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Intro to OmniFocus Matthew Bischoff

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But first…

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Getting Things Done Getting Things Done is a time- management method, described in a book of the same title by productivity consultant David Allen. It is often referred to as GTD. © DavidCo 2001

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Pretend your brain is a white board. Is it covered with to-do lists and “DO NOT ERASE”? 1 Jessica Kerr

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Open loops in a trusted system

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Projects A project is any multistep outcome that can be completed within one year. Any commitment within that time frame needs to be reviewed at least weekly.

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But really, what are projects 1. It has more than one physical action. 2. Its projected outcome is valuable, desirable, and well articulated. 3. I understand the project’s desirable outcome. 4. I’ve made some kind of commitment (external or internal)1. 1 43 Folders: A Year of Getting Things Done: Part 1, The Good Stuff

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What’s the next action?

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Actions An action is a physical thing you can do to move a project forward.2 Projects are made of up actions. Each project has a next action. Each action has a context. 2 See also 43 Folders: GTD: Project Verbs vs. Next-Action Verbs

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Contexts A context is the physical or psychological environment within which reminders and information are most effectively sorted for access. Examples: at home, at the office, high-enegry, at a particular meeting, with a particular person, near a phone, etc.3 3 43 Folders: A GTD: Project Verbs vs. Next-Action Verbs

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via Shawn Blanc

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No content

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Links via 4 GTD in 15 minutes 4 43 Folders: GTD 4 OmniFocus 2 Review 4 User Manual 4 Using OmniFocus Book 4 Inside OmniFocus 4 A Fresh Take on Contexts