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Sebastian McKenzie @sebmck

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myOldWeirdJavaScript(“whatever”); myNewTransformedJavaScript(“yay!”);

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var foo = function foo() { return bar; }; Source code

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AST Abstract Syntax Tree

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{ type: "Program", body: [{ type: "VariableDeclaration" kind: "var", declarations: [{ type: "VariableDeclarator", id: { type: "Identifier", name: "foo" }, init: { type: “FunctionExpression", id: { type: “Identifier”, name: “foo” }, params: [], body: [{ type: "BlockStatement", body: [{ type: "ReturnStatement", argument: { type: "Identifier", name: "bar" } }] }] } }] }] } Data structure

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Identifier Graph Variable Declaration Program Variable Declarator Identifier Function Expression Block Statement Return Statement Identifier

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List • Program • VariableDeclaration • VariableDeclarator • Identifier • FunctionExpression • Identifier • BlockStatement • ReturnStatement • Identifier

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Parser Turns code into an AST Transformer Manipulates AST Generator Turns AST back into code Parser Turns code into an AST Transformer and Generator Traverses AST and manipulates it via strings jstransform Parser Turns code into an AST

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Lexical Analysis Turn code into a stream of tokens Syntactic Analysis Turn tokens into a tree Parser Turns code into an AST

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Turn your code into tokens LEXICAL ANALYSIS

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foo = 1 + “bar”; What is a token?

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foo = 1 + “bar”; What is a token? Identifier Punctuator Number String 1. Identifier 2. Punctuator<=> 3. Number<1> 4. Punctuator<+> 5. String 6. Puncutator<;>

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SYNTACTIC ANALYSIS Turn the tokens into a tree

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class Foo extends Bar {} Syntactic analysis

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class Foo extends Bar {} pp.parseClassDeclaration = function () { let node = this.startNode(); this.expect(tt._class); = this.parseIdentifier(); if (this.type === tt._extends) {; node.superClass = this.parseExprSubscripts(); }; node.body = this.parseClassBody(); return this.finishNode(node, "ClassDeclaration"); }; Identifier Punctuator Keyword 1. Keyword 2. Identifier 3. Keyword 4. Identifier 5. Punctuator<{> 6. Punctuator<}> Syntactic analysis

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pp.parseClassDeclaration = function () { let node = this.startNode(); this.expect(tt._class); = this.parseIdentifier(); if (this.type === tt._extends) {; node.superClass = this.parseExprSubscripts(); }; node.body = this.parseClassBody(); return this.finishNode(node, "ClassDeclaration"); }; 1. Keyword 2. Identifier 3. Keyword 4. Identifier 5. Punctuator<{> 6. Punctuator<}> Syntactic analysis

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pp.parseClassDeclaration = function () { let node = this.startNode(); this.expect(tt._class); = this.parseIdentifier(); if (this.type === tt._extends) {; node.superClass = this.parseExprSubscripts(); }; node.body = this.parseClassBody(); return this.finishNode(node, "ClassDeclaration"); }; 1. Keyword 2. Identifier 3. Keyword 4. Identifier 5. Punctuator<{> 6. Punctuator<}> Syntactic analysis

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pp.parseClassDeclaration = function () { let node = this.startNode(); this.expect(tt._class); = this.parseIdentifier(); if (this.type === tt._extends) {; node.superClass = this.parseExprSubscripts(); }; node.body = this.parseClassBody(); return this.finishNode(node, "ClassDeclaration"); }; 1. Keyword 2. Identifier 3. Keyword 4. Identifier 5. Punctuator<{> 6. Punctuator<}> Syntactic analysis

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pp.parseClassDeclaration = function () { let node = this.startNode(); this.expect(tt._class); = this.parseIdentifier(); if (this.type === tt._extends) {; node.superClass = this.parseExprSubscripts(); }; node.body = this.parseClassBody(); return this.finishNode(node, "ClassDeclaration"); }; 1. Keyword 2. Identifier 3. Keyword 4. Identifier 5. Punctuator<{> 6. Punctuator<}> Syntactic analysis

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pp.parseClassDeclaration = function () { let node = this.startNode(); this.expect(tt._class); = this.parseIdentifier(); if (this.type === tt._extends) {; node.superClass = this.parseExprSubscripts(); }; node.body = this.parseClassBody(); return this.finishNode(node, "ClassDeclaration"); }; 1. Keyword 2. Identifier 3. Keyword 4. Identifier 5. Punctuator<{> 6. Punctuator<}> Syntactic analysis

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pp.parseClassDeclaration = function () { let node = this.startNode(); this.expect(tt._class); = this.parseIdentifier(); if (this.type === tt._extends) {; node.superClass = this.parseExprSubscripts(); }; node.body = this.parseClassBody(); return this.finishNode(node, "ClassDeclaration"); }; 1. Keyword 2. Identifier 3. Keyword 4. Identifier 5. Punctuator<{> 6. Punctuator<}> Syntactic analysis

