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15 Polymer and modern web APIs: In production at Google scale + Matthew McNulty @mattsmcnulty +Taylor Savage @taylorthesavage +Eric Bidelman @ebidel +Addy Osmani @addyosmani

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The Polymer mission Image:

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A different perspective Image:

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Image: Matthew McNulty (me)

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Images of shipping containers everywhere Image:

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What’s this got to do with web development?

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IOWA Animating

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Custom and Interoperable

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What is Polymer?

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Polymer is not a framework.

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0 150 300 450 600 Time 3x FASTER

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0 750 1500 2250 3000 Time 4x FASTER

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0.5 1.0 35% LESS CODE 42kb 19kb -

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Faster, smaller, still awesome. Image:

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1.0 Features

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1.0 Features: Shady DOM

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1.0 Features: Theming

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Theming with CSS Custom Properties body { --paper-tabs: { background-color: red; opacity: 0.5; }; } Custom Property

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And that’s not all…

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Existing Frameworks Applications Web Platform Web Components Built with Polymer (or not)

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There’s an element for that.

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Elements Building blocks for a better web

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core paper

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core paper

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There’s an element for that!

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create a SPA - curious Polymer developer using web components? How do I setup i18n lazy load do routing

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There’s an element for that! - Matthew McNulty ( 20 min ago )

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@ebidel #polymerio @ebidel’s year

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@ebidel #polymerio @ebidel’s year

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@ebidel #polymerio @ebidel’s year

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Polymer 0.5

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OBSOLETE! 127,150 ++ 38,815 --

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// TODO: port to 1.0

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Google Santa Tracker 2014

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There’s an element for that! - Taylor Savage ( moments ago )

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… …

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Google I/O Web App

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@ebidel #polymerio

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App manifest, Custom Elements, CSS will-change,, Service Worker, offline caching & analytics, Push Notifications, Picasa API, a11y, ES6, , app HTML Imports, install banner, Polymer, , Google Sheets API , Google Sign-in 2.0, Google Drive API , WebGL, Web Audio API, Web Worker, Google Cloud Messaging, App Engine, YouTube, material design, Sass, Promises, Gulp, Go , Web Animations API, Vulcanize, Google Web Components, Web Starter Kit, Add to Homescreen, I/O web app specs

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+Eric Bidelman @ebidel lead +Jeff Posnick @jeffposnick service worker / notifications +Brendan Kenny @brendankenny WebGL globe +Alex Vaghin @crhym3 backend, API design +Ewa Gasperowicz @devnook page animations / router +Paul Lewis @aerotwist countdown / cheerleader +Rob Dodson @rob_dodson cheerleader #2

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Client-side templating SPA

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There’s an element for that! - Addy Osmani ( sometime soon )

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I {{mood}} JS I {{mood}} Py I {{mood}} Go 101

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page1.html page2.html I {{mood}} Py page3.html I {{mood}} Go var t = document.getElementById('t'); t.ref = 'js'; Template’s content is ignored when `ref` is set. That content is used instead. site_layout.html I {{mood}} JS placeholder content I {{mood}} JS

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{% template "masthead" .%}
{% template "content" .%} GET schedule.html Server renders markup on page load

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Dynamic HTML Imports Router.prototype.importPage = function(page) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { Polymer.Base.importHref(page + '?partial', function(e) { resolve(; }, reject); }); }; importPage('schedule').then(doAnimations); Dynamically loads containing the page templates. lazy loading Polymer 1.0 code

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Material design Web Animations API, Promises

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Zero latency is !(a thing)

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@ebidel #polymerio

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Animation flow promises, promises, promises Router.prototype.runPageTransition = function() { var startPage =; var endPage =; IOWA.PageAnimation.runExitAnimation() // 1. Fires ‘page-transition-start’ event. .then(runPageHandler('unload', startPage)) // 2. Run start page's unload handler. .then(importPage(endPage.pageName)) // 3. Fetch new page content. .then(runPageHandler('load', endPage)) // 4. Run destination page's load handler. .then(renderTemplates) // 5. Swap template refs to the new page's. .then(IOWA.PageAnimation.runEnterAnimation) // 6. Play entry sequence. .then(function() { runPageHandler('onPageTransitionDone', endPage) // 7. Tell page transitions are done. // Fires ‘page-transition-done’ event. }); }

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Offline first Service Worker

