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Francesco Tisiot - Developer Advocate @ftisiot Get to Know Apache Kafka with Jupyter Notebooks

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Why Jupyter Notebooks

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Title Text Markdown Text Images Executable Code

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Title Text https:/ /

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Why Apache Kafka

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Event-Driven Applications

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io What is an Event

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Why Event Driven?

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io What is Kafka Topic A Topic B 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Distributed Brokers Replication Factor 3 2

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io What’s a Kafka Event? <"temp_max", 35.3> <{ shop: "Mario's Pizza", phone_line: 3 } { orderId: 123456 name: "Andrea Pirlo", pizzas: [ { pizza: "Margherita", additionalToppings: ["Tuna","Onions","Ham"] }, ... ] } , >

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Write to Kafka Producer Topic A Hostname + Port Authentication Encoding

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Read from Kafka Hostname + Port Authentication Decoding Topic Name(s) Consumer Offset 0 1 2 3

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Pizza Demo!

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Log Size

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Topic Partitions

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Selecting the Partition Same Key Same Partition

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Topic Partitions 2 1 3 2 1 3 Partition 0 Partition 1 Guaranteed per Partition

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Scaling Out P1 P2 P3 C1 C2

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Partitions Demo!

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Multiple Applications C1 C2 Consumer Group 1 CX Consumer Group 2

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Kafka Connect Kafka Connect Kafka Connect

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io References https:/ / https:/ / @ftisiot https:/ /

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@ftisiot | @aiven_io Title Text