Slide 15
Slide 15 text
The Challenge - Leaders Must Navigate the Unpredictable Future
V - Volatility
U – Uncertainty
C - Complexity
A – Ambiguity
“VUCA” coined in the late 1990’s, is a
military-derived acronym that was
adopted by strategic business leaders to
describe the chaotic, turbulent, and
rapidly changing business environment
that has become the “new normal.”
Leaders now face fewer problems with
neat solutions, and more dilemmas:
recurring, complex, messy and puzzling
“The Institute for the Future’s three-step
Foresight to insight to Action Cycle
provides leaders the tools to sense,
make sense of, and win within the world
of dilemmas and VUCA. It also provides
guidance as leaders face the constant
tension – a dilemma itself – between
judging too soon and deciding too late.”
V - Vision
U – Understanding
C - Clarity
A – Agility
1 – U.S. Army War College
2 – The Institute for the Future, 2007