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Optimizing tests in Ruby May 19, 2023 Presented by Takayuki Watanabe BaySide Tech Nite

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Who are you? ▶ Takayuki Watanabe ▶ Software Engineer (Launchable, Inc.) ▶ SNS ▶ Blog: ▶ GitHub: takanabe ▶ Twitter: @takanabe_w ▶ Expertise ▶ Developer Productivity ▶ Site Reliability 2

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Why are you here? 3

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Optimizing tests in Ruby 4 Today’s theme

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5 Plan CI/CD pipeline

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6 Test-heavy CI/CD pipeline What do you do if tests are the bottleneck in delivery pipelines?

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How many minutes(hours) can you wait for tests in CI/CD? 7 QUESTION

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8 Tests in different phases pre-merge post-merge pre-release minutes hours days E.g. tests running in pre-merge, post-merge, and pre-release Smaller size = smaller test suite Bigger size = bigger test suite

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9 Approach: Parallelization pre-merge post-merge pre-release minutes hours days w/ optimizations w/o optimizations Reduce time Reduce time Reduce time

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10 Approach: Parallelization in Ruby ▶ Use Ruby on Rails’ test parallelization (Rails 6 or later version + Minitest) ▶ Use third-party gems such as parallel_tests, rrrspec ▶ Use SaaS supporting parallel tests such as CircleCI

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11 Approach: Shift-left testing pre-merge post-merge pre-release minutes hours days w/ optimizations w/o optimizations Reduce time shift-left Reduce time Reduce time & shift-left

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12 Approach: Shift-left testing ▶ For Rspec, use filtering function ▶ E.g. grouping test suites into small, medium, and large or domain expert groups # To run tests only having :small tag $ rspec --tag small # To run tests only having :large tag $ rspec --tag large

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13 AI based approach pre-merge post-merge pre-release minutes hours days w/ optimizations w/o optimizations Reduce time shift-left Reduce time Reduce time & shift-left AI based test optimization is language agnostic and interesting as for new solution

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14 AI based test optimization like what Launchable does is language-agnostic AI based approach

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Thanks 15

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16 Launchable is hiring new members! ▶ We are hiring a few software engineers who want to work in English. ▶ If you are interested in the position, please DM me or reach out to me later.