Money Money Money!
Writing software
in a rich (wo)man's world
Dr Russell Keith-Magee
DjangoCon AU 2015
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Money Money Money!
Writing software
in a rich (wo)man's world
Dr Russell Keith-Magee
DjangoCon AU 2015
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Vested interests
as a producer
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Vested interests
as a consumer
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Absent of any other constraints,
given equivalent resources,
the free software approach produces
vastly superior engineering outcomes
than the closed-source approach.
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Absent of any other constraints,
‛given equivalent resources
given equivalent resources“,
the free software approach produces
vastly superior engineering outcomes
than the closed-source approach.
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The moral high road
is littered with
the corpses of our allies
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“ "Hi I'm an engineer at a well-funded
company and we need this feature can
someone implement it for free?" -- Every
FOSS mailing list. ”
Christophe Pettus (@xof)
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How do we pay the piper?
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Free software:
Dream vs Realty
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A thought experiment
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Pragmatic Freedom
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Patches welcome
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Blaming the user
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9 women can't make a baby
in 1 month
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Cathedral and the Bazaar
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Homesteading the Noosphere
The Magic Cauldron
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Use value
Sale value
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Use value
Sale value
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Use value
Sale value
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Access to developers
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Access to software
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Undermining your
value proposition
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Undermining your
value proposition
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Undermining your
value proposition
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Cost to the community
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Indirect cost to the community
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Indirect cost to the community
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Land mines
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A question of scale
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A question of scale
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Horses for courses
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Do you have to sell something?
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“ "How to make money from open source"
is like "How to make money from clean
water" or public education or science. ”
Pieter Hintjens (@hintjens)