js, it’s too large
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Limitation of JavaScript
• Static types allow more optimization
• TypeScript(statically type language)
• Google Closure Compiler has annotated-
based minifier
• So, TypeScript + AoT + Closure Compiler..?