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Only possible with Elixir UBOTS Case Study

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My name is Tymon Tobolski. I'm the one behind tesla HTTP library. Co-founder of UBOTS - Useful bots for Slack @teamon @ GitHub @iteamon @ Twitter

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Ruby ➡ Elixir (ASM, C, PHP, Java, Scala, Haskell, JavaScript, Go, Infra, ...)

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How to build something exclusively with Elixir?

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UI = JSON ‑ ‑ ‑ ! =

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Adam ! Development @ Ubots Head of Integrations @ Recruitee Kamil Marketing @ Ubots SRE @ Cabify

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Why we succeeded?

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Why we succeeded? We didn't quit our jobs We didn't move to Silicon Valley We didn't take VC money

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Why we succeeded? We did charge $$$ from day one We chose Elixir

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Developer Productivity

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Elixir is Extremely Stable

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Seamless Updates 1.9 ➡ 1.10 ➡ 1.11

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Best Tooling mix, hex, dialyzer, formatter phoenix live reload, mix ElixirLS

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!! != One Git repository One OTP application One Erlang release One Docker image + Two Developers ------------------------------ One Majestic Monolith

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Top-Level Modules lib !"" core/ !"" core.ex !"" core_web/ !"" core_web.ex Core CoreWeb lib !"" bdgt/ !"" bdgt.ex !"" lunch/ !"" lunch.ex Bdgt Lunch lib !"" queue/ !"" queue.ex !"" td/ #"" td.ex Queue Td

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This must be slow lib/ 21.000 LOC $ time mix compile Compiling 277 files (.ex) real 0m34.552s test/ 10.000 LOC $ mix test Finished in 17.1 seconds 18 doctests, 483 tests

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the BORING stack

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Old Patterns New "Framework"

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HTTP POST /events content-type: application/json { "payload": { "user_id": "U123", "team_id": "T456" "command": "/help" } } --- POST /events content-type: text/form-urlencoded user_id=U123&team_id=T456&command=/help Core.Bot %Context{ user_id: "U123", team_id: "T456", responses: [...] ... } # Actions %Command{ command: "/queue", text: "help" } %Button{value: "join"} %Shortcut{...} ...

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Ubots Slack "Framework" Web App Slack App Plug.Conn Context Struct params Action Structs Plug Middleware Phoenix.Router (Pattern Matching) Phoenix.Controller Controller Phoenix.View View

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Pure Functional Code

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View (pure function) defmodule Queue.Views.ModalConfig do def render(queue) do %{ type: "modal", blocks: [...] } end end

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Impure Functional Code (side effects are cool)

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Middleware (impure function) defmodule Core.Bot.Middleware.Logger do def call(ctx, action) do ctx end end

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Pattern Matching

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Pattern Matching in Actions ( ) def build(%{ "command" => command, "text" => text }) do %Command{command: command, text: text} end def build(%{ "type" => "shortcut", "callback_id" => callback_id }) do %Shortcut{callback_id: callback_id} end def build(%{ "type" => "view_submission", "view" => %{ "callback_id" => callback_id, "external_id" => external_id, "state" => %{"values" => values} } }) do %Submit{ callback_id: callback_id, external_id: decode_external_id(external_id), values: decode_values(values) } end

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Pattern Matching in Controllers defmodule Queue.Controllers.Main do use Core.Bot.Controller def call(ctx, %Button{action_id: "button_join"}), do: # ... def call(ctx, %Command{text: "join"}), do: # ... def call(ctx, %Button{action_id: "button_leave"}), do: # ... def call(ctx, %Command{text: "leave"}), do: # ...

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Macros (just some drops)

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Macros for Controller Pipelines defmodule Queue do use Core.Bot.Controller plug Core.Bot.Middleware.Logger plug Core.Bot.Middleware.Ignorables plug Core.Bot.Middleware.Duplicates plug Core.Bot.Middleware.Support plug Queue.Controllers.Main plug Queue.Controllers.Home plug Queue.Controllers.Workflows # ...

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Macros for DRY defmodule Core.Bot.Actions do use Core.Bot.ActionsBuilder defaction(Button, action_id: binary, value: binary ) defaction(Datepicker, action_id: binary, action_ts: binary, block_id: binary, initial_date: binary | nil, selected_date: binary )

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Processes & OTP

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Phoenix, Oban, ... got your back

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Unleashing the full potential setup do [ alice: Slack.user(), dev: ] end test "/queue", %{alice: alice, dev: dev} do alice |> go_to_channel(dev) |> command("/queue") |> click_button("Join") assert visible?(dev, "People in queue") end

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Unleashing the full potential

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Lax.Server (Single GenSever) defmodule Lax.Server do use GenServer # ... def handle_call({:get_channel, channel_id}, from, state) do handle_reply(Lax.State.get_channel(state, channel_id), from) end def handle_call({:access, action}, from, state) do handle_reply(Lax.Access.on(action, state), from) end def handle_call({:ui, action}, from, state) do handle_reply(Lax.UI.on(action, state), from) end def handle_call({:outgoing, ...}) do handle_reply(Lax.API.on(method, body, state), from) end # ... end ... The chery on top of all elixir features is the amazing community

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Friendly Community & Smart People

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Is this really only possible with Elixir?

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10 out of 10 boxes say: YES! ✅ Tooling ✅ Stability ✅ Readability ✅ Productivity ✅ Developer Experience ✅ Rich ecosystem ✅ Performance ✅ Scalability ✅ Community ✅ Great choice for business

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! Q & A ! Visit for Useful Slack Bots ! Sign up at for the Future of Remote Development ! Follow @iteamon on Twitter to stay up-to-date

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