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Dialog CLARICE: Benny, look!
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Dialog CLARICE: Benny, look!
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Dialog CLARICE: Benny, look!
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Dialog CLARICE: I finally got it!
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Dialog BENNY: What? Clarice!
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Dialog BENNY: What is it?
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Dialog BENNY: What is it?
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Dialog BENNY: You're moving it around too fast!
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Dialog CLARICE: My special item!
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Dialog CLARICE: Myyyyyy...
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Dialog CLARICE: Myyyyyy...
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Dialog CLARICE: Myyyyyy...
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Dialog CLARICE: ...WAND!
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Dialog CLARICE: ...WAND!
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Dialog CLARICE: ...WAND!
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Dialog CLARICE: Mrs. O'Lantern saw I was brave enough to walk through the pumpkin patch ALL BY MYSELF!
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Dialog CLARICE: Mrs. O'Lantern saw I was brave enough to walk through the pumpkin patch ALL BY MYSELF!
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Dialog CLARICE: Mrs. O'Lantern saw I was brave enough to walk through the pumpkin patch ALL BY MYSELF!
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Dialog CLARICE: Mrs. O'Lantern saw I was brave enough to walk through the pumpkin patch ALL BY MYSELF!
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Dialog CLARICE: I did get a little lost though...
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Dialog BENNY: W-wasn't that... scary to do by yourself?
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Dialog CLARICE: Well... Yeah... A little.
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Dialog CLARICE: But then I remembered what Mom and Dad taught us!
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Dialog CLARICE: "Take a breath..."
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Dialog CLARICE: "Take a breath..."
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Dialog BENNY: "Make a plan..."
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Dialog BENNY: "Make a plan..."
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Dialog BOTH: "Ask for help when you can!"
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Dialog CLARICE: I did ask Mrs. O'Lantern for a little help...
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Dialog CLARICE: I did ask Mrs. O'Lantern for a little help...
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Dialog CLARICE: I did ask Mrs. O'Lantern for a little help...
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Dialog CLARICE: I did ask Mrs. O'Lantern for a little help...
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Dialog CLARICE: But I did most of it by myself!
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Dialog CLARICE: But I did most of it by myself!
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Dialog BENNY: That's really cool, Clarice... And your new wand is so special.
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Dialog BENNY: I'm supposed to get my special item right now too...
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Dialog BENNY: I wish I could ask for help. I'm too scared to go inside alone.
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Dialog CLARICE: You can ask me!
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Dialog CLARICE: I'll help you be brave, little brother!
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Dialog CLARICE: I'll help you be brave, little brother!
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Dialog CLARICE: I'm excited to see what magic item you get!
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Dialog BENNY: Thank you!
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Dialog CLARICE: Ready to be Benny the Brave?
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Dialog BENNY: Y-yup! I think so!
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Dialog CLARICE: Yikes... It's dark in here.
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Dialog CLARICE: Yikes... It's dark in here.
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Dialog CLARICE: Yikes... It's dark in here.
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Dialog BENNY/CLARICE: A g-g-g-ghost!
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Dialog BENNY/CLARICE: A g-g-g-ghost!
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Dialog BENNY/CLARICE: A g-g-g-ghost!
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Dialog BENNY: Wait...
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Dialog BENNY: Look, up there!
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Dialog BENNY: That's got to be my special item!
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Dialog BENNY: That's it! That's it!
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Dialog BENNY: That's it! That's it!
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Dialog BENNY: That's it! That's it!
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Dialog CLARICE: You can reach that, Benny!
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Dialog BENNY: Huh?
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Dialog BENNY: No, I can't. I don't know how to fly yet!
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Dialog CLARICE: It's okay, I bet I can use my wand to fly you up there!
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Dialog BENNY: Wait!
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Dialog BENNY: Clarice, no, it's too high!
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Dialog BENNY: I want to try something else!
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Dialog BENNY: *Deep breath*
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Dialog BENNY: *Deep breath*
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Dialog BENNY: Hmmm...
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Dialog BENNY: "Ask for help when you can..."!
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Dialog BENNY: Um, excuse me!
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Dialog BENNY: My name is Benny.
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Dialog LIBRARIAN: Hello there, Benny.
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Dialog BENNY: Can you help me reach that book?
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Dialog BENNY: It's too high up for me to get.
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Dialog LIBRARIAN: Oh, that IS pretty high up there!
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Dialog LIBRARIAN: It was a good idea to ask a grown up for help.
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Dialog LIBRARIAN: I don't think I've seen that one before... It must be yours!
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Dialog CLARICE: Wow, Benny! You did it!