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JRuby @ OpenFeint 黄志敏

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JRuby 给 OpenFeint 带来 了40%的性能提升

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关于OpenFeint ● 最大的移动社交游戏平台 ● 每分钟几十万的API调用 ● 去年被GREE收购 ● REE 1.8.7 + Rails 2.3.14

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关于我 ● 黄志敏 Richard Huang (a.k.a flyerhzm) ● 之前是OpenFeint资深工程师 现在是GREE咨询顾问 ● 活跃于Ruby/JRuby的开源社区 ● 个人主页 twitter, weibo, github: flyerhzm

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提高OpenFeint 服务器端的性能

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Railsconf 2012

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Not a Vendor Pitch: Real World Rails Apps at Massive Scale:: A Panel Discussion with New Relic, Groupon, Zendesk, Fanzter, and Uken

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Up and to the right – how Spiceworks is scaling 200 million requests per month

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Complex Made Simple: Sleep Better with TorqueBox

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REE 1.8.7 2010.01 + passenger 331 ms JRuby + torquebox 51.5 ms 禁用mysql sharding,background job和其它无法工作的部分 部署在qa服务器上,memcached, redis, rabbitmq和app server在同一台机器 ree没有优化gc

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fetch_friend_status OpenFeint基础设施 Load Balancers Web / App Servers Mysql Memcached Redis Rabbitmq ......

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fetch_friend_status OpenFeint基础设施 Load Balancers Web / App Servers Mysql Memcached Redis Rabbitmq ......

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fetch_friend_status OpenFeint基础设施 App服务器按功能拆分到不同的池 Load Balancers负载把请求分发到不同的池

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JRuby迁移策略 一个池一个池地进行迁移

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JRuby迁移策略 (优点) 人力投入少 更早地享受JRuby带来的高速 更早地发现问题 更快地积累线上运维的经验

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JRuby迁移策略 (缺点) 必须保证代码可同时在REE和JRuby下运行 增加了部署的复杂度

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yajl-ruby (x) hiredis (x) mysql => activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter

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typhoeus => net-http-persistent

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memcached => jruby-memcached

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启用 threadsafe

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JRuby往往需要更多的内存 JRUBY_OPTS=-J-Xmx2g jruby --client -S bundle exec rake test

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在开发和测试环境使用CRuby 在生产环境使用JRuby production

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Trinidad 基于 Tomcat Torquebox 基于 JBoss AS Mizuno 基于 Jetty Puma 新的ruby server

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Trinidad 基于 Tomcat Torquebox 基于 JBoss AS Mizuno 基于 Jetty Puma 新的ruby server (rack 版本问题)

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Trinidad 基于 Tomcat Torquebox 基于 JBoss AS (运行最快,团队维护) Mizuno 基于 Jetty Puma 新的ruby server (rack 版本问题)

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REE监控 NewRelic Scout

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JRuby监控 NewRelic Scout + JMX Monitoring Plugin Zabbix (没上)

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JRuby监控 命令行工具 jstat, jstack, jmap 图形化工具 jconsole, visualvm

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JVM 相关的问题

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内存无法回收 频繁执行Full GC 性能急剧下降

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ActiveRecord 2.3.14 线程池 不安全!

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ActiveRecord 2.3线程池 不安全! 线程死锁 吞吐量逐渐下降

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优化JVM Xms Xmx CodeCache codecache ......

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read action write action REE 1.8.7 2010.01 + passenger 448 ms 44 ms Ruby 1.9.3 p194 + passenger 374 ms 42 ms JRuby 1.7.0.RC2 + torquebox-lite 187 ms 38 ms 在备机上进行测试 连接产品环境的mysql, memcached, redis, rabbitmq等等 REE使用Twitter提供的GC优化

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热部署 touch /opt/torquebox/current/jboss/standalone/deployments/openfeint_pla tform-knob.yml.dodeploy 30s 左右的宕机时间 non heap memory 每次都会增加

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Rolling restart sudo /etc/init.d/jboss-as-standalone restart 1. 从LB中移除服务器A 2. 在服务器A上重启JBOSS 3. 把服务器A加回到LB中 4. 对每台服务器重复以上操作 零宕机

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性能提升 ~ 40%

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No content

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bug 18:29:03,515 ERROR [org.torquebox.core.runtime] (Thread-71) Error during execution: ENV['RAILS_ROOT']=RACK_ROOT ENV['RAILS_ENV']=RACK_ENV require %q(org/torquebox/web/rails/boot) : org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (LoadError) load error: haml/buffer -- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jruby/runtime/ThreadContext at org.jruby.RubyKernel.require(org/jruby/ [jruby.jar:] at ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadable.require (/home/deploy/rails_apps/openfeint_platform/shared/bundle/jruby/1. 8/gems/activesupport-2.3.14/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:182)

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期待invokedynamic带来 更多的性能优化

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感谢 JRuby team 感谢 Torquebox team

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谢谢 提问