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pp.parseClassDeclaration = function () { let node = this.startNode(); this.expect(tt._class); = this.parseIdentifier(); if (this.type === tt._extends) {; node.superClass = this.parseExprSubscripts(); }; node.body = this.parseClassBody(); return this.finishNode(node, "ClassDeclaration"); }; 1. Keyword 2. Identifier 3. Keyword 4. Identifier 5. Punctuator<{> 6. Punctuator<}> Syntactic analysis

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pp.parseClassDeclaration = function () { let node = this.startNode(); this.expect(tt._class); = this.parseIdentifier(); if (this.type === tt._extends) {; node.superClass = this.parseExprSubscripts(); }; node.body = this.parseClassBody(); return this.finishNode(node, "ClassDeclaration"); }; 1. Keyword 2. Identifier 3. Keyword 4. Identifier 5. Punctuator<{> 6. Punctuator<}> Syntactic analysis

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{ type: "ClassDeclaration", start: 0, end: 23, id: { type: “Identifier", start: 6, end: 9, name: “Foo" }, superClass: { type: “Identifier", end: 21, start: 18, name: “Bar" }, body: { type: “ClassBody", start: 21, end: 23, body: [] } } Syntactic analysis

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Identifier Class Declaration Identifier Class Body Syntactic analysis

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Transformer Manipulates AST Traversal Visit the tree Static Analysis Infer what nodes represent

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TRAVERSAL Walking the tree

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Visitor • Controls traversal state • Interface for visiting, replacing and removing nodes • Consolidates visiting logic

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Traversal Visitor Variable Declaration Program Variable Declarator Identifier Function Expression Block Statement Return Statement Identifier

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STATIC ANALYSIS Infer what your code does by how it looks

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var foo = bar + “”; Type inference Variable Declaration Program Variable Declarator Identifier Binary Expression Literal Identifier

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Transpilation var [x, y] = [1, 2]; var _ref = [1, 2]; var x = _ref[0]; var y = _ref[1];

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Transpilation var [x, y] = [1, 2]; var x = 1; var y = 2;

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PATHS Bidirectional reactive AST abstraction

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Identifier Function Expression Block Statement Return Statement Identifier Unidirectional tree Variable Declaration Program Variable Declarator Identifier Identifier

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Path Path Path Path Variable Declaration Program Variable Declarator Function Expression Identifier

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Identifier Variable Declaration Program Variable Declarator Identifier Function Expression Block Statement Return Statement Identifier argument body[0] Root declarations [0] id init body body[0] id Bidirectional tree

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Path • Abstraction for dealing with node relationships • Constant, same-instance always • Reactive to tree changes - propagates updates

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CONTEXTLESS REPLACEMENT Transforming broken code

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Replacement [x, y] = calculateCoordinates();

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Path-based replacement var _ref = calculateCoordinates(); x = _ref[0]; y = _ref[1];

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Path-based replacement doSomething([x, y] = calculateCoordinates());

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Path-based replacement doSomething(var _ref = calculateCoordinates()); x = _ref[0]; y = _ref[1];);

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Path-based replacement var _ref; doSomething((_ref = calculateCoordinates(), x = _ref[0], y = _ref[1], _ref));

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Style Inference Retain input style in output Code Generation Turn the tree into code Generator Turns AST back into code

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Transformer Manipulates AST Generator Turns AST back into code Parser Turns code into an AST Lexical Analysis Turn code into tokens Syntactic Analysis Turn tokens into a tree Traversal Visit the tree Static Analysis Infer what nodes represent Code Generation Turn the tree into code Style Inference Retain input style in output

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CONSTANT ELEMENTS A React element is conceptually equivalent if all it’s values are the same.

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Constant value types function render() { return
; } render() === render();

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var _ref = React.createElement("div", { className: “foo" }); function render() { return _ref; } React 0.14 Constant hoisting function render() { return React.createElement("div", { className: “foo" }); } React <= 0.13

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INLINE ELEMENTS Building elements ahead of time

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Inline elements

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Inline elements ({ type: "div", props: { className: "foo", children: [ bar, { type: Baz, props: {}, key: "baz", ref: null } ] }, key: null, ref: null })

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class Counter extends React.Component { static propTypes = { initialCount: React.PropTypes.number }; static defaultProps = { initialCount: 0 }; state = { count: this.props.initialCount }; } Class properties

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function autobind(target, key, descriptor) { return { get: function () { return descriptor.value.bind(this); } }; } class Person { @autobind getFullName() { return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`; } } Decorators

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class Counter extends React.Component { tick() { this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 }); } render() { return
Clicks: {this.state.count}
; } } Bind syntax

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THE FUTURE • Dead code elimination/minification • Constant folding/static evaluation • Static analysis/linting

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Thank you!