Slide 1

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Learning Git with Workflows Mosky

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This slides 2

Slide 3

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This slides won't explain every options of Git commands; and the internal of Git. 2

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This slides won't explain every options of Git commands; and the internal of Git. will let you start to use Git immediately; and learn the common Git workflows. 2

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Mosky 3

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Mosky A Python engineer at Pinkoi 3

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Mosky A Python engineer at Pinkoi An author of some Python packages MoSQL, Clime, ... 3

Slide 8

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Mosky A Python engineer at Pinkoi An author of some Python packages MoSQL, Clime, ... A speaker at several conferences PyCon APAC 2013, COSCUP 2013, PyCon TW 2013, ... 3

Slide 9

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Mosky A Python engineer at Pinkoi An author of some Python packages MoSQL, Clime, ... A speaker at several conferences PyCon APAC 2013, COSCUP 2013, PyCon TW 2013, ... A Python trainer 3

Slide 10

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Mosky A Python engineer at Pinkoi An author of some Python packages MoSQL, Clime, ... A speaker at several conferences PyCon APAC 2013, COSCUP 2013, PyCon TW 2013, ... A Python trainer 3

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Outline 6

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Outline Setup Git 6

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Outline Setup Git Routine Core Secondary 6

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Outline Setup Git Routine Core Secondary Branching 6

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Outline Setup Git Routine Core Secondary Branching Remote Repository 6

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Outline Setup Git Routine Core Secondary Branching Remote Repository A Co-working Workflow 6

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Setup Git

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Get Git! 8

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Get Git! Ubuntu, Debian or any APT-based Linux $ sudo apt-get install git-core 8

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Get Git! Ubuntu, Debian or any APT-based Linux $ sudo apt-get install git-core Mac $ brew install git 8

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Get Git! Ubuntu, Debian or any APT-based Linux $ sudo apt-get install git-core Mac $ brew install git Windows 8

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Is Git there? 9

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GUIs are available 10

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GUIs are available Thanks GitHub! 10

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GUIs are available Thanks GitHub! "Github for Mac" 10

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GUIs are available Thanks GitHub! "Github for Mac" "Github for Windows" 10

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GUIs are available Thanks GitHub! "Github for Mac" "Github for Windows" Other 10

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Tell Git who you are 11

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Tell Git who you are $ git config --global "Mosky Liu" 11

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Tell Git who you are $ git config --global "Mosky Liu" $ git config --global 11

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Other Git configs 12

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Other Git configs $ git config --global core.editor emacs 12

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Other Git configs $ git config --global core.editor emacs $ git config --global merge.tool vimdiff 12

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Other Git configs $ git config --global core.editor emacs $ git config --global merge.tool vimdiff $ git config --list 12

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Other Git configs $ git config --global core.editor emacs $ git config --global merge.tool vimdiff $ git config --list $ vim ~/.gitconfig 12

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Other Git configs $ git config --global core.editor emacs $ git config --global merge.tool vimdiff $ git config --list $ vim ~/.gitconfig 12

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Core Routine

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Create a repository 14

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Create a repository $ git init [] 14

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Commit changes 15

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Commit changes $ git add ... 15

Slide 45

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Commit changes $ git add ... $ git commit 15

Slide 46

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Simplest Workflow 16

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Simplest Workflow (1) $ git init 16

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Simplest Workflow (1) $ git init (2) (modify file) 16

Slide 49

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Simplest Workflow (1) $ git init (2) (modify file) (3) $ git add ... 16

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Simplest Workflow (1) $ git init (2) (modify file) (3) $ git add ... (4) $ git commit 16

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Simplest Workflow (1) $ git init (2) (modify file) (3) $ git add ... (4) $ git commit # Back 2 16

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Simplest Workflow (1) $ git init (2) (modify file) (3) $ git add ... (4) $ git commit # Back 2 The end of the core --- it's super easy! 16

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Secondary Routine

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Check status of files 18

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Check status of files $ git status 18

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Check status of files $ git status 18

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Check what you changed 19

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Check what you changed $ git diff 19

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Check what you changed $ git diff 19

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Check commits 20

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Check commits $ git log 20

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Check commits $ git log 20

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Move between commits 21

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Move between commits $ git checkout 21

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Move between commits $ git checkout 599d439fd3813298da16f12ed40f3a0 716872c30 599d439 HEAD 21

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Name commit 22

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Name commit $ git tag $ git checkout 599d439 $ git tag v0.1 $ git checkout v0.1 22

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Reset to a commit 23

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Reset to a commit $ git reset Reset HEAD to . 23

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Make a "reverse" commit 24

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Make a "reverse" commit $ git revert Apply a "reverse" commit. 24

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Reset to a commit 25

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Reset to a commit 26

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Make a "reverse" commit 27

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Make a "reverse" commit 28

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master topic

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master topic HEAD

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master topic HEAD

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master topic HEAD

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master topic HEAD

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master topic HEAD

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Create a branch 32

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Create a branch $ git branch 32

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Create a branch $ git branch $ git checkout 32

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Create a branch $ git branch $ git checkout or 32

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Create a branch $ git branch $ git checkout or $ git checkout -b 32

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Delete and list branch(es) 33

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Delete and list branch(es) $ git branch -d Delete branch. 33

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Delete and list branch(es) $ git branch -d Delete branch. $ git branch List branches. 33

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Move between branches 34

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Move between branches $ git checkout 34

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Merge a branch back 35

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Merge a branch back $ git checkout 35

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Merge a branch back $ git checkout $ git merge 35

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No content

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Branching Workflow 37

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Branching Workflow ... 37

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Branching Workflow ... (1) $ git branch 37

