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Lessons learned observing in Microservices Matt Ho
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SoftLeader RD Matt Ho
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Move from Spring Cloud to Kubernetes native!
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好多 App, 平常沒事, But...
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Infrastructure 0
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Tracing App App App container platform
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Monitoring App App App container platform cpu/memory/VM heap … cpu/memory/VM heap …
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Loggin g App App App container platform
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Kubernetes on-premises
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原⽣的, ⼀裝好什麼都沒有!
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Tracing 1
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Using OpenTracing #
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Put tracing in response #
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App filter response request api add trace info
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Add tracing in logger MDC #
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App A log MDC
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Create your Spans #
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time Span A Span B Span C Span D 外部呼叫 trace
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Propagating messages #
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App A App B App C App D Queue Baggage
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App A App B App C App D REST gRPC Queue Enqueue Dequeue Baggage
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Monitoring 2
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Prometheus & exporters #
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- node-exporter - Hardware/OS metric s - cAdvisor - Container metric s - kube-state-metrics - Kubernetes Object metrics 環境類 exporters
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- blackbox - Probing over HTTP, HTTPS, DNS … - - Java app metrics 服務類 exporters
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Slide 44 text dashboards
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Logging 3
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Define logging format #
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JSON logging format
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Slide 48 text logstash-logback-encoder
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Append app information #
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app_name, app_version…
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ES index strategy #
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By namespace and date
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Forwarding logs from { … } #
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Fluentd Forward Log format OCP DockerSwarm Forward Other Cluster
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App App App App App App
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好多 App, 平常沒事, But...
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