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Modular Monolith Go Server with GraphQL Federation + gRPC @yuki.ito

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newmo Architect Yuki Ito @mrno110

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We are Hiring!!!

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Agenda ✅ API Architecture ✅ Go Modular Monolith (+ Monorepo)

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GraphQL + gRPC

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GraphQL + gRPC

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Why GraphQL? ✅ Ecosystem ✅ Federation ✅ Declarative

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Why GraphQL? ✅ Ecosystem ✅ Federation ✅ Declarative

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Evolution of API Architecture (by Netflix)

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Evolution of API Architecture (by Netflix)

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Evolution of API Architecture (by Netflix)

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Evolution of API Architecture (by Netflix)

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GraphQL - Direct Access

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GraphQL - Direct Access type Driver { id: ID! name: String! } type Vehicle { id: ID! driverId: String! }

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GraphQL - Direct Access ❌ Round Trips ❌ Aggregation Logics reside Web/Mobile side

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GraphQL - Aggregation

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GraphQL - Aggregation type Driver { id: ID! name: String! vehicles: [Vehicle!]! }

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GraphQL - Aggregation ❌ Initiative ❌ Independence ❌ Autonomy

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GraphQL - Federation

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GraphQL - Federation type Driver @key(fields: "id") { id: ID! name: String! } type Driver @key(fields: "id") { id: ID! vehicles: [Vehicle!]! } type Vehicle { id: ID! } type Driver { id: ID! name: String! vehicles: [Vehicle!]! } +

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GraphQL - Federation API Gateway Vehicle GraphQL GraphQL Federation (Apollo Router) Driver GraphQL Platform Business

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gqlgen type Driver @key(fields: "id") { id: ID! name: String! } type QueryResolver interface { Driver(ctx context.Context) (*Driver, error) } type EntityResolver interface { FindDriverByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Driver, error) }

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Go Components

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Go Components

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Modular Monolith ... splitting applications into independently deployable microservices is not without its challenges, some of which directly contradict the benefits. Towards Modern Development of Cloud Applications Google (ServiceWeaver) ... Write monolithic applications that are modularized into logically distinct components.

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Go Modular Monolith Application Component Component Component

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Modular Monolith - Application func main() { app.Run(application) } func application(ctx context.Context, a *app.Application) error { a.AddComponent("driver", driver.Component) a.AddComponent("vehicle", passenger.Component) return a.Run(ctx) }

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Modular Monolith - Component func Component(ctx context.Context, c *app.Component) error { env := new(environments) err := c.LoadEnvironments(env) db, err := c.GetDatabase(ctx) // ... c.AddGraphQLHandler(/*...*/) c.AddGRPCService(/*...*/) return c.Run(ctx) }

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Go Modular Monolith Application Component Component Component HTTP (GraphQL) Server gRPC Server

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We are Hiring!!!