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Optional tag here Best of Google I/O Android Announcement GDG Montreal

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Foldables & Tablets Multi-device

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Multi-device ● New emulator configuration for those devices in Android Studio Hedgehog ● Start optimizing for large screen devices Large Screens

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Components available different type of navigation depending of the ratio size

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● Better design for bigger screens ● How to optimize your Android app for large screens (And what NOT to do!) oid-app-for-large-screens.html ● Google I/O video : velopers Supporting large screens ressource

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Wear OS 4 in preview on Android Studio Hedgehog Wear OS Wear OS

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● New easier format for watch face Watch Face Format is a declarative XML format to configure the appearance and behavior of watch faces ● Watch Face Studio Export watch face design into the new Watch Face Format Watch Face Wear OS

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● Version 1.2 of Jetpack Tiles Library ○ Support for data bindings ● Add Support for Animation ○ You can use tween animations to create smooth transitions on changes to part of your layout, and transition animations can animate new or disappearing elements from the tile. Watch Tile Wear OS

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Android Health Health

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An on-device data store that provides APIs for storing and sharing health and fitness data between Android apps. ● Reduce API complexity ● Standardize data schema ● Centralized privacy controls Learn more Health Connect Health

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Android TV Android TV

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Why? ● Less code ● Intuitive ● Accelerate development ● Powerful & flexible New Material components for TV Learn more Compose for TV Android TV TvLazyColumn { items(contentList) { content -> TvLazyRow { items(content) { cardItem -> Card(cardItem) } } }

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What’s new in Google Play Google Play

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● You can now customize your listing for inactive users ● New Store listing groups ○ You can design for different audiences by creating a base listing Store listing enhancements Google Play

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*Need to draft a store listing in English* Google play will offer an AI helper where you need to enter a couple of prompts: ● Audience ● Key theme The AI helper will then generate a draft of listing that you can edit. AI helper in Google Play Store Google Play

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Starting with an experiment in English, and expanding later this year ● Show up alongside the app in search results ● Shows a rough count of how many reviewers have given a particular opinion Review summaries by AI Google Play

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An AI-powered coding assistant Studio bot Tooling

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Android Studio Hedgehog introduces: an AI-powered conversational experience What can it do? ● Explain error ● Provide code snippet ● Complete code ● Create previews for Compose Studio bot Tooling

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For now it’s free and only available in the US - Show studio bot via : View -> Tool Windows -> Studio Bot - Open a VPN to a server in USA - Login - Read documentation : iew/studio-bot Enable studio Bot Studio Bot

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Android Studio Giraffe introduces: support for new animation types and add non-bool values picker Animation Preview Tooling

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Android Studio Hedgehog New Profiler which shows power consumption on physical devices, segmented by each sub-system (such as: Camera, GPS, and more Power Profiler Tooling

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Android Studio Hedgehog adds: Android Vitals (number of occurrence and user affected) for crashes or ANR. It’s faster to navigate to code that causes crash and know how many users are affected. App Quality Tooling

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Android Studio Hedgehog adds: Recomposition state in the debugger so it’s easier to understand the cause of recomposition Performance Tooling

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New API The face mesh detection API generates a face mesh for detected faces, each containing 468 3D points and edges. ● Recognize and locate faces ● Get face mesh information ● Process video frames in real time Face mesh detection ML Kit

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Android 14 OS

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Privacy enhancements Android 14

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Showing a toast when an app detect that users are taking a screenshot. Similar to the clipboard toast Screenshots detection Privacy

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The location permission popup not display whether an app is sharing location with third parties Location sharing Privacy

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We can now grant partial access to photos and videos to apps. This is in addition to the Photo picker that was introduced last year and available to Android 4.4+ Partial access Privacy

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Gives you an animated peek at where you're about to go next to help you decide on continuing or staying with the current view. Predicted Back Gesture Android 14

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Thank You Laurence de Villers elle/she/her Android Developer @Transit