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Service Worker caching / offline push notifications background sync intercept requests offline Google Analytics

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First rule of offline: Let users know about offline

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1. Gulp 2. Service Worker 3. Resources versioned in build step 4. “Cache then network” requests are cached on-demand Usable offline

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Notifications Service Worker, Push API

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@ebidel #polymerio

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Unsupported browser :( Supported browser :)

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UX: enabling notifications 1. Bookmark a session 2. Get sign-in toast 3. Sign in 4. Enable notifications 5. Get confirmation toast

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UX: notifications disabled 1. Bookmark a session 2. Get confirmation toast with learn more

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Sending a notification More: service-worker.js self.addEventListener('push', function(e) { e.waitUntil(loadToken().fetchUpdates().then(function() { var note = { title: 'Some events in My Schedule have been updated', body: 'Polymer and modern web APIs:...', icon: '/images/icon.png' }; return self.registration.showNotification(note.title, note); }); });

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self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function(e) { var url = new URL('schedule#myschedule', location.href); += ( ? '&' : '') + 'utm_source=notification'; self.clients.openWindow(url.toString()); }); Re-engagement from a notification service-worker.js

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+Eric Bidelman @ebidel Google Santa Tracker app: src: Google I/O web app app: src:

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How do I draw a baby?

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Step 1

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Step 2

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Step 1.5

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We wanted to do better.

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Learnings from Web Starter Kit, IO 2015 and Santa Tracker

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Polymer Starter Kit

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Polymer Starter Kit

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Material Design

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App-wide Theming #303f9f CSS custom properties --dark-primary-color --light-primary-color --accent-color --primary-text-color #303f9f --dark-primary-color --light-primary-color --accent-color --primary-text-color

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Web App install banner Mobile Web defaults Meta theme colour

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Adaptive UI

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Image: Responsive breakpoints

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Material Design breakpoints

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Image: App templates

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Navigation Cards Layout

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Navigation List Detail

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List Card Over

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Offline-first (in your app)

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If your app doesn't work offline, you don't really have a mobile web experience. - Rob Dodson

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// While there is only one cache in this example, the same logic will handle the case where // there are multiple versioned caches. var expectedCacheNames = Object.keys(CURRENT_CACHES).map(function(key) { return CURRENT_CACHES[key]; }); event.waitUntil( caches.keys().then(function(cacheNames) { return Promise.all( { if (expectedCacheNames.indexOf(cacheName) == -1) { // If this cache name isn't present in the array of "expected" cache names, then delete it. console.log('Deleting out of date cache:', cacheName); return caches.delete(cacheName); } }) ); }) ); }); // This sample illustrates an aggressive approach to caching, in which every valid response is

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There’s an element for that! - Matt, Taylor and Eric ( moments ago )

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Polymer Catalog New Service Worker Elements Fe Iron Elements Polymer core elements Md Paper Elements Material design elements Pt Service Worker Service Worker elements

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Service Worker caching Take your app offline with ease

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Production-ising Apps

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Build process out of the box

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Live-reload and cross-device development

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Real apps

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There’s an element for that!

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Google Feeds Download RSS, Atom or Media RSS feeds

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There’s an element for that!

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Authenticate using Google, GitHub & other services

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Get and set data using the Firebase APIs [[]]

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There’s (of course) an element for that!

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There’s an element for that too!

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Push Notifications Stay informed of messages from your app

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Components for nearly any app, out of the box. Complete build chain for bringing your app to production. Flexible app theming using custom properties Responsive app layout boilerplate & routing Material Design ready

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There’s an element for many things.

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There’s an element for many things. What are you going to build?

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Polymer Starter Kit

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And this is just the beginning

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Polymer Summit September 15, 2015 Amsterdam

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@Polymer Thank You!

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COMMAND-LINE TIPS $ !! # run the last command executed $ sudo !! # run the last command as root $ ! # run last command starting with a specific word $ !:p # ^ list, but don’t run that last command $ command # execute a command w/out saving in history $ echo "ls -l" | at midnight # execute command at given time $ caffeinate -u -t 3600 # stop your mac from sleeping for 1h $ ls -lhS # sort files by size in a directory $ qlmanage -p # QuickLook preview from command-line $ top -o vsize # why is my mac slow? @addyosmani FOR MAC, BUT BASH TIPS WILL OF COURSE WORK ELSEWHERE.