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Weaving the Service Mesh . Reducing Microservices Architecture Complexity with Istio and Kubernetes

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#!/bin/agenda >> whoami && history >> for svc in monolithic; do micro($svc); done >> ./ >> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio >> kubectl apply -f istio-magic.yml

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>> whoami && history

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>> whoami && history

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>> whoami && history Oracle DB Oracle Forms J2EE WEB Presencial Web

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>> whoami && history Oracle DB Oracle Forms Presencial Web J2EE WEB SOA Entidades Externas

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>> whoami && history Oracle DB Oracle Forms Presencial Web J2EE WEB SOA Entidades Externas

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>> whoami && history +50% Trafico Web +30% Pagos electrónicos >2 millones de Cedulones CRECIMIENTO INTERANUAL

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>> whoami && history 2017

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>> whoami && history

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>> for svc in monolithic; do micro($svc) done

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>> for svc in monolithic; do micro($svc); done VERY UGLY MONOLITHIC SOFTWARE A B C D

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>> for svc in monolithic; do micro($svc); done A B C D

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>> for svc in monolithic; do micro($svc); done A B C D

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>> for svc in monolithic; do micro($svc); done A B C D

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>> for svc in monolithic; do micro($svc); done PAGOS ONLINE TRÁMITE S ONLINE % ERRORE S

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>> for svc in monolithic; do micro($svc); done ...

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>> for svc in monolithic; do micro($svc); done So many instances... Version & Environments Conflicts Deployment Resource Isolation & Utilization Resiliency Networking, Port Conflicts

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>> ./

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>> ./

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio Beyond Deployment ● Load Balancing ● Fault Tolerance ● Observability & Insight ● Monitoring & Tracing ● Circuit Breaking

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio Popular Open Source Tools ❏ Eureka - Service Registry ❏ Ribbon - Client Side LB ❏ Hystrix - Circuit Breaker ❏ Zipkin - Distributed Tracing ❏ Prometheus - Monitoring ❏ Grafana - Data Visualization

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio This is easy when... Single stack Framework w/ Spring Boot

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio This becomes more difficult... Multiple stack Multiple frameworks Polyglot Legacy

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio VERY IMPORTANT EXTERNAL SERVICES J2EE LEGACY

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio At the end of the day... Let Microservice A talk to Microservice B!

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio What is a Service Mesh? A service mesh is a configurable infrastructure layer for services. Allows service developers to offload the the network communication work and focus more on the business logic.

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio Services A Proxy MONOLITHIC

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio Microservices A Proxy MICROSERVICES Microservices C Microservices B

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio Microservices A SERVICE MESH Microservices C Microservices B Microservices D Microservices F Microservices E Proxy Proxy Proxy Proxy Proxy Proxy

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio SERVICE MESH

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio

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Services >> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio API’s

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio What is Istio? A Open Source platform to manage service interactions across containers and VM-based workloads. With key contributions from Google, IBM, Lyft and others Multi-environment and multi-platform, but Kubernetes first

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio The Idea of Istio ★ Visibility ★ Resiliency ★ Traffic Control ★ Security

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio Istio’s Architecture Istio needs to intercept all the network communication to and from every service. Envoy as Sidecar Proxy Logically split into two planes: The Data Plane and The Control Plane.

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio envoy Dynamic service discovery Load balancing TLS termination HTTP/2 gRPC proxying Circuit breakers Health checks Traffic split Traffic mirroring Retries Fault injection

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio The injected proxies represent the Data Plane

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio The Control Plane: ● Pilot ● Mixer ● Citadel

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>> kubernetes || service_mesh == istio

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>> kubectl apply -f istio-magic.yml

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>> if [ $QUESTIONS -gt 0 ]; then echo “$RSP” fi

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>> while true; do printf “¡Muchas GRACIAS!\n” done