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Avoiding food safety problems with Got Gastro (again) Lindsay Holmwood @auxesis

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NSW Food Authority

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Google Maps

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“Got Gastro is a mashup of the NSW Food Authority's name- and-shame lists for restaurants in NSW and Google Maps”

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A bit of fun

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Got some traffic

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Updated it for ~2 years

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Problem: Requires the user to revisit

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Problem: Worked poorly on mobile

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Problem: Each offence mapped, even for the same business

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Problem: A pain to run and update

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Someone else will build something better to fill the gap

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Nobody had built something better to fill the gap

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What is the user need?

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“I want to know about food safety problems at places I’m about to eat at”

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“I want to know about food safety problems at places around where I live”

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“I want to find this information on the go”

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Where to start?

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Make it easy to find food safety problems near me

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Build it mobile first

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Make it easy to pull new data

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Make it zero maintenance

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Uses Google Maps Static API

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Renders fast, works well on mobile

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Slide 34 text scale=2&size=400x200&maptype=roadmap&markers=size:tiny%7C-33.8919166, 151.2138739%7C-33.8847775,151.2137523%7C-33.8886829,151.2080446%7C-33.892 3259,151.2165149%7C-33.8923259,151.2165149%7C-33.8896856,151.2076618%7C-3 3.884547,151.2084768%7C-33.8837079,151.2085498%7C-33.8837079,151.2085498% 7C-33.8930002,151.207172%7C-33.8921693,151.2054071%7C-33.881047,151.20965 77%7C-33.8806241,151.2165255%7C-33.8791106,151.2145712%7C-33.8923044,151. 2025287%7C-33.8815353,151.2049394%7C-33.8814504,151.2049785%7C-33.8783865 ,151.2151623%7C-33.883553,151.2022443%7C-33.883553,151.2022443%7C-33.8787 91,151.2075846%7C-33.880504,151.204235%7C-33.8810925,151.2033261%7C-33.88 10925,151.2033261%7C-33.8771202,151.213048%7C-33.8924879,151.2001664%7C-3 3.877776,151.207811%7C-33.8787251,151.2055233%7C-33.8776216,151.2077986%7 C-33.878744,151.2210719%7C-33.892862,151.199768%7C-33.87806090000001,151. 2060203%7C-33.8780379,151.2059122%7C-33.8791111,151.2039414%7C-33.8760258 ,151.2155317%7C-33.8775844,151.2054565%7C-33.8783271,151.2038526%7C-33.87 6374,151.207643%7C-33.8945331,151.2272117%7C-33.8945331,151.2272117%7C-33 .8777972,151.2036586%7C-33.8958665,151.2266756%7C-33.8954806,151.1992745% 7C-33.8764482,151.2049705%7C-33.9018909,151.2082339%7C-33.8767567,151.203 8831%7C-33.890977,151.1961836%7C-33.890977,151.1961836%7C-33.8753435,151. 2224574%7C-33.8833263,151.1949233&markers=icon: orZ4x.png%7C-33.888566,151.21314919999998&key=AIzaSyBxaCRguM2pvw9HOLybx5Z P6Cuo94KnJwg

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Rolls up offences under a business

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Visually call out businesses with many problems

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Pulls in data from Morph

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Got Gastro Scraper state scraper state scraper state scraper Zero human involvement

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Problem: Requires the user to revisit

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Solution: Let people know about food safety problems near them

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Solution: Adopt the Planning Alerts model!

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What’s changed since 2008?

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This type of data is more common

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Other states publish this information

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Tech makes it easier

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Morph makes it trivial to build and run scrapers

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Hosting is cheap and easy

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Mobile is the primary way people are using the web

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Think about the problem in the context of the user

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Users still need to seek out this information (email helps though)

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What about: Going somewhere you’ve never been to before?

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What about: And you don’t have an alert for the area?

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What other behaviours do users already engage in that we can hook into? (4sq? Facebook?)

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Differentiate low & high severity offences

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NSW publishes penalty + prosecution notices

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Most states just publish the equivalent of prosecution notices

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Prosecution notices are way worse

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• Fail to take all practicable measures to eradicate and prevent the harbourage of pests • Fail to maintain all fixtures, fittings and equipment to the required standard of cleanliness - previous warning given

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Food Act section 16(1) - fail to comply with the Food Standards Code between approximately 10 and 11 April 2014: Standard 3.2.2, Clause 6(1)(a) - fail, when storing food, to store food in such a way that it was protected from the likelihood of contamination; Standard 3.2.2 - did not maintain the food premises including fixtures, fittings and equipment to a standard of cleanliness where there is no accumulation of food waste, dirt, grease or other visible matter; did not ensure that the food contact surfaces of equipment were in a clean and sanitary condition; did not maintain food premises and all fixtures, fittings and equipment in a food state of repair and working order having regard to their use; and did not have a temperature measuring device that is readily accessible and can accurately measure the temperature of potentially hazardous foods to +/-1 degree Celsius; Standard 3.2.2, Clause 24(1)(b) - fail to take all practicable measures to prevent pests from entering the food premises; Standard 3.2.3 - did not ensure the design and construction of the food premises, to the extent that is practicable, did not permit the entry of pests and did not provide for the harbourage of pests and did not have a sewerage and waste water disposal system that will effectively dispose of all sewerage and waste water; Standard 3.2.3 - did not have floors that were designed and constructed in a way that is appropriate for the activities conducted on the food premises; were able to be effectively cleaned and unable to absorb grease, food particles or water; and you had walls and ceilings necessary to protect food from contamination that were not sealed to prevent the entry of dirt, dust and pests; and were unable to absorb grease, food particles and were not able to be easily and effectively cleaned. Food Act section 16(1) - fail to comply with the Food Standards Code on or about 10 April 2014: Chapter 3 - did not maintain easily accessible hand washing facilities including immediately adjacent to the toilets or toilet cubicles; did not have hand washing facilities connected to, or otherwise provided with, a supply of warm running potable water and not clearly designated for the sole purpose of washing hands, arms and face; did not maintain at or near each hand wash facility a supply of warm running water and soap or other items that may be used to thoroughly clean hands; did not ensure hand washing facilities are only used for the washing of hands, arms and face; and did not provide single use towels or other means of effectively drying hands not likely to transfer pathogenic microorganisms to the hands. Food Act S35A(1) - operate a food business from a food premises that is not registered with the registration authority council between approximately 1 July 2013 and 10 April 2014. Food Act S17(1) - fail to ensure that name was prominently displayed on the food premises which are used in connection with the food business on 10 April 2014. Food Act S19 - on or about 14 April 2014 contravened an order made by the registration authority on 11 April 2014 to put the food premises into a clean and sanitary condition, and alter or improve the premises as specified, by not affixing a copy of the order to a conspicuous part of the premises in such a manner that the order can be read by a member of the public from outside the premises. Food Act S19GB - between approximately 19 April 2014 and 29 April 2014 fail to give the Council written details of the name and of the qualifications or experience of the current food safety supervisor for the premises within seven days of being asked to do so by the Council on 11 April 2014.

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Add new data sets

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This is bigger than Australia

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What other jurisdictions are publishing this information?

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I need your help

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Find more data sources

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Help build more scrapers

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Lobby for better information (published, cleaner, more scrapable)

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Let’s avoid food safety problems, together

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I’m Lindsay

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Thank you! ❤ the talk? Let @auxesis know!