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East Coast Oracle User Group November 5, 2024 Use Slack and MS Teams to observe and control Oracle Databases

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Database Reliability Engineering MAA ⁘ RAC ⁘ RMAN Data Guard ⁘ Sharding ⁘ Partitioning Information Lifecycle Management Exadata & Engineered Systems Database Modernization Upgrades ⁘ Patching ⁘ Migrations Cloud ⁘ Hybrid Automation DevOps ⁘ IaC ⁘ Containers ⁘ Terraform Vagrant ⁘ Ansible Observability AHF ⁘ TFA ⁘ CHA ⁘ CHM

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@ViscosityNA ChatOps and Service Culture

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@ViscosityNA Engineering has customers

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@ViscosityNA How many engineers does it take...

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@ViscosityNA The ugly side... • Development disconnect • Legacy application • Workload

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@ViscosityNA Legacy application

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Help Desk creates a new case and assigns the ticket to Development Development reviews the logs. They appear right. Marks ticket RESOLVED, Marketing is asked to confirm. Development investigates and confirms this is a known problem only DBAs can solve. Assigns ticket to DBA team. A marketing user can't activate a promotion, contacts Help Desk DBA team reviews the ticket, executes a script to solve the issue. Ticket reassigned to Development for review. Marketing confirms the problem is solved and closes the ticket.

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Help Desk creates a new case and assigns the ticket to Development Development reviews the logs. They appear right. Marks ticket RESOLVED, Marketing is asked to confirm. Development investigates and confirms this is a known problem only DBAs can solve. Assigns ticket to DBA team. A marketing user can't activate a promotion, contacts Help Desk DBA team reviews the ticket, executes a script to solve the issue. Ticket reassigned to Development for review. Marketing confirms the problem is solved and closes the ticket. Solving this involves the end user, help desk, developers, and DBAs. Multiple steps take time and impact external customers and internal teams.

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@ViscosityNA Service as a service.

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The Slack API interprets the command and passes the promotion code the backend which calls a PL/SQL package. The marketing user receives a confirmation in the #marketing channel that the issue is resolved. The package validates the parameters, confirms the condition, executes a fix, and sends a result via an OUT parameter to the backend. A marketing user can't activate a promotion. They invoke a command in the #marketing channel with the promotion code. The backend processes the OUT parameter, identifies success/ failure, and builds a response that's passed back to the Slack API.

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The Slack API interprets the command and passes the promotion code the backend which calls a PL/SQL package. The marketing user receives a confirmation in the #marketing channel that the issue is resolved. The package validates the parameters, confirms the condition, executes a fix, and sends a result via an OUT parameter to the backend. A marketing user can't activate a promotion. They invoke a command in the #marketing channel with the promotion code. The backend processes the OUT parameter, identifies success/ failure, and builds a response that's passed back to the Slack API. Securely exposes the endpoint to chat Automation validates and executes code End user empowered to fix issues when discovered Internal teams are no longer involved

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@ViscosityNA Database interaction

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@ViscosityNA Oracle 㲗 Slack: Slack Applications • Foundation for extending Slack • Message via web API, webhooks • Read messages via web and REST APIs • Reply via REST API • Create custom slash commands (/command) • Run bots • Build smart interactions

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@ViscosityNA Flask/Python translates the JSON payload into a PL/SQL call, sends it to DB via cx_Oracle Slack displays the payload in the channel Oracle executes PL/ SQL and returns a result to the client The user enters a command. Slack sends JSON via HTTP POST. Flask/Python app reads the result and returns a JSON payload to Slack via webhook. Many options for backends!

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@ViscosityNA /command configuration create user slack identified by ... grant create session to slack; create user appuser identified by ... alter user appuser quota ... on ; create or replace package appuser. ... grant execute on appuser. to slack; create synonym slack. for appuser.;

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@ViscosityNA /command configuration # firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=0000/tcp # firewall-cmd --reload # firewall-cmd --list-all public (active) ... ports: 0000/tcp ...

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@ViscosityNA /command configuration # yum -y install yum-utils python36 # pip install --upgrade pip # python -m pip install cx_Oracle flask # pip install Flask-API python-dotenv slack # pip install slackclient slackbot requests

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@ViscosityNA /command configuration import os import cx_Oracle from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def index(): con = cx_Oracle.Connection('slack', 'pass', 'localhost:1521/orclpdb1') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select 'Hello, World' from dual") col = cur.fetchone()[0] ...

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@ViscosityNA That was then

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@ViscosityNA DBMS_CLOUD_NOTIFICATION • Send messages from Autonomous Database to: • Email • Slack • Teams • Send database queries, messages to a channel • "Simple" output (text) • Query results attached as CSV Automatically gene tickets when appro

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@ViscosityNA Create a credential begin dbms_cloud.create_credential ( credential_name => 'SLACK_CREDENTIAL' , username => '' , password => ''); end; / begin dbms_cloud.create_credential ( credential_name => 'TEAMS_CREDENTIAL' , username => '' , password => ''); end; /

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@ViscosityNA Slack: Add ACL begin dbms_network_acl_admin.append_host_ace ( host => '' , lower_port => 443 , upper_port => 443 , ace => xs$ace_type ( privilege_list => xs$name_list('http') , principal_name => , principal_type => xs_acl.ptype_db)); end; /

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@ViscosityNA Send simple output begin dbms_cloud_notification.send_message ( provider => '' , credential_name => '' , message => '' , params => json_object('channel' value '')); end; /

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@ViscosityNA Create a query declare l_sql clob := q'[select ... from ... where ... ]'; ...

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@ViscosityNA Slack: Send query output begin dbms_cloud_notification.send_data ( provider => 'slack' , credential_name => '' , query => l_sql , params => json_object('channel' value '' , 'type' value 'csv')); end; /

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@ViscosityNA Teams: Send query output begin dbms_cloud_notification.send_data ( provider => 'msteams' , credential_name => '' , query => l_sql , params => json_object('tenant' value '' , 'team' value '' , 'channel' value '' , 'title' value '' , 'type' value 'csv')); end; /

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@ViscosityNA API Design

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@ViscosityNA Development considerations • Write modular PL/SQL • Use parameters and variables • Don't hard-code! • Generate logs starting with v0.1 • You won't add this later! • Who, what, when

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@ViscosityNA Design considerations • Use exception handlers • ... but not WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL! • Don't expose SQL—clean your inputs • Isolate code from users! • Isolate users from data!

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@ViscosityNA Design considerations • Limit resources through profiles • Avoid DDoS via chat • Don't assign the default profile • Control access via roles • Manage roles, not users

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@ViscosityNA Application roles • Limit permissions for the bot role • create session • execute on API package(s) • Limit permissions and roles for the API • Separate the application and data schemas • 18c+ Use schema users • <18c: No create session or connect • Easier to turn off roles than manage permissions in an emergency

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@ViscosityNA Secure applications • Limit application permissions • Limit applications to private channels • Validate users when necessary • Treat chap app development as a "normal" and formal project • Version control • Configuration management • Include chat app logs in regular monitoring operations

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@ViscosityNA Resources • Slack app quick-start: https:/ / • Teams developer portal/quick-start: https:/ / https:/ / • Presentation Code Samples: https:/ / • ngrok (SSL for development) https:/ /

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@ViscosityNA Resources - Autonomous • DBMS_CLOUD https:/ / • DBMS_CLOUD_NOTIFICATION https:/ / • Send email/chat notifications from Autonomous https:/ / • Say Hello from an Autonomous Database (Adrian Png) https:/ / •

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