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Shodipo Ayomide Senior Developer Advocate & Developer Program Manager - GitHub Star - Cloudinary Media Developer Expert - Community Evangelist GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO 02

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Deno is a Modern Secure runtime for JavaScript & TypeScript that runs on the V8 engine and built from the ground up in Rust. And supports TypeScript out of the box. 03 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO What is Deno

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Deno is secured by default, it doesnt have access to your local network by default, unlike NodeJS which accesses everything. 04 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO What is Deno

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Deno doesn’t have access to your C: drive by default for security reasons, unlike NodeJS which accesses everything. 05 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO What is Deno

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GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Installation 06 Deno ships as a single executable with no dependencies, so there is nothing like deno_modules :)

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GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Installation 07 Put in the specific comand into your terminal based on your operating system and get deno installed globally.

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Deno allows us to host files on remote URL's and execute them from the URL in your terminal. 08 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deno Serve (Remote URL)

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09 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deno Serve (Remote URL) It's as simple as running deno run and the url with the function we would like to execute in our terminal and we get a response.

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The display would be console.logged into your terminal how it is seen below: 10 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deno Serve (Remote URL)

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This is being console.logged into your terminal how it is seen below because that was what was instructed from the start: 11 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deno Serve (Remote URL)

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After the installation, we are going to write a simple function to create a new server with a response of Hello World listening on port:8080 12 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deno Serve

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13 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deno Serve Steps: - Create a new project folder called `deno-example` - Create a file called hello-world.ts - Write a simple function to serve hello world

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14 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deno Serve We are importing a package from a URL and serving to a port:8000. For visibility reasons we are also going to console.log the localhost url so we can access our server. And lastly create a for await loop which we are going to send a hello world message to.

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15 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deno Serve Deno dosen't have access to your local network "localhost" for security reasons, everytime you would like to execute a command you have to use a flag called:

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16 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deno Serve Now to get our server running you have to initiate the deno in the terminal by running: The official comand to get deno running is `deno run`, we also added a network flag to give access to our local network and we also added a route to the specific file we would like to serve.

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17 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deno Serve Once you hit enter, deno request's for your system's permission to allow or deny deno acces to your local network. Allow that.

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Once the network has been allowed, it is served instantly to port:8080 as seen below. 18 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deno Serve

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Click or open the http://localhost:8000/ host in your browser for your output and it should look like the below. 19 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deno Serve

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20 Making an HTTP request in Deno GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO We are getting some content using the fetch API and then console logging our response:

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21 Making an HTTP request in Deno GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO

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22 Making an HTTP request in Deno GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO

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23 Making an HTTP request in Deno GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Now as you can see we are fetching some data from the regular domain and it is giving us exactly what we want to avoid any bad code from coming in, deno is secured.

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24 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deploying your Deno app on Vercel (ZEIT)

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25 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO First you would create a folder called API and get our hello-world.ts file in there. Next, what we would like to get is the current version of Deno we are importing. Deploying a Deno app on Vercel (ZEIT)

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26 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deploying a Deno app on Vercel (ZEIT)

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27 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deploying a Deno app on Vercel (ZEIT) Next, In your root folder you create a file called `vercel.json` so we can create our vercel deno api function.

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28 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deploying a Deno app on Vercel (ZEIT) Once you have gotten your vercel.json file setup, use the now --prod comand in your terminal to deploy your deno app to production on vercel.

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29 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Deploying a Deno app on Vercel (ZEIT) The next step is to visit the production URL and view what was deployed and route to your api dirctory & file to preview.

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30 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Resources GitHub Repo: Deploy URL: Deno Website:

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Questions? Follow me on Twitter & GitHub @developerayo 31 GETTING UP TO SPEED WITH DENO Thank You! SHODIPO AYOMIDE | CITYJS CONFERENCE LONDON, 2020