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Deception From to Clarity Stephen Hay, dsgnday Amsterdam THOUGH TS ON DE CE PTIO N I N WE B DESIGN

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–DARW IN ORTIZ “People tend to see what they expect to see.”

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Design decisions.

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People who stand to gain something from you have motive to deceive.

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I ♥ Deception

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Principles, Techniques, and Ethics of Stage Magic and Their Application to Human Interface Design Bruce “Tog” Tognazzini (1993)

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–BRU CE “ TOG” TOGNAZZI NI “A trash can instead of a dialog requesting track and sector identification for zero-overwrite is simulation.”

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Benevolent Deception in Human Computer Interaction Eytan Adar (University of Michigan), 
 Desney S. Tan (Microsoft Research), Jaime Teevan (Microsoft Research), 2013

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Deception can be found in UIs all around us.

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Good vs Evil

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Stupid Patterns

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Dark Patterns

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“Roach Motel”

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Why people use dark patterns

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Rather than deceiving users, enable them to do what you’d like them to do.

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Deceit is the low-hanging fruit of persuasion

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–BJ FOGG “By focusing on simplicity of the target behavior, 
 you increase Ability.”

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A behavior model for persuasive design: Motivation Ability

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–DARW IN ORTIZ “The audience must never be made to work.”

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Clarifying techniques

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1. Use fewer props Add only the necessary to your UI

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2. Use a memory hook Be consistent

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3. Visually clarify the props Make it clear what everything does

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“Don't stand in the elevator 
 when sheets of paper are flying around 
 to the side of the elevator.”

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4. Visually clarify the layout (That says it all)

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5. Make the hidden visible If it needs to be there, put it there.

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6. Eliminate time lags Design for performance

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7. Eliminate interruptions Avoid distractions from the task at hand

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8. Procedural directness Design fluid procedures

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Delight vs Frustration :-) :-(

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–HENNING N EL MS, M AGIC AND SH OWM AN SH IP “…some deceptions are permissable, others are unforgivable. No one expects a poker player to tell the truth about the cards he holds. However, if you try to deceive by dealing from the bottom of the deck, you may got shot and will certainly be shunned.”

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Thank you! @stephenhay