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Branching Workflow ... (1) $ git branch (2) $ git checkout 37

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Branching Workflow ... (1) $ git branch (2) $ git checkout (3) (modify file) 37

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Branching Workflow ... (1) $ git branch (2) $ git checkout (3) (modify file) ... 37

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Branching Workflow ... (1) $ git branch (2) $ git checkout (3) (modify file) ... (4) $ git commit 37

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Branching Workflow ... (1) $ git branch (2) $ git checkout (3) (modify file) ... (4) $ git commit # Back 3 until finish "topic" 37

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Branching Workflow ... (1) $ git branch (2) $ git checkout (3) (modify file) ... (4) $ git commit # Back 3 until finish "topic" (5) $ git checkout 37

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Branching Workflow ... (1) $ git branch (2) $ git checkout (3) (modify file) ... (4) $ git commit # Back 3 until finish "topic" (5) $ git checkout (6) $ git merge 37

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Remote Repository

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Clone a remote repository 39

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Clone a remote repository $ git clone 39

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Clone a remote repository $ git clone https:// 39

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Create a remote repository 40

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Create a remote repository $ git init --bare 40

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Create a remote repository $ git init --bare or 40

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Create a remote repository $ git init --bare or 40

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Add, remove and list remotes 41

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Add, remove and list remotes $ git remote add can be a local path. 41

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Add, remove and list remotes $ git remote add can be a local path. $ git remote remove 41

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Add, remove and list remotes $ git remote add can be a local path. $ git remote remove $ git remote 41

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Push commits to remote 42

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Push commits to remote $ git push ... 42

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Push commits to remote $ git push ... usually is branch or tag name [+][:] : to delete remote reference. 42

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Pull commits from remote 43

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Pull commits from remote $ git pull ... 43

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A Co-working Workflow

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Three Principles 45

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Three Principles 1. master is production. 45

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Three Principles 1. master is production. 2. dev only includes stable and reviewed code. 45

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Three Principles 1. master is production. 2. dev only includes stable and reviewed code. 3. Create topic branch to resolve issue all the time. 45

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Three Phases 46

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Three Phases 1. Resolving Create a topic branch to resolve issue. 46

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Three Phases 1. Resolving Create a topic branch to resolve issue. 2. Reviewing Review the code. 46

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Three Phases 1. Resolving Create a topic branch to resolve issue. 2. Reviewing Review the code. 3. Cleanup Merge into dev and remove topic branch. 46

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Assigner: "We need to resolve this issue." 47

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Assigner: "We need to resolve this issue." Assignee: "Yes, sir!" 47

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Assigner: "We need to resolve this issue." Assignee: "Yes, sir!" Assignee (dev) $ git checkout -b topic 47

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Assigner: "We need to resolve this issue." Assignee: "Yes, sir!" Assignee (dev) $ git checkout -b topic Assignee (topic) $ (commit...) 47

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Assigner: "We need to resolve this issue." Assignee: "Yes, sir!" Assignee (dev) $ git checkout -b topic Assignee (topic) $ (commit...) Assignee (topic) $ git push origin topic 47

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Assigner: "We need to resolve this issue." Assignee: "Yes, sir!" Assignee (dev) $ git checkout -b topic Assignee (topic) $ (commit...) Assignee (topic) $ git push origin topic Until resolve, call assigner for review. 47

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Assignee: "I resolved!" 48

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Assignee: "I resolved!" Assigner: "Let me review." 48

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Assignee: "I resolved!" Assigner: "Let me review." Assigner (dev) $ git checkout -b topic 48

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Assignee: "I resolved!" Assigner: "Let me review." Assigner (dev) $ git checkout -b topic Assigner (topic) $ git pull origin topic 48

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Assignee: "I resolved!" Assigner: "Let me review." Assigner (dev) $ git checkout -b topic Assigner (topic) $ git pull origin topic Assigner (topic) $ git diff 48

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Assignee: "I resolved!" Assigner: "Let me review." Assigner (dev) $ git checkout -b topic Assigner (topic) $ git pull origin topic Assigner (topic) $ git diff If it is not good enough, call assignee to fix. 48

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Assigner (topic) $ git checkout dev 49

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Assigner (topic) $ git checkout dev Assigner (dev) $ git merge topic 49

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Assigner (topic) $ git checkout dev Assigner (dev) $ git merge topic Assigner (dev) $ git push origin dev 49

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Assigner (topic) $ git checkout dev Assigner (dev) $ git merge topic Assigner (dev) $ git push origin dev Assigner: "Good job!" 49

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Assigner (topic) $ git checkout dev Assigner (dev) $ git merge topic Assigner (dev) $ git push origin dev Assigner: "Good job!" Assignee (dev) $ git branch -d topic 49

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Assigner (topic) $ git checkout dev Assigner (dev) $ git merge topic Assigner (dev) $ git push origin dev Assigner: "Good job!" Assignee (dev) $ git branch -d topic Assignee (dev) $ git push origin :topic 49

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Assigner (topic) $ git checkout dev Assigner (dev) $ git merge topic Assigner (dev) $ git push origin dev Assigner: "Good job!" Assignee (dev) $ git branch -d topic Assignee (dev) $ git push origin :topic Assignee (dev) $ git pull origin dev 49

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End 52

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End Use branch! 52

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End Use branch! Workflow does matter. 52

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End Use branch! Workflow does matter. Git still has many magics. 52

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End Use branch! Workflow does matter. Git still has many magics. Tips: 52

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End Use branch! Workflow does matter. Git still has many magics. Tips: Q&A 52