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How Voice Technology is Changing Customer Experience VUI should be the Ossekkai (おせっかい) engine

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Who am I? Tomoharu Ito Engineer @ Digitalcube.Inc Alexa Champion (2017) Twitter: @haruharuharuby Alexa Community Japan(Unofficial): Twitter: @aajugvoice

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Today’s Keyword To be (nice) Ossekkai (おせっかい) “Ossekkai” often named “interfering” in English. interfering: An interfering person gets involved in other people's lives in an unwanted and annoying way:

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1. Essentials of VUI 2. VUI approach 3. Case Studies Today’s menu Consideration from the Brain technology and UX design perspectives by differ GUI and VUI What changes of VUI approach to the customer Natural Communication makes solution direct

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1. Essentials of VUI Consideration from the Brain technology and UX design perspectives by differ GUI and VUI

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1: entrance The VUI provides another entrance for the customer

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Voice Technology is the Feeling Based Interface

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2: character Customer looks at your service through the Character

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GUI  VUI  I look at the service to how I can use for. I look at the service to how He( She ) would use for. How are we going to see the target

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GUI  To explore (understand) target by myself
 VUI  To get the advice for the target.
 ( Because He( She ) is expert. ) 

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Voice Technology is the Character Based Interface

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3: colloquial Colloquial communication helps understanding

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GUI  VUI  Literary Colloqually

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Voice Technology is the Conversation Based Interface

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4: Risk Colloquial communication sometimes become gambling

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Elephant and Rider Emotion move first. Sense will follow the emotion * Quoted from: The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion Author: Jonathan Haidt

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Voice Technology is the Big Fluctuation Interface

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2. VUI approach What changes of VUI approach to the customer

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1. “ASK”, “CHECK”, (then) “SUGGESTIONS”

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2. Appropriate Personalization No guessing. Start Knowing remember previous case memory current case will ask previous case next time (= app trouble and freeze) For example if the first visit of customers, VUI will say - May I help you? - What is your problem? I can help to solve it. - What item are you looking for? - Shall I look for them together?

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2. Appropriate Personalization No guessing. Start Knowing remember previous case memory current case will ask previous case next time (= app trouble and freeze) But the second time visit of customers, VUI will say - May I help you? Today what you want to ask me? - What is your problem? Is this the same problem last time? - How was the last time shopping? what are you looking for today? - Welcome again. Shall I look for them together too?

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contact center game hospital for children hotel formal informal (casual) informal (casual) formal formal situation formality tone pitch mid mid-high high mid mid-low mid mid-high high mid mid-low 3. Situational (Persona) Design

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3. Case Study Natural Communication makes solution direct

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workflow automation

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How Voice Technology is Changing Customer Experience VUI should be the Ossekkai (おせっかい) engine